<br /> 1 �
<br /> --- 10025�
<br /> H Lender roquked mortpege insurance�s a conditlon ot makkig the loa�aeeured by the Sewrity�tOnstrumenl, �oROwar shap p�y the
<br /> __ �orert�lums requked to mak�tain ths inauranca in eitect until auch tkne aa ths requirement tor the Usunnca termMiatea in accord�nce with ,
<br /> BortowK'a�nd lendePs w�itte��y�eement or�ppNc�bis Mw.
<br /> � 8. 111�piCtton. Lend�r or ite a�enl m�y make ro�sooabis enMes upon and in�pecdona of the PropeRy, Lender ehaN phs Bortower
<br /> aotice at th.iine ot cx pior to an tnspectton apecHyk�q re�soroabi�eaus�sor th�inspwtion.
<br /> 8. C�d�mnallon. Ths proeeeds oi�ny award or dakn for d�tn�p�a, dk�ct or oonsequentirl, In connectlon with any condenuta-
<br /> � flon or ether Wdng af any pt►t o!the PtoaeRy, a ter�.M►vcn�nce tn ItKi M�+nef��lk►�, �,n�he�!►y���kK►ecl�nd �h�l{i►� peld to •
<br /> Lender.
<br /> M th�aveM ot a toW taldnp of the P►opMy, tAs proc�eeds ah�p be�ppMed to the aums sscured by thh Sacu�ity InsWtne�t� whether
<br /> � or not then du�,wkh�ny axcess p�td to Barower. In th�avant of� p�rtW t�ldnp of ths PropeRy.unless Bort�ower and�eade►otherwise
<br /> � a�w In wiiNnQ, ths wm�securod by thta 8sr.urity I�sGume�►4 sh.aN be roduwd by ths�mount of the proceads nwltipBed by ths toNowMp
<br /> Urac�: (a)th�toW�mount ot auma aecund tm�tely betore the takinp,dkW�d by(b)the lair merket value of the Property Immedktey
<br /> , n.i«.tn.w��.My bd�ncs sNaN be ptld to Barower. .
<br /> n in.�eny�.e.nao�,w by eoROwe�, o�n, .ne��o�ce ey��,d��o e«tow�in�i tns condemnor otfen to mdcs�n�twud or
<br /> setds a d�im tar d�rtiaQe�, BwrowK taps to rospond to Lender within 90 d�ys alter ths d�ts the�oUce is�iven, Lender h�uthorized to
<br /> coMec!and�pply th�proceeds. at its opUon. either ta rastoraUon or�epair ot Me PropeAy or to the sums aecu�ed by this Secun'ty
<br /> Mstrurt�t,whethK or not then dua
<br /> Unless Lender and 6ortow�r otherwise a�es in writing, �ny appNcatlon of prooseds to pdndpal s1uiN not extend or postpons the due
<br /> dat�ot ths monthy p�ymenta retertsd to 1�paragaph 1 and 2 ar chan�e the amount of such p�yrrbnta.
<br /> 10. eonow�r Na R•I•as�d; For�b�aranc� By L�nd�r No! a Waiwr. Extenalon ot the time tor payment or mod�
<br /> caUon M amortl=afbn of the surta a�curad by this Security Instrument�anted by lender to any auccessor in tntarost ot BoROwer shaN
<br /> not op�rat�to rols�se ths qsbiNty of the odyinal BoROwer or Borrowera aueceaaora in interest. Lender ahall not be requked to commence
<br /> procssdfnps a�hat any auocessor(n lnterost or refuse to exte�d Ume ta p�yment or otherwiss modiy�rtw�tion of the sums aecurod
<br /> by this S�eurky Mstrurt�t by ro�son ot any demend nwde by the odyt�d Borrower or Borrower'a succesaors(n interesf.My torbe�ruice
<br /> by L�nder in�ce�clsinp�ny�iqht or remedy shaN not bs a wahrer of or preclude the exerois�of any ri�ht or nrtisdy.
<br /> 11. Succ�sson and Assipns 8ou�d; Joint and S�v�ni Uability; Co-ai�n�n. The coverw�ts md��reaaenta ot
<br /> thia S�cudty Mstrum�nt shaN bind and banellt th� wccesaora and�salpna oi Lendx�nd Borrower. wbJect to th�provqbns W puapraph
<br /> 17. BoROwn's oov�anb and a�nsmsnte shaN be jpkit and saveral. My Bonowe►who co-aigns thfa 3�curily Instrum�nt but daes not
<br /> ex�cute th• Na•: �a�a co-s�ntn�enls 3scurity instrume�t ony to rtwrty�pe, aant, and convey�nat eorrowers �ntere,t in tns �ropercy
<br /> und�►th�t�na of tha S�axKy Mstrument; (b) Is not p�rsonaNy obN�tsd to pay the�ums aecund by thb S�cudry InsUumw►h, md(c)
<br /> ��th�t Undar and any othK 8ortowK n�y�yroe to extend, modity, forbear or mske any accommod�tlons with rep�rd to terms M
<br /> thb S�curky Mstrument or tha Nota without thst Borrower's conaen�
<br /> 12. l.O�t1 Cha�gls. H ihe Iwu� aecurod by thi�SaairKy lnstrument ia subject to a bw whlch seta rtMxknum lan charpes, and t,
<br /> . i�:•0:.�a��in"ry irii:r�xyieo ao inai ii�a iniares�or athw ioan en�rpee coNeceed a to be cotected in co�nectlon wlth ths loan exceed the � -_-
<br /> p�m�tt�d Nrr�ts,then; (aj any auch Iwn charQea ahaN be reduced by the amount necessary to�educe the char�e to the pertr�itted NnAt; � ' ;R
<br /> �nd (b)any wms ake�dy coNsctad i�om Borrower whkh exceeded pamttted Nmita wYl be retunded to Barower. La�der may choose to —
<br /> msfce this rdund Dy rsdudng the principal owed urtder the Mole or by m�icinq a direct paymertt to Borrower. If a retund reduces principai. .. �
<br /> the roducdon wYl be Vo�tsd aa a paAl�l prepeyrt�ent wfthout any prep�yrtbnt char�e under ths Nots. '�
<br /> 13. L�islation Aft��tinp L.�ndor's Riphb. If enactment ar a�ation ot applicable Iaw has ths effect oi ronderhp any =
<br /> provision oi th�Note or this Sscurity Instrument uneniorce�bie aaordM��to fts tem�a, Lender.at its optbn, may roquke immadieta payme�t � �
<br /> in 11r1 ot r sums ascurod by thia Security InsUument and may invoke ury remedies pern�itted by paragraph 19. H Lender exerdses thls
<br /> opfion. Lenda ahaN Wte the ateps specifled(n the a�cond paragraph of p�ra�raph 17.
