2� 1 ���� 14
<br /> �'f. Hazardc�rasSubstances.As used in this 5ect�pn 21: [a) "�a�ardou.�,Su�i.star�ce.s"are thase substan�es
<br /> defined as taxic ar ha�ard�us substancesA pol�utants,or wastes by�n�'vranmental Law and the follaw�ng
<br /> substances: ga�olin�,k�r�sen�,�ther flammable or t�xic petr�aleum products,toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> v�latile solvents, ma�erials containing asbestos or formaldehydes and radiaactive materials; (b)
<br /> "�r�viroramer��al��v"mea�s f�deral laws a�d Iativs of the jurisd�ict�on where the Proper�y is located t�iat
<br /> re�ate to health, safety ar e�nviranm�ntal pr�tection; (c} "E►�v�rora��ntal Clea�►�up"includes any response
<br /> actian, remedial activng vr remova�action, as defi�ed in Envuonmental Lavv; and(d}an "�r�viror����tal
<br /> G'orca�itiora"means a conditian that can cause,cvntribute to, or a�hervwise trig��r an�nvuanmental Cleanup.
<br /> �3orrower sha11 not�ause or permit the presence,use,disposa�,storag�,or release of any Hazardaus
<br /> �u�stances,or t�.ireaten.to release an.��I��ard�u.s�u�s#anc�s,an.o�in#�e i�rvp�'ty.Bvrrc�wef��.a11�not do,
<br /> nor a11ow anyone else to dQ,anyth�ng aff�cting th�Property(a�that is in�iolation of any Environmental
<br /> Law, (b)which creates an En�ironmenta��ondition,or�c}which,due to the presence,use,or release of a
<br /> Hazardaus Substance,creates a condition that adversely aff��ts the va�ue of�he Propert�.The preceding two
<br /> sentences shall not apply to the presen�e,use,or starage on the Property of sma�l quantit�es of Hazardous
<br /> Su�s�n�es that a�re generally r�cogn�zed ta�e ap�r�priate to n�rmal residential uses and to ma�ntenance of
<br /> the l�roper�y(including,but not 1imi�ed to,ha2ardous substances ia consum�r prod�cts}.
<br /> Barrower�hall prompt�y give Lender wr�tten no�ice af(a}any�avestigation,claim,demand,la�vsuit or�ther
<br /> actiQn by any governmenta.l or regu�atory agency or private par�y�n�rolving the Property and any Haza.rdous
<br /> Substance or Ea�iranmen�al Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge,�b}any Enviranmental
<br /> Condition,�nc�uding but not Iimited ta,an�r�pi�ling, leaking,discharg�,release or�hreat of rel�ase�f any
<br /> Ha.�ard.vus S�bstanc�,and�c3 any con�lition caused�y the presence,u�e or release af a i�azarc��us Substance
<br /> which ad�erse�y affects the value of the Fraperty. If Barrawer�earns,ar is notified by any governmental or
<br /> regu�atory authority,or any private party,that any removal or ather remediation of an.y Hazardous Substa.n�e
<br /> affecting the Property is necessa.ry,Borrower shal�promptly take a�1 necessary remedial actions in
<br /> accordanc�with Environmental La�v.Nothing herein sha11 create any obligation on Lender far an
<br /> En�ironmental C�eanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform Cvvenant�.Borro�ver and Lender covenant and a�ree as follaws:
<br /> 22. Accel�rati�n;Remed ies.Lender shall give noti�e ta Borrnwer pri�r to acCeleratian fvtlQv�ng
<br /> �orrv�ver's breach vf any�o�enant vr agreement in this Se�urity Instrument�but na�prior to
<br /> a�Celeration under�ection 18 unless Appli�ab�e Law provides atherwise}.The notice sh�il�peCify: �a}
<br /> the default; [b}the aCti�n requir�ed t�cure the d�fault;(c�a date,nat less than�Q d��s fram the date
<br /> the notice is given tv Borrvwer,by which th�default must be cured; and�d�that fa�lu�e tv cure th�
<br /> default on or befor�the�lat�specified in the notice may r��ult in acceler�tion�f th�sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument�nd sale Qf the Property.The notice sha��further inform Barr�wer of the
<br /> r�ght to reinstate after acceler�tion and the right to bring a court ac�ion t�assert the nan-ex�stenc�of a
<br /> default or any ather defense of�orrower t�acceleratiQn and sale.If the default is not cured on ur
<br /> bef�re the date spe�if ed in the n�tic�,�en�er at it�aptian may require immediate payment in full of
<br /> alI sums secured by this S�curity Instrument without further demand and ma��n�ake the power of sale
<br /> and any�ther remed�es p�rmitted by Applicab�e Law.Lender shall be entit�ed to cvl��ct al�expenses
<br /> incu�red�n pursu�ng the remedies pr�vid�d in this Sectifln 22,in�luding,but n�t limited to,rea�an�ble
<br /> a�tarneys'fees and costs vf�itle eviden�e.
<br /> qq33GU87Q512 Uz33 29� 141�
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRl1MENT W1TH MERS Form 34z8 1141
<br /> VMP� WMP6A[NE}�13Q2}.�4
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Serviceg Qage'l4 af 17
<br />