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2� 1 ���438 <br /> def�ciencies, provided however, in no event shall �perator implement an.y reco�nmendat�ons that <br /> are in conf��ct w�th Pragram �bligations or otherwise not in c�mplian.ce with this Agreement or <br /> any other legal requirer�ents. <br /> �d} HUD's c�ecisi�n to r�quire or not require the engagement of a Consultant is within <br /> HUD's so�e d�seret��n a�d such decisi�n s�a�l not affect or�imit any of HUI]'s ather rights and <br /> remedies, nor cause HUD t� be deemed the op�rator of the Healthcare Faci��ty. <br /> 7. RISI�MANA�EMENT PR�GRAM. In accordance with Program �b�igati�ns, <br /> �perator shall implement and maintain a risk manag�ment program whi�h �nc�rp�rates a rea�- <br /> time incxdent report�ng and tracking system that inf�rms �perator's seniar management of aII <br /> incid�nts with the potential t� expose the �perator ta 1�abi�ity for p�rsana� �njury or other <br /> damages. Each incident must be rev�ewed by �perator's appropriately-trained prafessiona� staff, <br /> and such staff must fo��ovv-up on incidents as necessary. The r�sk management program must <br /> inc�u�e appra�riate train�ng far �perat�r's staff. <br /> �. N�TI�E �F VI�LATI�N AND EVENT �F DEFAULT. <br /> (a} Subj ect to subsection(c� bel�vv, upon any violati�n of any provision of this <br /> Agreement by �perator, HUD may g�ve written notice ("Notic� of Violat�on"�thereof to <br /> �perator, with a Copy to Borr�wer and Lender. �perator shal�have thirty (3�} days following <br /> rec�ipt of such notice in Which to �ure any such violation, provided that HUD shall extend such <br /> thirty �3�} day p�ri�d by such time as HUD may reasonab�y determine xs necessary to �orrect the <br /> vzolation f�r so �ong as, HUD determines, in its reasonable d�screti�n, that: �i� Borrower�s <br /> timely satisfying all payment ob�igat�ons in the Loan Documents; (i�} r�one of the Permits and <br /> Approvals material to the operati�n of the Healthcare Facility is at substantial and imminent risk <br /> af being terminated, suspended or otherwise restricted in such a way that such terminat�on, <br /> suspension�r restriction would have a materia�ly adverse effect on the operati�n of the <br /> Healthcare Fac��ity; (i�i) such violation cannot reas�nably he c�rrected dur�ng such thirty �3�} <br /> day per�od, but can reasonably b� c�rrected in a timely manner, and (iv� cure is comrnenced <br /> durzng such th�rty (3�� day period and thereafter diligentiy ar�d continuously pursued. If upon <br /> the expirati�n af such cure�eriod, th�violation has n�t been cured to HUD's satisfactian, HUD <br /> may, vvithaut further notice, de�lare an Event of Default. <br /> �b} Upon declaring an Event of I]efault hereunder, HUD may w�thout��m�tation: <br /> (i} Terminate or cause the t�rmination of any B�rrower-�perator Agr�ement, <br /> seek the appaintment�f a receiver for the Healthcare Facility, andlor <br /> require Borrower to immediate�y pracure a replacem�nt operator <br /> (including an int�rim operator where appropriate}. <br /> (ii} Apply to any court, state or fed�rai, for specific performance �f this <br /> Agreement, for an inj unct�on against any vialati�n of this Agreement, or <br /> for such other relief as may be appropriate. <br /> Previous versions vbsoiete Page 8 form HUD-924fi�A-QRCF�Rev. �61���4} <br /> Replaces HUD-9�4�5-NHL <br />