<br /> 14. NoNC�l. My nodce to Barower provided for in thia Securily Inatrument ahap be given by deWeriny tt or by maiNny k by tkst �
<br /> d�ss rrW unbaa applicable law requires use of another method.The notice ahaN be directed to the PropMy Address or any other addresa �
<br /> Borrower deslQnates by notke to Lender. Any noUce to Lender shaq be yhren by ikat dass m�N to I,ender'a eddresa stated herein or�ny j 't.
<br /> othx addrosa Leeder deaignates by noUce to 8arowe►. My noUce provtded tor In thia Seeurity Inatrument ahaN be deemed to have bee� '
<br /> qhren to BoROwer or Lender when �hren as provided in thia parayraph.
<br /> � 15. �ov�rnin� Law; S�v�nbiUty. This Sea,rity Instn,ment ahaN be yovemed by tederal law�nd the law oi the juriadietlon In �'� �
<br /> �.•� .
<br /> whieh tM Prope�ty Is bcated. In the event that any provision or dause of this Security loatrument or the Note conlYcts with appNcable � ..
<br /> kw. such oontAct ahaN not aflect otAer provlaions of this Secudty Inatrument a ths Note wh�h can bs 9Men e(fect without the confpcNng �
<br /> provislon. To thta end the provtaiona of thia Sewdty Insirument and the tVote ue declared to be aeverable.
<br /> 16• BorrOw��'s Copy. Borrowar ahaN be yNen one conformed copy of the Note end of this Security InstrumenL '
<br /> 17. Transf�r at th� Proporty or a 8�n�ftcial Int�rsst tn Borrowor. H aN or eny part of the Properly w any intereat in
<br /> it is aoid a Vansierrod(or B a baneNclai interest in Borrower la aold or transferred and Borrower la not a naturei peroon)without Lender's
<br /> pdor vrrilten consent, Lender msy, at it�opUon, reQuke inxne�inte pa�Tnen!(n fuN o!ap sums secured by this Security Instn�ment.
<br /> Howef+er, thla opUon shaN not be exercised by Lender it exercc;iise is prohibited by federal law as o/the date of th(s Searity InsUvment.
<br /> H Laeder exerdaea thia option, Lender ahaN give Barower notke of acceleratlon. The noUce shaN provida a periad o1 not leas thau�30
<br /> d�ya from the date the not�e ts deNvvered a meAed within wh�h the Borrower muat pay aM sums secured by this Securfty tnstnim�L If
<br /> Bortower faNa!o p�y these aums pdor to the expiraUon o1 thla pedod, Lender mey tnvoka any remediea pertnitted by this Security(natru-
<br /> ment without turther noUce or dert�nd on Bwrower.
<br /> 18. Borrow�r's Ri�h! to R�Instets. N Bortower meeta certain conditlona, 8ortower ahall have the�ight to have entorcement
<br /> _ of this Security tnatrument discontinued at any tkne prior to the esrlier ot: (a)5 daya (or such ofher period aa applicabte law may specify _ ___
<br /> •„ fa rek�aLtement) betore aab of the Property purauant to any power oi sate contelned in thla Sec;urity Instn�ment; a (b) entry of a •
<br /> judqrnent ento�cin9 thia Searity Instrument.Those conditbna are that Bortower: (a) pays Lender aN suma whkh then would be due under
<br /> this Securiry Instrument and the Note h�d no accelernUon occuRed; (b) area any defauft ot any other covenant or agreertimta; (c)pays '
<br /> d1 e�ensea ineurred in enforcing this Securityr Insirumenl, inciuding, but noi Bmited to, reasonable attomeys'tees; end (�takes sucb action i
<br /> � as Lendx m�y reesonably require to aasure that the flen of this Security Instrument, Lender's�ighta M the Property and Borrower's oblig
<br /> ��; &"�-�tv�:y �ums axurco by this Security tnsWmeni shaq continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security tnstrument �1
<br /> L u►d 1he obNgetlona aecureG hereby shatl remain fulfy ettective as it no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall �
<br /> not apply in the caae oi acceleretlon under paragraph 13 er 17.
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