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2� 1 ���371 <br /> to�xec�it�:.+,��i;.�t•li��t�r ;t�t}�c j�t�r�:t��s��:t��,1��itrc��,«crti�:t��«c:l��T,�'����r���t#�+:tf���E cr������:v:�r�c�._,��od an�sufficient at <br /> lativ,purs��a:�t�a t����.#:;tt.;c:i.2�;:�:;Ez�;:�,�::=��lcl�;�r��4 rru��i�:��.��i.�1�3�C E Tkl'►ts:i�si���!!.i��;�E�f ih�•►arc►ct•�ds of the Trustee's <br /> sale,first,lu Rjic'�:u�i:�,is�ii�:x�7����5c:C L�t'�:,cr�;;iz!�t�t pc�u•�'r�� ��tl�.3r�i!��f�t;���;;;3i�:, �n�lucii��z the payment of the <br /> Trustee's r«ti �:c:�z3;-ill�r it�c:��r��tt, �r��.��i7ii, i�y �:��:yiYir�tl �r1�t�s� uE�lik.iti���� ti�:c��t'��I �s�� t��� tru�t deed; khird, C❑ ihe <br /> payment of junior ti•ust deeds,m4rtgages,ot other li�nh��ders and th�balan��, if any, to the p�rson ar��rsons <br /> legally entitled thereta. The recit�ls in the Trustee's deed sh�11 be prima facie evidence of the truth �f the <br /> statements made in it.If Lender chooses to invoke the power of sale,L�nder ar Trustee�vil]provide natice of sale <br /> pursuant to appli�able law.Any such sale or a sale made pursuant#o a�udgment ar a decree for the fore�lo�ure <br /> herea�may, at the opiion of Lender, be made en masse. The commencement of praceedings ka f�recl��e this <br /> Security Instxument in any manner authorized b�iaw shall be deemed as ex�rcise of the above option. <br /> Upon the oc�urrence❑f an E�ent of Default,Lend�r 4h.�:i irrii�F3�.���i��tc•ly }�t e.�}�fi14:! t�� make application for and <br /> ❑bta�n the appointment af a r�ceiv�r for th�Prapert�ar�����+'tf�4�:Efr,i„t�;,ir��:c��r1G, issi�c and prafits of it,with th� <br /> powers as the court making the apPointments canfers. C�s��:i�tc�r f���-c���� i�-��c��t�c�#�1��c:���sents to such appoiizhnent <br /> and waives notice of an}+application therefor. <br /> kti(7�'Vt�I��T:I�. �o�ilt°�tt1�' c�r C��i��irc n��l.eti�c�� lu�xc•r�:i4c� ;���v ri:;��l,r�cti�:�i�, ��.3�VC�'i�]'�7f3W3�f:�'C tt�'t�e���Zti��r sh�zl] <br /> �i�f��c:t t�i�tc ri�l��,rrstt�:�j!,r,���y��c:r��r�,��ivii���ricyr siia�l�t��y 5i»��tc c�r��r�nia!chc��cisc thc�i-c:t�t'rrrc��ici�t�iz:�x�r�:i�e tat� <br /> :�rt���:��,i�t,i�ri��c��+,�ci�ti�t't'o� ���-��•�1��;�'. �1u l,.�ncfc:r�.t�.f�sy �: fail«rc°t«c��[�i:�tiz!wirit:t;ii�i7e:4ri�c�u t1��tei it�:�,tit�i1it� <br /> ��ct��'ii1� 1�►.54r�it�lei�l��:�:ll����lt;�t�ti�cl It�c:t.�t7�titt�t��Lc�tz�5�cfl t:ta�zcitict iiiL��t��;�si��it ��i�li]:�:�;i��r'�i'i;�4�t at ii�l','ti�i�c, <br /> h����r�• �sr uft�r.�i� ���c�it ���t c����iul�. ic� �����nr�n� str�ict ��tll}c�rEaf���.� tc} tit�� tz=nn4 �f'tlii� 5�c.uri[�� �����r;�mr���t .:rici tk�: <br /> Related Documents, <br /> S�L1�S�'XTUTE TRUSTE�.Lender,at its option,may from time to time remove Truste�and appvint a successor <br /> trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recvrded in the county in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recarded. Withaut conveyance af the Properry,the successvr trustee sha�l succeed to al�th�tztle, <br /> power and duties conferred upon Trust�e her�in and b}�appli�able law. <br /> Ja�I�[T A�il�SEVERAL LIABi�►1TY.If[his 5ecurity Instrument shou]d be signed by more than one pers�n,all <br /> persons executing this Security�Instriunent agree that they shall be,�aintly and severaliy bound,wher�pern�itted by <br /> �aw, <br /> 5UR1rrVAL.Lender's rights in this 5ecurity Instrument will continue in its successors and assigns.This 5ecurity <br /> Instrument�s b�nding on