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2� 1 ���� 14 <br /> �a� Any such agreements wil�not�ffe�t the�m�unts that Bvrr�v�er h�s agreed to pay for Martgage <br /> Insurance,Qr an.y other terms af the Loan,Su�h�greements will not increase the amoun� <br /> Borrawer�vil1�we for Mortg��e Insuran�e, and the�wi�l not ent�tle Borr�wer to any refuad. <br /> ��} Any such agr�ements�i11 n�t affect the rig�ts B�rrv�er has-if any-�+i�h respe�t to the <br /> �I�r�tgag�Insuran�e under th�H�meov�ners Prvtertion A�t�f 1998�r any other law.Th�s�rights <br /> may include�h�right t�receive cert��n d�i$clasures,tv request and obta�n�ancellatian af the <br /> Mortgage Insuran�e,to ha�e the M�►rtgage Insuranc�termina�ed automati�ally,and�or to re�eive <br /> a refund of any Mor�gage Insurance prem�um�that were une�rned at the time vf such <br /> �anceilat��n�r terminat�on, <br /> 'I 1. A�signmentof ll�Ii�cellaneousPr�ceeds;Forfeiture.Al1 Miscellaneous Proc�eds are hereb�assigned to <br /> and shall be paid��L�nder. <br /> If the Proper�is dam�ged, such Miscellaneaus Proceeds sha11 be applied to restoration or re�air of the <br /> Property, if the restarat�on�r r�pair is econom.ically feasible and Lender's security is n�t�essened. During <br /> such repau and restaration period,Lender sha11 hav��h�right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lender has had an�ppor�unity ta�nspect such Proper�y to ensure the v�ork has be�n completed to I�en�er's <br /> satisfaction,provided that such inspection shall be u�dertaken promp���. Len.der may pay for the repairs and <br /> restora�ion in a single disbursement or in a series of progress paymen�a�the work is completed.Unless an <br /> agreement is made in writing ar Applicable Law requires interest to be paid�n such M�scellaneous Proc�eds, <br /> L�nder sha11 nat be requir�d�o pay Borrower any interest or earnings on su�h 11�I�scellaneous 1'roceeds, If the <br /> restorat�vn or repair is not ecanomically feasible vr Lender's securi�y�vould be lessened,the Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds shal�be applied ta�he sums secured by this Security In�trument,whether or nat then due,wi�h the <br /> excess, if any,paid to Borrower. Such M�scellaneaus ProGe�ds sha��be app�ied in the�rder provid�d for in <br /> S�ction�. � <br /> �n the event of a tata�taking,destruction�or loss in value of�he Praperty,the Miscellaneaus Proceeds�hall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether ar not�hen.due,with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to��rrower. <br /> �n the event of a par�ial taking,destruction,ar toss in value of the Prop�r�y in which the fair market value of <br /> �he Property immediatel�before the partial ta��ng,destruction,or loss in�a1ue is equal t�or greater than the <br /> amount of the sums secured by this Security Ins�rument immediat�ly befor�the partial ta.king,destructionA ar <br /> �oss in value,unless Borrower and L�nder oth��se agree in writing,th�sums secur�d b�th�s Security <br /> �nstrum�nt shail be reduced by th�am�un�of�he Misce�laneous Proc�eds multiplied by the fo�lowing <br /> fractian: (a}the to�tal amoun��f the sums�ecured immediatety before the partial taking,destru��ion,or loss <br /> in value divided by�b}the fair market va�ue of the Proper�immediate�y before the partial taking, <br /> destruction,�r�oss ia value.Any balance shall�e paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event af a paztial taking,destruct�on,or�oss in�alue af the Propert�in tivhich the fair rnarket value of <br /> �he Froperty immed�ately before the partial��g,destruct��n,�r loss in value is less than the amount af the <br /> sums seGured immedia�ely befare the part�al�g, destruction,or loss in�a1ue,unless Borrower and <br /> Lender�therwise a�ree in wri�ing,the Miscel�aneo�s Proceeds sha11 be applied to the sums�ecur�d by this <br /> 5ecurity I�strument whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Prvperty is abandone�by Borrovv�r,or if,after natice by Lender to Borrower that the�pposing Paxty <br /> �as defined in the next s�ntencej�ffers t�ma�e an ativard to settle a claim far damages,�orro�ver fails to <br /> respond t�Lender v�r�thin 30 days after the dat�the not�c�is given,Lender is auth�rized ta coile�t and apply <br /> the Misc�ll�n�ous Proceeds�ith�r to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this <br /> NEBRASICA-S�ngle Fami�y-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM iNSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 34�811nt <br /> VNIP� VMPBA�NE)[1342).44 <br /> Woltass Klwvar Finaricia!Se�vices Pag�14 af i� <br /> q 335Q$7t��12 E��33 ��7 1U17 <br />