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2� 1 ���371 <br /> CR�SS ��LLATERAL7zA'X'IOI�. it is the expressed intent of Grantar tv cross coilateralize all of its <br /> �ndebtedness And obligatians ta Lender, howsoever arisin� and whensoever �ncurred, except any oU[igation <br /> existing vr a�•ising against the principa�dwel�ing of any�Grantor. <br /> WARRANTIES. �rrantur, for itself, its heirs, personai representatives, successars, and SS51�r]5y represents, <br /> warrants,ca�enants and agrees with Lender,its successars and assigns,as follvws: <br /> Perf'ormance vf abligations. Gt-antor promises to perform al] term�, conditions, and co�enants �f this <br /> Securii}►Instrument and R�lated Documents in accordance witl,the terms contained#herein. <br /> �le�rrn�r:�n�l�I'itl[io 1'I'u�tri}�.:�!t:►t��ii��e t�f�r��c:�4i����t i::��1��tEivLty:7t�s�tis i��5lr�int�ii,,�fr�itilcr�'iti��l�i�!�}• <br /> s,:i:�e��,f�I��c: r�y<<s�c I��r�l?��cc�«��eyc:ci;s+��j �1��[!it ��c1�:S�vc�-i��l��tt�m��r[��+f��,�;r�tii�, �-c�iiv��}�.:rsci ;iw�ir;<< ihc� <br /> 1-'rn;�c�r�y.(��i;��y't�r L��►��4�Ziini�[h:�I[�it'Pr[�4�r�t��i�iill�Ilf:uiiiE�r..c:c��i���l trLz i,1';a�l 1i�i�s,����;�t li��'��n�tf»�bt'f:�1c�;s <br /> c�f r�c:ur�i�i�.:c�;z���hf� icy �.rr�c[i�. t�artfi�r, {�tr�ritt�� ci>v�rl�ir�t�11���C�irtinfrsr'��;1! ��•.�rr,�r:t �sitct ►!t:(i:ri�i �►�:ri�ril��� <br /> �:���.� �it,�� rt+ [i��.• 1'rc�;}��r��}' �:��:,in�� si��� ►3:c� �sli ��,�;r��s �tti��i c��t1��ti�:��lti �v;s.itti�+���c�r, st�i�jt:ci tu :iiu ���ti�:�>>G�,ts. <br /> r���rittit�►��}, �i' ulh�`r c•�:t�frY�t}r�ii�c:eti l�� [ti:t1!'iI uc�;:�E��s�i�l�� t�� �,��it�lL��, ��� i�y:�y l�� 1����'�1 ifz t��i` �t;l�ec!►�lz ��I <br /> ext��rli�ci5 ��� �4t�•r'r,��r,� ii► �iit}� .}l,s;i 3�� c,�'[iilc �ir• t���t'• if��U1�1I�Ci; pu:i��� it�st�rit}�� Lr.t:t!�:r'S irl�Lre�.i ii� �I�.� <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> C�nditivn of Property.Grar�tvr promises at a��times to preserve and to maintain the Property and every� <br /> part thereof in gflod repair,working order,and conditian and will fram time to time,make a�l needful�nd <br /> proper repairs so that t�e Walue of`th�Prap�rty shall not in an�way be impaired. <br /> Remo�al vf any P�rt of the Prvper�y.Grantor prvmises not to remvve any part of the Property from its <br /> preser�t Iocation,except for replacem�nt,masnt�nance and relvcation in the ardinary�course of business. <br /> Alterations to the Property. Gran�oi• promises to abstain from the commission vf any waste on ur in <br /> �onne�tion with the Property.�urther,Grantor shal!make na material alterati�ns,additions or imprv��ments <br /> vf any typ�whatsoever t❑the Property, regardless of whether such alterations,addikians or impro�ement� <br /> wouid increase the v�lue of the Propetty,nor permit anyone tv do so except for tenant improvements and <br /> �urri��l�:siu��c�f it�:��:5 ���irti�i�s��� t�►�i�ti��rt���L�� ���a��� �iis� s}r�r.iti�.�tiur��. ti+�st�iGr�t 1.cF�c���r'�nrit�r writ,ct� c���i:;�z�:. <br /> �viii�:h �:ns�5�,i�[ r���y bc• �vstFil��'lc� ���r �_c:n�tct� it3 ii5 tic�l� tlis�:�e�ion. Ur:�nlui� �•il! c:t>»�j,lti �vi�f� �tfl ::fti�•� <<r«� <br /> �-��;;ilutityri5 ul�t[��,u��liC i!:ll�itfl111L5�l�fvl!»,tl�ry5�I1C1�[►I�«Vs:l-1�1�l'rc►��c;i;y i��clu�iiii��,�ti�i[hc��i1 ti�7�it�itir►i7,�I���:L <br /> r��li:[iiti; t�� t}�� t�tiL. �:�c,�}�►alti►:y .���� ���,il�tii�t�tl1�L �tii:i�ut .��it� 41ta�] u��c��i rt��k1�5[ �7ii�n1})!1�� �;�:b��i:t [i� 1..