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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> If Lender e�ercis�s this optian,Lender sha11 give�orravver n.otice�f acceleration. The notice sha11 provide a <br /> perxod of nat�ess than 3�days fr�n�the date the notice is given in accordance with S�ction �5 within whi�h <br /> Barro��r must pay a�l sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument. If Borrower fails ta pay these sums priar�o <br /> the�xpiration af this period,Lender may�nvoke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without <br /> fur�her notice or dema.nd an Borrower. <br /> 1�. Borrawer's Ri�ht to ReinstateAfter Acceleration.If�orrower meets certain conditi�ns, Borrower <br /> sha11 have the right tp have enforcement af th�s Security Insfirument discontinued at any time�rior to the <br /> ear�iest of: �a}fi�e days befare�a1e af the Propert�r pursuant to any pawer af sale contained in this Security <br /> Ins�rument; �l�)such other per�ad as Applicab�e Law might specify for the terminat�on of Borrower's right t� <br /> reinstate;or(c}entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Ins�rument. Those conditions are that Barrativer: <br /> �a)pays Lender al�sums which then wou��b�due under this��curity Instrume�t and the Note a�if no <br /> acceleration.had occurred; (b}cu.res any default af any other covenants or agreements; (c}pays al1�xpenses <br /> incurred in en.forcing this Securi�y Instrument, inc�uding,bu�nat limited to,reasonable attomeys'f�es, <br /> property insp�ction and valuatian f�es,and other fe�s incurred far the pur�ase of protecting Lender'�int�rest <br /> in the Praper�r and r�gh�s under��is Security Instrument;and(d)ta.kes such ac�ioa as L�nder rnay <br /> reasonably require to assure that Lend�r's int�res�in the Property and rights under this Security I�as�rument, <br /> and Borrow�r's obligation ta pay the sums secured by this Security�nstrument,shal�cantinue uachanged. <br /> Lender may require�ha�Borrower pay such reinsta�ement sums and expenses in vne or more of the following <br /> �`orms,as sele�ted by Lender: [a�cash;(b}maney arder; �C�C�I'�1�1�i���1�C�£,bank check,tr�asurer's check or <br /> cashier's check,pravided any such check is dra�vn upo�an institutian whose depas�ts are insured by a <br /> federal agency,in.strumentality or�ntity;or(d}E�ectranic Funds Transfer.Upon reinstatement by Borrower, <br /> �his Security Instrument and obliga�ions secured hereby sha11 remain fu���effec�ive as if no acGe�eration had <br /> occurred. Hovvever,this right to reinstate shail not apply in the�as�of accelera��on under Sectian 18. <br /> �a. Sale of Nvt�; Change of Loan Servicer;Nvtice of�rie�ance.�The Nc�te or a partial inter�st in the <br /> No�e(together�vith this Security Instrument�can be sotd ane or more times without pr�or aotice�o <br /> Borrower.A sale might re�ult in a�hange in the entity�known as the "Loan S�r`ri�er"}�ha�collects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security In�trument and p�rfarms other mortgage�oan serv�cing <br /> �bligat�ons under the Nate,this Security Instrument,and Applicable Law. There also might be one or m�re <br /> changes vf the Loan Ser�icer unr�lated to a sa�e of the Not�. If there is a change af the Loan�ervicer, <br /> Borrower will be given written notice�f�h�change vvhich wi11 state the name and address of the new Loan <br /> Serv�cer,the address to which payments s�.ou�d be made and any other infarmation RESPA requires�n <br /> - cannectian with a notice of transf�r of servicing. If the Note is so�d and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a <br /> Loan�ervicer o�her than the purchaser of th�N�teA the mor�gage loan servicing obligations to Borrower wi11 <br /> r�main�i�h the Lvan Servicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Ser�icer and are not assum�d by the <br /> Note purchaser un�ess oth�rw�se pravided�y the Note purchaser. <br /> Neither B�rrower nor Lender may commence,jain,or be jain�d to any judicial act�on�as either an. <br /> indi�ridual ti�igant or the member of a class}that a.rises�ram the other party's actions pursuant to th�s <br /> Security In.strument�r that alleges that the vther party has breached an.y provi��on of,or any dut�r owed by <br /> reasQn of,this Security Instrument,untii su�h Borro�v�r or Lender has�a�ified the other pa�rty(wrth such <br /> notice given�n c�mpliance�vith the r�quirements of Seetion 15}of such alleged brea�h and afforded the <br /> ather party h�reto a r�asonable period a�er the giving of such notice to t�.ke conective action. �f Applicab�e <br /> Law provides a time p�riad�vhich must e�apse before c�rtain action can b�taken,that tim�p�ric�d wi11 be <br /> deemed�o be reasonable for purpases of this parag�raph. T�.e not�ce of aceelerat�on and oppartunity ta cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Section�2 and the notice of acce�eration gi��n to Borro�er pursuant t� <br /> Sect�on �S shall be deemed to sati�fy the notice and oppflrtun�ty to take carrecti�e action provisians of this ' <br /> 5�ctio�2�. <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac llMIF�RM INSTRUMENT VIIITH MERS Farm 34281/41 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA�NE)[93fl2�.44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer FinanGial Services Page 13 af 17 <br /> qo33�o$�o�1z oz�3 z� 1317 <br />