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201606370 <br /> in Section A, below, shall be held for each of them in a separate trust, administered <br /> according to the following terms: <br /> A. Trust Beneficiaries and Age Limits <br /> Each trust shall end when the following beneficiaries become 35 years of age, except <br /> as otherwise specified in this section. <br /> Trust Beneficiary Trust Shall End at Age <br /> [repeat as needed] <br /> B. Trustees <br /> I name kb • \ as trustee,to serve without bond. If this person is <br /> unable or unwilling to serve as trustee, I name as successor <br /> trustee, also to serve without bond. <br /> C. Beneficiary Provisions <br /> (1) The trustee may distribute for the benefit of each beneficiary as much of the net <br /> income or principal of the trust as the trustee deems necessary for the beneficiary's health, <br /> support,maintenance, and education. In deciding whether to make a distribution for or to <br /> a beneficiary,the trustee may take into account the beneficiary's other income,resources, <br /> and sources of support. <br /> (2)Any trust income that is not distributed to a beneficiary by the trustee shall be <br /> accumulated and added to the principal of the trust administered for that beneficiary. <br /> D. Termination of Trust <br /> The trust shall terminate when any of the following occurs: <br /> (1)The beneficiary becomes the age specified in Paragraph A of this trust; <br /> (2)The beneficiary dies before becoming the age specified in Paragraph A of this <br /> • trust; or <br /> Will Form 3.Single,Divorced,or Widowed With Child(ren) Page 4 of 6 <br />