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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> Secur�.ty Instrum�nt,whether or not then due. "�pposing Party"means the third party that owes Barrower <br /> Miscellan�ous Proceed�or the part�again�t whom B�rrower ha�a right af action in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Proceed�. <br /> Borrow�r sha11 be in default if an�action or praceed�ng,whether civil or cr�minal,�s begun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment,could resu�t in forfeiture of the Froperty�r other mater�a�impairment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Prop�r�y�r rights under this S�curity In.strument. B�rro�ver can cure such a default and, if acceieration has <br /> occu.�red,rein.state as pro�ided in Section 19,by caus�ng the act�on or proceeding to be dism�ssed with a <br /> ruling that,�n Lender's judgment,preeludes forfe�ture of the Prop�rty or other material impaument of <br /> Lender's interest in the Proper�or rights under th�s Security In�trument. Th�proceeds af any a�ard or <br /> c�aim for damages that are attribut�.ble to the im�airment of Lender's interest�n the I�raperty h�reb� <br /> assigned and shal�be paid tc�Lender. <br /> A11 Misc�llaneous T�roceeds that are n.ot app�ied�a rest�ration or repair of th�Property sha�t be applied�n <br /> the arder prov�d�d for ia S�ct�on 2. <br /> '12. Bvrr�wer Nat Released;For�earance6�L�nderNot a Wai�er.Extensian of the time fvr payment or <br /> modification af amortization of the sums secured by this S�curity Instrument granted by Lender to Borrower <br /> or any Successor in Interest of Borr�wer sha�t not apera#e ta rel�ase the liability of B�rro�ver or any <br /> �uccessors in Int�rest of Barrower. Lender shal�not be required t�comme�ce proc�edings against any <br /> Successar in�nterest of Borrower or to refus�t�extend t�me for payment or athe�urise modify amortizat�on <br /> of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any dena�and mati�by the original Borro�er or <br /> any Succ�ssors in Interest of Borr��ver.An�forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> in�Iudin�,tivithout limita.tian,Lender's acceptance af payments fram third persons, entities or Successors in <br /> Interest of Bonower or in amounts les�than the am�unt then d�e,shall nflt be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> '13. Jv�nt and�everal Lia�ility;Co-si�ners;5uccessarsand►4ss�gnsBound.B�rto�ver covenants�.nd <br /> a�rees that Borrower's ob��gations and liability shall b�join�and several. However,any Borrower wha <br /> co-signs this Security Instrument but do�s not execute the Note�a"co-signer"]: (a}is�o-signing this <br /> Security�n.strurnent only to mortgage,grant and con�rey th�co-signer's interest�n the Property und�r the <br /> t�rms of this Security Instrument; (b}is not personally abligated ta pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument;and�c}agrees that Lender and any other Borrawer can agree to extend,m�dif�r, forbear or make <br /> any accommvdations with regard to the terrns of th�s Security Instrument or the Not�w�thout the c�-signer's <br /> cons�nt. <br /> Subj ect to the provis��ns of Section 18,any Successor in Intere�t of Borrotiver who assumes B�rrower's <br /> ob�igations under this Security Instrument in�rriting,and is approved�ay Lender, sha�1 obtaia at�of <br /> Borrawer's rights and benefits un�.er�his Sect�rity Instrument. Borrower shall not he rele�sed from <br /> �orrower's obligations and��ability under th�s Security Instrument unless Lend�r agrees to such release in <br /> writ�ng. The covenants and a�areements of this Security Instrument shal�bind(except as provided in Section <br /> 2��and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 'I 4. Loan Charges.Lender ma�charge B�rra�rer fee�fvr s�r�ices perform�d in conne�tian vvith Borro�ver's <br /> default,for the purpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Proper�y and rights under this��curity <br /> Instrument, including,but not��mited to,attorne�s' fees,property iaspect�on and�aluat�on fees, In regard to <br /> any�ther fees,the absence of express authority in this Security Instrument to charge a specific f�e to <br /> Borrawer shall not be c�nstrued as a prohi�ition on the charging af such f�e.Lender may not�harge fees <br /> that are expressly proh�bited b}�this Securi�Instrument ar by App�icable Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRl1MENT W1TH MERS Form 3028 1J�4 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE}(1342}.04 <br /> Walters Kluw�r FinarEciai Services Page 11 of�7 <br /> q4336�87D512 n233 297 1117 <br />