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2� 1 ���225 <br /> I <br /> I <br /> f . <br /> L�AN#: o��s$o7$ <br /> Borrower has designated a su�stitut�noti��add�ess by notice ta Lender. Borrower shall prompt�y notify <br /> Lender�f Borrower's change of address.�f Lend��speci�ies a procedure for rep��ting Borrowe�'s change <br />� af addr�ss,then Borrower shali only rep�rt a change of address thr�ugh that spe�ified procedur�.Th�re <br />� may be only vne designated nofice address unde�this 5ecurity Instrument at any ane t�me.Any no��c� <br />; <br />, to Lend�r shall be g�ven by delive��ng �� vr �y mailing it by first class mai! to Lender's address stated <br /> herein unfiess Lender has designat�d another address by natice ta Borrower.Any n�fice in connection <br /> with this Se�urity lnstrument shall nat be de�med ta ha�e been g���n to L�nder unti� actually �ec�i�ed <br /> by Lender. If any notice r�quir�d by thEs Security �nstrument is also required und�r A�plicabEe Law, the <br /> Applicab�e Law r�quir�ment wil� satisfy the carresponding r�quirement under this Security Ins�rument. <br /> 1fi. Go�erning Lauu; 5e�erat�if�ty; Rufes o� Canstruction. This Securi�y Instrument shall be <br /> go�erned by federal law and the �aw of the jurisdiction in whi�h the Prop�rty i� located. All rights and <br /> obligations contained in this Secur�ty Instrument are su�j�ct t� any requirements and limita�ions af <br /> Applicable Law.Applicable Law m�ght �xpticitly or implicitly allvw the parti�s to agree by contract or �t <br /> might b�si��nf, but su�h silence shalf nat be canstrued as a pr�hib�tion against agreemen#by contract. <br /> !n the e�ent that any pravision ar ciause af this Security Instrum�nt ar the N�te canflicts with A�plicabie <br /> Law, such conflict shall not affect�th�r provisions af this 5ecurity Instrum�nt or fhe No�e which can be <br /> gi��n eff�ct withaut the conflicting pro�+sion. <br /> As used in this 5�curi�y Instrument: �a} words of the masculine gender shall mean and �n�lude <br /> correspanding neuter words or wards of th�f�minin�gender; �b}words in the singular sha1� mean and <br /> in�lude the�lural an� �ice��rsa; and �c}the word "may" gives sale discret�on wEth�ut any obl�gatian to <br /> take any action. <br /> 17. Borrvwer's Copy.Borrower shal�be gi�en ane c�py of th�Note and of this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> 'I$. Transfer of the Praperty or a Beneficia! �nterest in B�rrower. As used in this Section 18, <br /> "Interest in the Pr�perty"means any lega�ar b�neficia� interest in�he Prnperty, inc�ud�ng, but not limited <br /> ta,those beneficia!interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, instailment sa�es contrac� <br /> or�scrow agreement,the�ntent of which is the t�ansf�r o�title by Borrawer at a future date t�a purchaser. <br /> ff all or any part of the Prape�ty or any Int�rest in the Prope�ty is sald❑r transferre��or if Borrower is n�t <br /> a natural person and a beneficial inte��s�in Barrower is sold ortrans�erred}wi�haut Lend�r's p�iorwrEtten <br /> consent, Lende�may require immediat�payment in full of all sums secured by this S�curity �nstrument. <br /> Howe�er, this option shall nat be�xercised by Lend�r�f such exercise is prohib�ted by Applicable Law. <br /> !f Lende�exercises this option, Lender shall give Borrawer notice a�acce�eration. The notice shal{ <br /> pra�id� a period of not less than 3� days from the dat�the notice is gi�en in accordance with Section <br /> 15 within which 8orrower must pay all sums s�cured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to <br /> pay these sums privr to the expiratian a�this periad, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by