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2� 1 ���371 <br /> Lender's Right to Enter.Lender or Lender's agents shall have the right and access to inspect the Praperty at <br /> all reasonable times in order to attend tv L�nders intere�ts�nd ensure campliancy with th� terms of this <br /> �ecurity lnstrumenk. iF the Praperty, or any part thereof, sl�all require inspection, repair ar maintenance <br /> ��hich Grantor has failed ta proWide,Lender,after reasonab�e natice,ma}�enter upan the Praperty tv ef�ect <br /> su�h obligati�n;and the ccst thereof shall be added to the indebtedness and paid un Lender's demand by <br /> Grantor. <br /> ri��l���f Nt[�.�T[7F�1,GAtiF:4 ttNll RC[VT�.�1'k a�ir�itt�,s�.fl���ai:ri���€ui�thL�,�ivni�:rit u(-I�lt lt�����bt�.��l���s:;�lCill I�C <br /> ��ir!«rri�an�:� ��I�llt� cc�vc�r���r�l�� �:t�tit:sira�:c9 �ieE'�ir3, C�r��ri[i,r 17t.��E�y a��ic�,t�s 3t�cl rr,3>>sl��r� c�•��:r• tt� �.��l�l�r :ill r'�ii�5. <br /> ,i�cc}�iic anc-�}7i-c�tits("I�ent�"y t�Fir�ir a��y������:rit nr� fiit��r�� lc.•�s5�.�, yisL�I�:���e�ur ti�tn5c:s of�►hc: I'r�►�a�rty, 113t.�I1tIlE1k', <br /> �zrzv t;llill'�!!iIlC��,�c:kt���tiii}[��:,:isiE�'Et.frne�t�iti fif"r�'I�GW�3I�tEi�!'�i���, ���c�:il i�it: �l5c�c}t��Esc �'r�tif)�.ri-i. �u �it����ls[ir.ini[�r I�� <br /> nt�c in t�t�ta��1t,{�r��r�tc�r r��a�,'r�c�:i�r��.�c�il�ct�r�id�►yjcay t�ll I��nt��i�:�:ruin€;tTr�TTl Itl�i'rc��aerty�,h�it r►ut rn«rc��i��irz�n� <br /> month in ad�ance af the due date.Lender may also require Grantor,tenant and any other user o�the ProPerty to <br /> make payments of Rents directly to Lender.However,by receiving any such payments,Lender is not,and shal]nat <br /> be considered,an��E;r�f� f��r:�ny�:�rty ��r tneit�.Any amaunts collected rnay,at Lender's scle discretion,be apptied <br /> ta protect L�nde��s ��3t�:rr:5t i» th� �'rr�Ji�r•ty. including but not limited to the payment of taxes and insurance <br /> prem�ums and to �ti�• i���I���t�-�inc�s. t�����r's sole discreti�n} all ]eases, subleases and licenses must first be <br /> appra�ed by Lender. <br /> C�1�DEMNATI�N.Grantor Sftrill����� l..l'Clift'3'T1Ut1���c�t��in}��scti�n�ak�n or tiu��c�t�ned���be taken b�pri�ate or <br /> public entities to appropriate tl��-'rc��c��ty��r.��ty E�aE���1�zr���l;tttir���«�t�c:tfr�cic�7���,cti�r�,eminent cioznain�r any orher <br /> Action.Further,Lender shA�l b��;'L'�IiiItICC�[t]�3c1�IC��7I1tL`C?t"111�C3"44�1�i�i ZiIY t�f't�}���t�ove described proceedings in <br /> any manner it shall at its sole ciscretion determine. LendEr is hereby given full po�ver, right and authority to <br /> receive and receipt for any and a11�amages awarded as a result of the fu]i�r partial ta�ing o�-appropriatian and in <br /> its sole dtscretinn,to apply said:�wards to the Indebtedness,whether or nvt then due or��therwise in accordance <br /> with applicabl�law. Unless Lender dthervvise agrees in writing,any applicatian of proc��ds to the lr�debtedness <br /> shall not extend or postpane the due dat�af the payments due under th�indebtednes�c�r chan�e the arn�unt of <br /> such payments. <br /> GRANTaR'S ASSURANCES. At �ny time, tipc�t� �t r���t���R crl�L�:rtci�r, Cir<<nias ti4i11 exe�ute and de]i�er to <br /> I�ender,and if appr��rsate,caus�to be r�corde�l,�,��:I� fiirt}ti�r�:nc�rt�a+;c�4,�is�i����rt��.}�t�,a�ssgnments of 1ea5es and <br /> rents, security a�reements, p�ed�es, financing 5t�kcmc��ts, or 51tich ��zl►�r c�uc:urnc•��t as Lender may require, in <br /> Lender's sole discretion,tQ efFectuate,complete:�n�!t�����r���t�i��vcl1:�s tt�cc��itin��:tn preserve the Indebtedness, <br /> ar the lien or security interest created by this Security Instrument. <br /> ��'1'�r'ta�try��.ti'-iy-��'A["I'. (rran<<�r ,�}���niiits l.