a�l heirs,executars,administrators,assigns an�successors vf Grantor. <br /> I�QTZCE�AND WAYVER OF N�TICE.Unless�therwise�•��uired�y appli�able law,any notice or d�:mand <br /> �iven by Lend�r to any party�s considered effective:�i}when it is deposit�d in the United 5tates Maij with the <br /> appropriate postage; (ii} when it is sent via electranic mail; �iii} when it is sent via facsimiTe; �i�� when ir is <br /> deposited with a nationally recognized oWernight courier ser�ice;��}an the day of person�l delivery;or�vi}any <br /> a�.her cvmmer�ia�1�reasvnable m�ans,A capy of any notice sha�l be sent to each part}+at the address�f the par�y <br /> gi�en at the beginning af this Security Instrument unless an alternative address has been provided to Lender in <br /> , writia��.To the extent permitted b�law,Grantor wai��s notic��f Lender's acceptance of this Security Instrument, <br /> def�nses based on sur�tyship,an�+defense arisin�iiam any el�ctivn by Lender und�r the Lfnited States Bankruptc� <br /> Code,Uniform Cammerciat Code,as enacted in th�state where Lender is located nr nther applicable�aw or in <br /> eQuity, demand,notice af acceleration,notice of nanpayment, presentment,pratest, notice of dishonor and any <br /> other natice. <br /> REQUEST FQR NQTI�ES:Grantor requ�sts that copies of the notice of default and notice❑f sale be sent to the <br /> address of each party given at the be�inning oF th�Security Instrument. <br /> Ta THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,GRANT�R WAYVES A�Y�IG�T TO N�TICE,aTHER <br /> THA,N TH� N�TY�E PIt�VIDEI� AI3U�E, AI�iD WAIVE� ANY �tIGHT TO ANY �EArtYIY�, <br /> JUDICIAL UR aTHERWISE, PRXO� TO i,E1�iDER EXERCISXNG ITS RXG��TS UN�]ER TH�S <br /> 5ECURITY INSTR�7ME�IT. <br /> WAIVER UF APPRAISEME�TT RIGHTS. Grantor waiv�s al1 appraisement rights re�ating to the Property to <br /> the ext�nt permitted b��la��v. <br /> LEND�R'S��FENS�S.Grantor a�rees to pay all expens�s incurred by Lender in connection with enfor�ement <br /> of its rights under the Yndebtedness,this Security�nstrumenl�r in the�vent Lend�r is made party ta any litigation <br /> because af the exisience of the Indebtedness ar this Security instrument,as well as cvtirt Gosts,�olle�tian charges <br /> and reasonable attorneys'fees and disbursements. <br /> A�SIGNABZLZTY. Lender may assign or otherwise transfer this Security [nstrument vr any af Lend�r's rights <br /> under this�ecurity Instr�ment withaut notiG�to GrantQr.Gran#or may not assign this Security Instrument ar any <br /> part of the Se�urity Instrument without the�xpress written consent of Lend�r. <br /> GOVER1�iihTG LAW.This 5ecurity Instrument will be gover�ed�y the laws vf the St�te of l�ebrask�including <br /> all prvc��dings arising frQm this Security Instrument. <br /> SEYL�RASYLITY. If a court af campetent jurisdiction determines any t�rm or pravision of this �ecurity <br /> Instrument is invalid ar prohibited by applicable �aw, that ternn or pro�ision will be ineffective to the extent <br /> required.Any t4rm or provisivn that has been detcnnined to be inualid ar prahibited will be severed fram t�ie rest <br /> ❑f the Security Instrument without in�alidating the rernaind�r of either the affected provision or this �ecurity <br /> Instrument. <br /> �D 20G4-.O15 Canpliante 5yslc�u,lns,391�4-5i36C-2015 12?lU]6 <br /> Cammarcial Rral�sl�te S�ctirity li�4rument-llL4047 P�ye�1 af 5 wu�w.compliant�sys�e�ns wm <br />