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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> If the Loan is�ubj ect to a lav�which sets maximun�loan char�es,and that�aw is fiaally�nt�rpreted so that <br /> the interest ar�ther loan charges callected ar ta b�co��ected in connection�ith the Laan exc�ed the <br /> permitted limits,then: [a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charge to the permitted limit;and(b}an�sums already cvllected from Borrower which exceed�d p�rmitted <br /> iimits will be refunded t�Borrawer. Lender may choose to make thi�refund by reducing the principal owed <br /> under the Note ar b�making a direct payment tc�Bvrrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction Wi11 <br /> b�tr�ated as a pa,rtial prepayment withvut any prepayment cha.rge�t�rhether or n�t a prepayment charge is <br /> pra�ided for under th�Nate}.Borro�rer's acc�ptance of any such refuad mad�by duect payment to <br /> Barrawer wil�constitute a�aiver of any right af action Borrower might have a.rising out of such ov�rcharge. <br /> '�5. Noti�es.All natices given by F3orrawer or Lender in cannection vvith this Security Instrument must be in <br /> �-it�ng,An.y n�tice to Borrower in con.nection with�his Security In.s�rument sha11 be deemed to ha�e been <br /> given to B�rrower wh�n mailed by f�rst c�ass mail or when actually d�livered to Borraw�r's not�ce address <br /> �f sent by other means.Notice ta any one$�rrower shall constitute n�tice t�a11 Borrawers uniess <br /> Applicable Law expressty requu�s otherwise. The notice address shall be the Proper�y Address unless <br /> Borrower has designated a subs�itute no�ice add.r�ss by notice to Lender. Borro�ver sha��promptl�r notify <br /> Lender of Borrower's change of address.If Lender specifies a procedure for reporting Borrower's change <br /> of address,then Barrower shall only report a change of address thraugh that�pecified pr�cedure. <br /> There may be only one designat�d notice address under this Security Instrument at any on�time.An�not�c� <br /> to Lend�r shal�be�iven�y delivering it ar by mailing it by first class mail to Lender's address stated herein. <br /> unl�ss Lender has designated another address by natice to Borra�er.Any notxce in c�nnection�vith this <br /> Secu.r�ty�n�trumen�sha11 not be de�med to have been given to Lender until actually received by Lender. If <br /> any n�tice requued b}�this Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law,the Applicable La�v <br /> r�quiremen.t will sa.tisfy the corresponding requirement under�h�s Security Ins�rument. <br /> �I 6. �over�n�ngLav�� �everability;Rules of�onstruction.Thi�Secur�ty�nstrument shall be governed by <br /> federal la�r and the 1aw of the jurxsdicti�n in�vhich the Property is located.Al�rights and obligations <br /> contained in this Security Instrument are subjec�to any requirements and limitatians of Applicable La�. <br /> Applicable Law might explicitly or implicitly aila�the paerties to agree by con�ract or it might be si�ent,but <br /> su�h s�lence shall not be construed as a prohibi�ion aga�nst agreement by eontract.In the e�ent that any <br /> pro�ision or c�ause of this Security�n�trum�nt or the Note conflicts with Appti�abte Law, such conflict sha11 <br /> not affect other provi�ions af th�s Secur�ty Instrument or th�Note which can be given effect without�he <br /> conflicting pro�ision. <br /> As used in thi�Security�nstrument: �a)words of th�masculine gender shal�mean and includ�corresponding <br /> neuter words or word�of the feminine g�nder; (la}words in the singular sha11 mean an.d�n�lude th�plural <br /> and v�ce versa;and[c�the word"may"gi�es�ole discretion w�thaut any obligation to any action. <br /> �17. Bvrt�ower�s C�py.$�rrower shall b�given one copy of the Note and af this Security instrument. <br /> 'l 8. Transfer af th�Property or a Ben�aficiallnter�st in Borrc��ver.As used in this 5�ctian 1$, "�nterest in <br /> the Prop�rty"means any 1ega1 or beneficial i�.terest in the Property, inc�uding,but not�imited to,t�ase <br /> beneficia�int�r�sts transferred in a bond for deed,contract for deed, instal�ment sales contract or escrow <br /> agreement,the intent of which�s the transfer of titte by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all or any part of the Propert�or any Intere�t in the Property is s�ld or traasferr�d�or if Borrower is not a <br /> natural person and a beneficial�nterest in Borrower is sold or transferred)witha�t Lender's prior written <br /> con�ent,Lender may require�mmediate payment in fu��of all sums secured by this Security Insixument. <br /> Hvwever,this option shatl nat be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicabl�Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Far�r�ie MaelFreddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 1141 <br /> VMP� VII�IP6A�NE}(13n2j.44 <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financial Services Page 12 of�7 <br /> qU 364 ��51 4z 3 297 iZ17 <br />