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2� 1 ���438 <br /> o�HUI�. In the event that any su�h a�terat�on, re�inquishrnent or termination is prop�sed, upo� <br /> learning of suc�pr�pased alterat�on, re��inquishment or te�-mination, �peratar s�ial� advise HUD <br /> and Lender promptly. <br /> tc} E�cept as otherw�se prov�ded be�ow�r in Program �b�igat�ons, �peratar shaYl <br /> elec�ron�cally deliver, wxthin two �2} Busine�s Days aft�r��erator's recexpt th�re�f, t� the <br /> assigned HUD pers�nne� and Lender electronically, c�pies of any and al�notices, rep�rts, <br /> surveys and other correspondence (regardless of form} rece�ved by �per�tor frnm any <br /> gavernmental entity that xncludes any stat�rnent, finding�r assertian that�i} ��erator�or any <br /> principa�, aff cer, director or em.p�oyee of�perator}, any management agent, the Healthcare <br /> Fac��ity, ar any p�rti�n�f the Proj ect is or may be in vi��ation�f ar defau�t under any of the <br /> Permits and Approvals �r any governmental req�irement� app��ca�le to the aperation af the <br /> Healthcare Facility, �ii} any�f the Permits and Approvals are to be terminat�d, limited in ariy <br /> way, ar not renewed, (iii� any cxvil money penalty �s being imposed With respect to the <br /> Healthcare Facility, or�iv� �perator��r any principal, off�cer, d�rector or emp�oyee of�perator}, <br /> any management agent, the Hea�thcare Faci�ity, or any portion�f the Project is subject to any <br /> g�vernmental investigation or inquiry �nvolving fraud. �perator sha�I alsa deliver to the <br /> Praject's HUD-ass�gned personn�l and Lender, simultaneously With d��ivery ther�of to any <br /> governmental authority any and a�l respanses given by ar on b�ha�f�f�perator to any af the <br /> foregoing and shal�provide to the HUI]pers�nnel and Lender, prom�tly u�on request, such <br /> informat�on regard�ng any of the forego�ng as HUI3 or Lend�r may request. LJnless otherwise <br /> requested by HUI], the reporting requirernents of th�s provision sha�1 nat en�ompass regulators' <br /> c�mmunications relating solely to licensed nursing faci�ity sur�eys �vhere the most severe <br /> c�tation leve� is at the "G" level or�ts equ�va�ent(pursuant ta �MS State �perat�ons Manual, <br /> Chapter 7, as may hereafter�� edited or updated, ar any successor guidance} unless a citation at <br /> such leve� is eith�r�i} unresol�ed fr�m the tvv� rnost recent consecutive prior surveys, or�ii} �s a <br /> re�eat v�olation having the same citation number. Moreov�r, un�ess otherw�se r�quested by <br /> HUI] or Lender, the initial communication fr�m the �perator pursuant to this paragraph sha11 be <br /> a natice by email to the Lender describ�ng the conduct c�ted, the scope and durat�on�f <br /> remedy(ies} imposed, and the tim�lines for correct�ve actions. Then, unless otherwise requested <br /> by HUD ar Lender, the next communicatian from the �perator sha11 be notification that the <br /> citat�ons have been cl�ared by the xssuing regu�atory agenc�. The re�eipt by HUD andlor Lender <br /> of noti�e�, reports, surveys, correspondence and other information sha�i not�n any Way impose <br /> any obl�gation or 1iab�lity an HUD, L�nder or their respe�tive agents, representatives or <br /> designees to take �or refraxn from tak�ng� any acti�n, and HLJD, Lender and th�ir respective <br /> agents, representatives and designees shall have na liab���ty for any failure to act thereon or as a <br /> result thereof. <br /> �d) �perator sha11 at a11 times maintain in full force and effect th� P�rmits and <br /> A�pr�vals. Without the prior written consent of HUD, �perator shall n�t convey, a5sign, <br /> encumber, transfer, r�linquish or a�ienate from the Proj ect any �f the Perm�ts and Approvals. <br /> �perator sha11 ensure that the Hea�thcare Fac�iity is at ali times operated in acc�rdance with the <br /> requ�rements of the Permits and Approva�s, and that n�n� of the Permits and Approvals is placed <br /> at ris1� of suspensian, rev�cation, rescission, termination or limitation, as evidenced by, with�ut <br /> lim�tation, any communicatian fr�m regu�atory or fund�ng entities s� indicating. <br /> Prev�ous versions obsolete Page 5 form HUD-9�4fiSA-�RCF �Re�. ��120�4} <br /> Replaces HUD-9246fi-NHL <br />