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(1) To retain property, without liability for loss or depreciation resulting from such <br />retention. <br />(2) To sell, lease, or exchange property and to receive or administer the proceeds as a <br />part of my estate. <br />(3) To vote stock; convert bonds, notes, stocks, or other securities belonging to my <br />estate into other securities; and exercise all other rights and privileges of a person owning <br />similar property. <br />(4) To deal with and settle claims in favor of or against my estate. <br />(5) To continue, maintain, operate, or participate in any business that is a part of my <br />estate, and to incorporate, dissolve, or otherwise change the form of organization of the <br />business. <br />(6) To pay all debts and taxes that may be assessed against my estate, as provided <br />under state law. <br />(7) To do all other acts which in the executor's judgment may be necessary or <br />appropriate for the proper and advantageous management, investment, and distribution of <br />my estate. <br />These powers, authority, and discretion are in addition to the powers, authority and <br />discretion vested in an executor by operation of law, and may be exercised as often as <br />deemed necessary, without approval by any court in any jurisdiction. <br />7. Personal Guardian. If at my death any of my children are minors and a personal <br />guardian is needed, I name P &:.3 . < < Q . 1-Of e-Z_ as the personal guardian, to <br />serve without bond. If this person is unable or unwilling to serve as personal guardian, I <br />name ) tom! 17p V . Loe-e-`Z' as personal guardian, also to serve without bond. <br />8. Property Guardian. If any of my children are minors and a property guardian is <br />needed, I name ! -LL44. P • U LZ as the property guardian, to serve without <br />bond. If this person is unable or unwilling to serve as property guardian, I name <br />as property guardian, also to serve without bond. <br />9. Children's Trust. All property I leave in this will to any of the beneficiaries listed <br />Will Form 3. Single, Divorced, or Widowed With Child(ren) Page 3 of 6 <br />201606370 <br />
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