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i <br /> 2� 1 ���225 <br /> L�AN#: �'I 1 fi8�78 <br /> amount af the sums s�Cure� immediately before th� partial taking, �est�uc�ion, or Ioss in �aiue, unless <br /> Borrower and Lender vtherwise agree in writing, the Misceifaneaus Proceeds shall be applied to the <br /> sums seCured by this Security lnstrument whether or no��he sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Ba�-rawe�-,ar if, after notEce by L�nd�r ta Borrower that the�pposing <br /> Party�as defined in the next sentence}offers�o make an award ta settEe a claim for damages, Borrower <br /> fails ta respvnd to Lender within 3�days after the date the noti�e is given, Lende�is author�zed tv coitect <br /> and apply the Misceilan�ous Proceeds either to restora�ian or repair of the Property or #o the sums <br /> secu��d by this Se�urity 1nst�-ument, wh�ther ar naf then due. "�pposing Party" means the th�rd party <br /> that owes Borrow�r Miscellanevus Pro�eeds or the par�y against whQm Borrower has a right of action <br /> in regard to Misc�llaneous Froceeds. <br /> Bvrrower shall b� in d�fauEt if any a�ti�n or p�oceeding, whether ci�il or criminal, is begun that, in <br /> Lender's judgment, cou�d result in farfe�ture of the Property or other material impairment of Lender's <br /> interest in the Pr�p��ty or rrghts under this Security Instrument. 6orrawer can cure such a default and, <br /> if ac�eleration has occurred, r�insta�e as provided in Sectian 19, by causing the action or pro��eding <br /> to be dismissed with a ru�in� �hat, in Lender's�udgm�nf, precludes farfeiture of the Prape�ty or athe� <br /> material impairment of Lender's interest in th� Proper�y or rights under this Security �nstrum�nt. The <br /> proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to�he impai�ment of L�nder's interest <br /> in th� Property are her�by assigned and shall be �aid#� Lender. <br /> A�I Miscellaneous P�oceeds that are not applie� to restoration ar re�air of �he �'rvperty shaff be <br /> app�i�d in the arder provided far in 5ectivn �, <br /> 1�. Borr�wer Nat Released; Farbearance By Lender Not a Utilai�er. Extensian of th� time for <br /> payment or m�di�ication o� amortizat�on of the sums secu�e� by this Security Instrum�nt granted by <br /> Lend�r ta Borrow�r ar any Succes�ar in Interest of Borrowe� shall not operate t� �elease the liability � <br /> of Sorrouver or any 5uccessvrs in Interest o� Borrvwer. Lender shall not be required tn camm�n�e <br /> p�oceedings against any 5uccessor in Interest of 8orrower or to r�fuse to ext�nd #ime for payment or <br /> otherwise mo�ify amvrtization ofthe sums secured by this Se�urity Instrum�nt by�eason of any demand <br /> made by the original Borrower or�any Successo�s in Interest of Borrowe�. Any f�rbearance by Lender <br /> in exercising any right ar remedy including, without limitation, L�nder's acceptance of paymen�s ��-om <br /> third p�rs�ns, entities or Su�cessvrs in Interes# of Borrower or in amounts less than the amount�hen <br /> due, shall not be a waE�er of or preclude the exercise o�any righ�or reme�y. <br /> 13. Joint and 5e�eral L�abii�ty,Cv-signers;Successors and Ass�gns Bound.Borrowerco�enants <br /> and agrees tha� 8orrower's obligations and liabitity shall be joint and se�eral. How��er, any Borrower <br /> wh�c�-signs this Security Insfrument but does nat execute the Nofe�a"ca-signer"}:�a}is c�-signing this <br /> Security �nst�ument on�y ta mortgage, grant and con�ey the ca-signe�'s interest in the Proper#y under <br /> the terms of this Security �nstrument; �b} is not personaiiy obligated to pay th� sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrument; and �c} agr�es that Len�er and any vther Borrawer can agree ta extend, madify, <br /> f�rbear or make any accammodatEans with regard ta#he terms of this Se�uri#y !ns#rument or the Not� <br /> without the co-signer's cons�nt. <br /> Su�ject t� the pro�isians of Section �8, any Successar in I nt�rest af Borrower who assumes <br /> Barrower's ab#igations und�r this 5ecurity Instrument in writing, and is appr��ed by Lender, shall obtain <br /> all of Borrower's rights and benefits und�r this Security Instrument. 8o�row�r sha�l not�e�r��eased from <br /> Borrower's abligat�ons and�iabil�ty und�r this Security Ins�rument unless Lender agrees�a such release <br />� in wri�ing. The�o�enants and agreements of this Security lnstrument shali bind �exG�pt as provided in <br /> 5e�tion �4} and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> '14. Loan Charges. Lende� may charge Borrower fees for services performed in conne�tion with <br />� <br /> Bv�rawer's default, for the purpos� of pratecting Lender's interest in the Property and rights unde�this <br /> Security Instrument, inCludtng, but not limited to, attorn�ys'fees, property inspection and�aluation fees. <br /> �n regard to any other fees, the absence of express authority in this S�curity In��rum�nt ta charge a <br /> specif��fee t�Borrower sha�l nat be construed as a prohibitivn on the charging nf such�ee. L�nde�may <br />� not charge�ees that are expressly prohibited by this Security lnstrum�nt ar by Appiicable Law. <br /> If the L�an is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charg��, and fhat law is final�y in�erpreted <br />, <br /> sv that the interest or other loan charges coltected ar ta b�co�iect�d in�onnection with the Lvan exceed <br />� the perm�t#ed�imits,then: �a}any such Ioan charge shall b�reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br />� th� char e to the ermitted limit; and b an sums alread c�llecte� from Barrower which �x�eeded <br />; 9 p � } Y Y <br />' permiffed limits wi�l be refunded to Borrvwer. Lende�may choose ta make this refund by reducrng the <br />' princ�pal owed under the Nate or�y making a di�ect paymen�t� Borrower. �f a refund reduces princ�pa�, <br /> the reduction wi�� be tr�ated as a part�al p�epayment without any pr�payment charge �whether or not a <br />" prepayment charge is pro�ided for under th� Note}. Borrower's accep�ance af any such refund made <br /> i by direct payment to Bor�ower will�onstitute a wai�er o�any right of action Barrower might have arisEng <br />' out of such overcharge. <br />; <br />, 15. Notices.AIE notices gi�en by Borrower or Lender in connectivn with this Se�urity�nstrument must <br />� b�in writing.Any notice to Borrow�r in connectian with�his Security Instrument shal�b�deemed to ha�e <br /> been gi�en to Sorrowe�when mailed by firsf class mail or when actually deli�er�d to Borrower's notice <br />, address if sent by other means.Nvtice to any on�Barr�wer sha11 constitute notice ta af!Sorrawers unl�ss <br />� App3icab�� Law ex�r�ssly requires vtherw�se.The natic�addr�ss shall be the Property Address unE�ss <br /> NEBRASKA--SingC�Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NIFORM IN5TRU1111ENT Form 3428'I1U�1 <br /> Ellie Mae, Inc. Page 8 of 11 NEEDEED 0315 <br /> NEEDEED{CLS} <br /> Q81�f 912�16 12:�5 PM PST <br /> ■ r■�� <br /> �� ■■ <br /> � <br />