��2�►t�r <br /> e�idence of 5uch comp]ian�e, <br /> Due on Sa[e-Lender's Gonsent.GrantQr slial]not se��,further en�uinber ar otherwis�dispose of,except as <br /> herein provided, any or�l3 of its interest tn any part af or all of the Property without first obtaining the <br /> written consent of Lender, �f any encumbran�e, �ien, tr�xnsfer ar sale or agreement Far t�ese is created, <br /> Lender may decjarc immediately due�nd payable,the entire balance of the Indebtedness. <br /> Insurance,Grantar promises to k�ep the property ins�re�against such risks and in such fvrm as may within <br /> - the sale discretion af Lender be acceptable, causing Lender to be named as lvss payee vr if requested by <br /> Lender, as mortgagee. The insurance company shal] be chosen by �ranror subject to Lend�r's approval, <br /> 4VhiGrl shall not be uzueasonably withheZd. All insurance policies must pravide that Lender will get a <br /> minimum of ID days nvtice prior ta canceltalivn,At Lender's dis�retion,Grantor may b�requ�red to prvduce <br /> rec�EF�tti��f�?,sz�f E►,rr►,i����i�and retiewaj policies.If Gi�antvr fails tv obtain t�1��i�c��uii c.�ci cu��c�-a�r,l.s��d�:�may <br /> do��.�r C;r;�n��r's zx�rf:��•.�rantor hereby directs each and eWery insurex u��tht•�'rtti;)�riy[c�trl���+e����4�rn�nt af <br /> losw��} �.t�rticl�r«�i►;s tl;t•j�ro�eeds to be applied,only at Lender's optian,t��if�t��ej�:sir���r��a�r.��•3L:�E?tes�t t�f the <br /> damage or loss or to be applied to the Indehtedness with the surplus,if any,to be Qaid by Lend�r tv Grantor. <br /> Payment of Taxes and Other Applicabte Charges. Grantor promises ta pay and to dischar�e 2iens, <br /> encumbrances,taxes,assessments,�ease payments and any other�har�es relating to the Praperry when levied <br /> or assessed against Grantvr vr the Property. <br /> En�irorimental La3vs and Hazar�ous ar Toxic Niaterials. Grantor and e�ery tenant have been, are <br /> �resently and shail cantin�e to be in srrict compltan�e with any appli�able local, state and f�der�Z <br /> en�iranmental laws and regulations.Furt�er,neither Grantor nvr any tenant shall manufacture,store,handle, <br /> discharge or dispo5e of hazardous ur toxic materi�2s as ma3r be def�ned by any state or federal law vn the <br /> Property, except to the extent the existence of such mat�rials has been pr•esentjy disclosed in writing to <br /> Lender.�rantor wi[I immediate2y notifv Lender in writin�vf any assertion or claim made by any pariy as to <br /> th� possible violetian ❑f applicabl� state and federal environmental laws including the location of any <br /> hazai-daus vr tvxic materiajs on or about the Property.Grantor indemnifies and holds Lender harmless from, <br /> without limitation,any liabi[i�y or expense of what�ve�er nat�are incurred dire�tly�vr indirectly out af or�n <br /> connection with:�a�any enviranrnental laws affecting all vr any part af the Prvperty or Grantor;�b)l'he past, <br /> pres�nt or future existenc�vf any haZardous mAterials in, on,under, about,or emanating from vr passing <br /> through t>>e Property or any part therevf vr any property adjacent ther�to; (c)any past, present or <br /> hazardous acti�ity at or in connection with the Property or any part therevf;and�d�the noncompliance by <br /> Grantor or Grantar's faiture tv comply fUtly an�timely with en�ironmental laws. <br /> Financia��iifvrmation.Grantor agrees fo supp]y Lender su�h rnan�ial and other information concerning+ts <br /> affairs and the status of any af its assets as Lender, from time tQ time, may reasvnably request. Grantvr <br /> further a�rees to permit Lender to �er�fy accaunts as well as to inspect, copy and to examine the books, <br /> records and files of Gr�ntor. <br /> 0 ZilW-2015 Complianct 5yu�ns,]nc 341d-58�C-2015 lz�1036 <br /> Con�irxrtial R►nl Estafe Securi�y[nerur►Kn�-DL4d07 Pu�c 2 of 5 www.wmp�ianrrays�cros,com <br />