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sold. <br />I direct that my executor take all actions legally permissible to probate this will, <br />including filing a petition in the appropriate court for the independent administration of <br />my estate. <br />201606370 <br />If I name two or more primary beneficiaries to receive a specific gift of property and <br />any of them do not survive me, all surviving primary beneficiaries shall equally divide <br />the deceased primary beneficiary's share, unless I have specifically provided otherwise. If <br />I name two or more alternate beneficiaries to receive a specific gift of property and any of <br />them do not survive me, all surviving alternate beneficiaries shall equally divide the <br />deceased alternate beneficiary's share. <br />5. Residuary Estate. I leave my residuary estate, that is, the rest of my property not <br />otherwise specifically and validly disposed of by this will or in any other manner, <br />including lapsed or failed gifts, to Ofkwi1. \ L.0'PL1- or, if such residuary Am:. - Mgr DkVi' : V'' <br />ezi tY∎ #t Rernwvo l`'u 1 vl <br />beneficiary(ies) do(es) not survive me, to . \ t J e. \ pu5-e 4 to e, E t <br />+mss 1orq as • . O <br />Any residuary gift made in this will to two or more beneficiaries she shared <br />equally among them, unless unequal shares are specifically indicated. All shared <br />residuary gifts must be sold, and the net proceeds distributed as the will directs, unless all <br />beneficiaries for a particular gift agree in writing, after the will writer's death, that the gift <br />need not be sold. <br />If I name two or more alternate residuary beneficiaries to receive property and any of <br />them do not survive me, all surviving alternate residuary beneficiaries shall equally <br />divide the deceased alternate residuary beneficiary's share. <br />As used in any section of this will, the word "survive" means to outlive the will writer <br />by at least 45 days. <br />6. Executor. I name tz ,, ` • 1.- p'Pe--z_. as executor, to serve without bond. <br />If that executor does not qualify, or ceases to serve, I name r 1 /f- <br />as executor, also to serve without bond. <br />I grant to my executor the following powers, to be exercised as the executor deems to <br />be in the best interests of my estate: <br />Will Form 3. Single, Divorced, or Widowed With Child(ren) Page 2 of 6 <br />