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2� 1 ���438 <br /> �e} �]Vitho�t l�r�iting the general�ty of any other provision of this Agreement, within <br /> twa ��} Business I7ays after written request by HUD �r Lender, �perator shal� de�iver to HUD or <br /> Lender, as applicab�e, a�y financial or operati�nal reports, ar ather information re�a�ing to the <br /> perf�rmance �f the H�althcare Facility that HUI] ar Lender, respectively, each ir�its discretian, <br /> c�eems relevant t� risk ass�ssment, inc�uding with�ut limitat��n any Medi�are �r Me�i�aic� cost <br /> reparts. To the exter�t s�ch reparts or ather�nformatian indicate, in HUD's or Le�d�r's <br /> respect�ve deterrninat�on, that mitigating action is necessary in order to,preserve the P�rmits ar�d <br /> Appraval�s or otherwise to prov�de for operation of the Hea�thcare Facility in accardar�ce with <br /> Pr�gram �bligations, �perator�hall take such mitigating acti�n immediately. <br /> 4. PR�FE�SI�NAL LIABILITY INSUR.ANCE. �perator shall maintain, andlor <br /> cause t� be mainta�ned, pr�fessionall�ability insurance that complies vvith Program �bligations. <br /> Annually, upon such time periods as set forth in Pr�gram �biigations, �perator shal� pr�vide, or <br /> �ause to be provided, to HUI] and Lender, a certification of complianc�with such professional <br /> Iiability insuran�e requirem�nts, as approved by HUD. <br /> 5. C�NDITI�N �F THE HEALTHCARE FACILITY. <br /> �a� �perator shall ma�ntain in decent, safe and sanitat-�r ��ndition and gaad repair the <br /> Hea�th�are Facil�ty and any �ther parts of the Proj ect far wh��h �p�rator is respansible far <br /> maintaining pursuant ta any Barrower-�perator Agreement. <br /> �b� �perator sha�l not rernodel, re�onstruct, add t�, or demo�ish, without pr�or consent <br /> of HUD, any par� of the Proj ect or subtract fron� any reai ar personal property of the Proj ect, ' <br /> except in the ordinary course of business and v�rhi�h d� not rnateriaiiy impair the value of the <br /> Project. <br /> �c} �peratar shall n�t use any p�r�ion�f the Pr�j ect for any purp�se exc�pt the <br /> Appraved Use. <br /> . <br /> (d} �perator shall permit HUD andlar Lender, �r the designee �f either, t� c�nduct a <br /> physica� inspect�on of the Healthcare Facility at any reasonab��time upon r�asonab�e natice. <br /> (e} If the Hea�thcare Facility is an Assisted Living Facility, nn m�re than one person <br /> shal� occupy any residential unit of the H�althcare Facil�ty unl�ss �peratar receives priar writt�n <br /> consent from a�� residents �f such unit. <br /> 6. ��NSULTANT�. <br /> �a} If, based on review�f financial infarmation, state regu�atory communications <br /> andlar other data, HUD det�rm�nes that a Pr�j eet �perating Deficiency exists, HUD may <br /> provide �perator w�th wr�tten noti�e that the �perator must select and engage �at the �perator's <br /> e�pense and subord�nate t� aIl Reas�na�le �perat�ng Expenses of the Healthcare Facility}, <br /> within ten (1�} Business I�ays of such notice, the servic�s of a management consultant (the <br /> "�onsultant"� who �s not an Affil�ate with either B�rraw�r or �perator. The �onsultant must be <br /> a�pro�ed �n writing by HUD �up�n se���tion�f the ��nsultant, �perator will give notice to <br /> Previous versians obsolete Page s form H U a-924GfiA-�RCF �Re�. D612�'I4} <br /> Re�iac�s HUD-�24��-NHL <br />