�:i�d�r ,�s ak�c�i���cy�-in�fact on beha�f of Grantor. �f Grantor fai�s to <br /> l�Itill ���}�' of'�:�x��ti�ti�'� r}biia,���iuit5 tir�cic.•r thi� ��:c:<«ity in�ts-��i��ent or any Re�ated flocuments, in�]uding those <br /> �,1�si:.�f�i����s r���r�t���r��t[ i�� t���� ��,�����y�iitz}����r.��;-���}!�, ���c��Lr a�attorney�in-fact may fulfijl the ob�igatior�s without <br /> �icatic�.t�y[i�'a�t�cyr. i-i�is�yo���r c�#'attui�ncy sZ�all r�ut i�c:zf�fected by the disabi�ity of the Grar�i�r. <br /> EVENTS aF I]EFAULT.The follov►�ing e�ents sha��constitute�efault und�r this��curiry�nstrument�ea�h an <br /> "Event of Default"}: <br /> (a} Failure to make required payments when due under Indebtedness; <br /> (b} Failure ta perform or ke�p any af th����enants of this 5e�urity�nstrument ar a default under any of <br /> the Relate�Documents; <br /> (c} The making of any ora�or�vritten statement or assertion ta Lender that is fais�flr misleading in any <br /> material resp�ct hy Grantor or any person abligated on the[ndebtedness; <br /> (�} Thc dctith.�l��sc�l�+ti�rr,ici5c}lvc�ncy�,�7��rtikr����Et�y or receiuership proceeding oFCrantor or af any persan <br /> i�f Lli�l�y�1�311��11f'i�if�7[�t��l1t�L�]I�[�f)CSti; <br /> (e} �1��y�ssi�nn►�:r1t r�y t�r�1ntai-tar t�l�ben�tit UI�C�ronto�s creditors; <br /> [f} ��n�3tc:s�ia1�c�vc�rsc u���[1�,i i]l:Clil'S 11l��lc: �na:�ct�!cvnditjan,ownership ar m�.:�agement vf Grantor or <br /> any person abligated an the lndebtedness;or <br /> (g} L�nde�deems itset F ir�secure far any reasan whatsoe�er. <br /> REMEDZES 4N DEF�ULT. Upon the accti.rrence of�n Event af Def�ult, Lender rnay, without demand or <br /> notiGe,pay an}�or all taxes,citiy��.��>>rii�.�.F�r���iiE�i>>�,�iri�l it��i�ti��c�i��c-�:cf i�,f��:;}tii��I���(�r�i��ti�r,���t�:c1�tir����r����r:ir���c� <br /> rovided for herein,make sti�c��rcF���ir:�.c:ausr t}7c alfstr'�cts crt�tit�t Ur�it]c in5r�rance��u�ic�•�7t�d tax hlstr�i'�c�nt�th�: <br /> Properry to be certified to�at�,c�r pruc�ir�:r�e�4 ��bs�r:�c:ts t�t�#i[Ee cai'lit��: instirci�i�:r��n{1[.�� ��i�s�ri�.'S tn c:��s�n��nc� <br /> were furnished to it,and pi+����r�tit�c rt����r�s�c}���z�ii�L tt�c f'r��crty. i+1cE�idi�i��ui�vcy�. �-f�c art��,�lnt���is���c�r�3r�}, <br /> such purposes will be added to the�ndebtedness and will bf°i�r ii�ccr��t:i����c�r�tc c�l�inte;rL=t c�t�lcr���i��:iL:C�'LI�TI}.�,z�iz <br /> the lndebtedness until paid. in#he event of for�clnsure,the aC�stracts af title or title insurance shall become th� <br /> property af Lender.A]1 abstracts vf titie,title insurance,tax histaries,sur�eys,and other documents pertaining t� <br /> the Indebtedness will remain in L�nder's possess�an until the�ndebt�dness is paid in fuil. <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE oF THIS PROPERTY UNDER THE PROCEDURE F�R FOR�ECLOSURE�F <br /> A�ECURITY INSTRUMENT L.Y ADVERTISEMENT,AS PR�WIDEI7 BY APPLICA�L�LAW,nR IN THE <br /> E�ENT LEI�DER EXERCI5E5 ITS RIGHTS UNDER THE ASSIGNIVIENT OF LEASES AND RENTS,THE <br /> LEN DER 5�--rALI� P R�VT DE ALL STATUT�Ri LY �E�UI RE�] NQTICE5 �r SALE AI�D N�TICES OF <br /> 3UDICIAL HEA�INGS BE�'�RE LENI�ER EXERCISES ANY OF ITS RIC HT5 UNDER T�IS <br /> iNSTRUMENT. <br /> Upon th�ocGurrence of an E�ent of D�fault,Lender may,without notice unless required txy law,and at its apt�on, <br /> de�lare the entire Indebtedness d�ie and payable,as it may�elect,re�ardless of the date or�ates af maturity thei�eof <br /> and,if permitted b}�statc law,is authorized and empowered ta cause the Property to be sald at public auction,and <br /> �ZOU4-2015 Campliancc Syslems,�nc 3914-5B6C-Z715 1Z Z 1036 <br /> Camn}crciai Real L"sla�e Se�urily Inslrumenl-DL4047 Pab�s 3 af S wti+�w compli�ncrsysitms cam <br />