this <br /> Securi�y Instrument withvut furth�r notice or d�mand on Barrower. <br /> 1�. Bvrrovuer's Right to Reinstate AfterAcceleration.If Borrawer meets certain conditions,Barr�we� <br /> shall ha�e the right ta ha�e enforcement of this Secur�ty lnstrument discontinued a� any#ime prio�to the <br /> �ar�iest vf: �a}fi�e days befor�sale of the Property pursuant to any pow�r of sale contained in this S�curity <br /> fnstrument; �b}such vth�r period asApp�icab�e Law might specify for the#erminat�an vf Barrower's right tv <br /> reinstat�;or�c}entry of a�udgment�nforc+ng this Security�ns#rument.Thase condifions ar�that Borrowe�: <br /> �a} pays Lender a!I sums which then would be du� under this Secu�i#y Instrument and the Not� as �f <br /> n� acceleratian had occurred; �h} cures any defau�t af any othe� co�enants or agreements; �c} pays all <br /> expens�s inCurre�in enfo�cing this Security Instrum�nt, inc�uding, but not limited to, reasonahle attorneys' <br /> fe�s, praperty inspection and�aluativn fees,an�other�ees incurred for the purpvse of protecting L�nder's <br /> in�erest in the Property and rights un�er this Security Instrument; and�d}takes su�h action as Lender may <br /> reasonab�y require to assure that L�nder's interest in the�roperty and rights under th�s 5�cur�ty fnstrument, <br /> and 8arrow�r's obliga�ion to pay#he sums secured by this Security Instrument, sha��continue un�hanged. <br /> Lend�r may require that Borrower pay such r�instatement sums and expens�s in one or mor�of the fnilowing <br /> forms, as selected by Lend�r: �a}cash; �b}money vrder; �c}�ertified check, bank check,treasurer's check <br /> or cashier's check, pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an instituti�n whose dep�sits ar�insured by a <br /> federaC agency, ins�rumentality or entity;�r�d}Electron�c Funds Transfer. Upon r�instatement by Barrower, <br /> this Security Instrument and abligatians secured here�y sha�l remain fully�ffec#E�e as��no acceleration had <br /> occurr�d. H�we�er,fhis right ta r�instate shall not a�ply in the case of a�ceieration under Secti�n 18. <br /> - �D. 5ale af Nvte; Change vf Loan 5er�icer; Notice of Grie�ance. Th� Not� or a partia� �nt�rest <br /> in the Note �together with this Security �nstrument} can be sold one ar more times wi#hout prior notice <br /> to Borrower.A sa�e might resu�t in a change �n the ent�ty �known as the "Loan Servicer"} that collec#s <br /> Periadi�Paym�nts due under�he Note and this Security Instrument and performs other mortgag� loan <br /> servi�ing obligations under the Note, this Se�u�ity Instrument, and Appl�cable Law. There alsa might be <br /> nne or more �hanges of the Loan 5ervic�� unrelat�d to a sale of the Note. �f there is a change of the <br /> Loan Ser�ice�, Borrower wtlf be given writt�n no�ice af the change which wi��state th�name and address <br /> �f the new Laan Servicer, the address to which payments shoui� be made and any other in�vrmat�on <br /> RESPA requires in connection with a no�ice�f transfer af serv�cing. If the Note is sold and th�reafter the <br /> Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer a�her than the purchase�af the Nate, th� mortgage Ioan servicing <br /> obligatians to Barrawer wEli remain with fhe Loan Servicer or be t�ansfe�red to a successor Loan Servi��r <br /> and are not assumed by the Nvte purchaser un�ess othen�vise pro�ided by the Nate pur�haser. <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIF�RM INSTRLIMENT Fvrm 3D28'f1�1 <br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Pag� 9 of 11 NEE�EE❑ 0315 <br /> NEEDEED�CLS} <br /> 0811912Q16 12:25 PM PST <br /> ��'r� ���r <br /> r <br /> f �■ ■ <br /> � ■ � ■ <br /> _ ��� � <br />