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2� 1 ���225 <br /> LC]AN #: �'I 1 S8fl18 <br /> Nei�her Borrower n�r Lende�may commence,jvin, or be j�ined to any jud�cial ac��on �as �ither an <br /> individua! litigant �r the member af a c�ass} that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this <br /> Security Instrument or#hat alieg�s that�he other parky has brea�hed any pro�ision�f, a�any duty owed <br /> by reason of, this 5ecurity Instrum�nt, until such Borrower or Lend�r has notifi�d the other party �with <br /> such notice gi��n�n complianc�with the requirements af Se�tion�5}of such alieged b�each and afford�d <br /> the other party h�reta a reasonable period after the g��ing of such natice to �ake correctiv� action. If <br /> Applica�le Law prov�des a time �eriad whrch must e�a�se befare��rtain action can be taken, that time <br /> pe�iod will be deem�d to be reasonable for purposes of this parag�aph. The notice�f acceleratEon and <br /> opportunity to cure gi�en to Borrower pursuant fo 5ection �2 and the notic� of accelera�ton gi�en to <br /> Borrower pursuant to Se�tion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opp�r�unity to take correcti�e <br /> a�tion pro�isions of this Section �n. <br /> 21. Hazardaus Suhstances. As used in fhis Sectian �1: �a} "Hazardous Subs#ances" are thase <br /> substances defined as toxi� or ha�ardous substances, pallutants, o� wastes by Environmental Law <br /> and the follvwing substances: gasa�tne, kerosene, oth�r flammab�e or toxic petro�eum products, �vxic <br /> pesticid�s and herbicides,�olatile solvents,materia�s con#aining asbestos orformaldehyde,and radiaacti�e <br /> � materials; �b} "Environmental Law" means federai laws and laws of the ju�isdiction wher�the Prop�rty <br /> is located that relate#a health, safety or en�ironmen�al protecfion; �C}"En�ironmental Cleanup"inclu�es <br /> any response a�tion, remedial a�tion, or r�moval action, as defined in En�ironmen�a! Law; and �d} an <br /> "Enviranmental �ondition" means a condition that can cause, contribut� to, or a�h�rwise trigger an <br /> Envi�onm�ntai Cleanup. <br /> Bor�owershall n�tcauseot�permitthe pr�sence, use,disposai,sto�age,orrel�ase of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or threat�n t� release any Hazardaus Substances, on o� in the Property. Borrower shall <br /> not do, nor allow anyon� else to do, anything affecting the Prop�rty ta} that is �n �io�ation of any <br /> En�ironmenta� Law, �b} which �r�ates an En�ironmental Conditian, �r �c} which, due tv the pres�n�e, <br /> use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creat�s a condEti�n that advers�ly aff�cts the vaiu� of the <br /> Prop�r�y.Th�prec�ding two sentences shall nat apply�o the presence, use, �r sto�age on the Property <br /> of small quant�ties of Hazardous Substances tha#are generally recagnized ra�e appropriate t❑ narma! <br /> resid�ntEal uses and to maintenance af the Property�including, but not limited to, hazardous substances <br /> in �onsumer products}. <br /> Sorrvwer shall promptly gi�e L�nder written no�ice af�a} any in��stigation, claim, demand, iawsuit <br /> or other action by any go�ernm�ntal o� �-egulatory agency or pri�ate party in�olving the Property and <br /> any Hazardous 5ubstance or En�ironmental Law of which 6orrawer has actual knowledge, �b} any <br /> Env�rnnm�ntal Condrti�n, inciuding but not limit�d to, any s�illing, leaking, discharge, release ar threat <br /> of release of any Hazardous 5ubstance, and �c} any conditi�n caused by the presence, u�e or release <br /> of a Hazard�us Su�stance wh�ch ad�ersely affects th� value af the Property. If Borrower learns, or is <br /> natifted by any ga�ernmenta� ar regu�atory authority, or any pri�ate party, that any ��mo�al o� othe� <br /> remediatian of any Hazardous Suhstance affecting the Prvperty is ne�essary, Borrower sha�l promptly <br /> take all necessary remedial actions in accordance wi�h Environmental Law. N��hing her�in shall create <br /> any abf'rgation �n Lender far an En�ironmental �leanup. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM C�VENANTS. Borr�wer and Lender further�o�enant an� agree as fallaws: <br /> 2�, Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall gi�e nntice tv Borr�vuer privr to acceleration <br /> fal�owing Sorravuer's t�reach of any co�enant vr agr�ement in this Security lnstrum�nt �but not <br /> privr tv acceleration under 5ection 18 unless Applicable �aw pro�ides otherwise�. Th� notice <br /> shaii specify: �a� the defauit; �b} the act�on required to cure the default; �c) a date, not less than <br /> 30 days from the date the nvtice is giWen t� Borrouver, by which the default must b� cured; <br /> and {d� that failure to cure the d�fault on or b�fore the date specified in the not�ce may resu�t <br /> in accelerativn of the sums secured by this 5ecurity instrument and sa�e of the Prvperty. The <br /> notice shall further inform Bvrrawer vf the right to reinstate a�'ter acce�eration and the right tv <br /> t�ring a court activn to assert the non-existence af a default vr any vther def�nse of Borrower <br /> , <br /> t� acceleration and sale. If the defau�t is not�ured on or befor�the date specified in the natice, <br /> Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security <br /> lnstrument without further demand and may inWoke the pvwer of sale and any other remedies <br /> permitted by Applicabie Lavu. Lender shall#�e�ntitle�to co�iect all expenses incurred in pursuing � <br /> the r�medies proWided in this 5ection 2�, includ�ng,but nvt limired tv,reasonahle at�arneys'fees ; <br /> and casts of titfe e�idence. <br /> lf the pawer af sale is in�oked,Truste�shail recard a notice vf defau�t in each county in wh�ch , <br /> any part of the Property is �vcated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner pr�scribed <br /> � <br /> by Applicab�e Law tv Bvrrower and to the vther persans prescribed by Applicable Law.After th� , <br /> time required by Applicab��Law,Trustee shall giWe pub�ic notice vf sale to the persvns and in the ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> manner prescribed byApplicable Law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell the Prvperty <br /> at pub�ic auction t❑�he highest t�idder atthetime and place and underth�terms designated in the <br /> natice of sale in vn�or more parce�s and in any order Trustee determ�nes.Trustee may p�s�pone ; <br /> sale of alE ar any parce� of the Property by public announcement at the time and plac� af any <br /> pre�ivusly scheduled sale. Lender or�ts designee may pur�hase the Property at any sale. <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IVlac UNIF�RM INSTRUIVIENT Form 3028�l10�1 <br /> � <br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 1 D of'!� NEEDEED �315 � <br /> NEEDEED�CLS} <br /> 081191��1 fi 12:25 PM PST <br /> ■ ■ r <br /> ■ <br /> ■ � <br /> r .� <br />