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_.—.==�. <br /> — � � <br /> NON-UNIFORM C�VENANTS. Borrowe►and Lender further covenant and agree as tolbwa: <br /> 90-'' 1Q025� <br /> 18. ACC�I��atlOn; A�m�dl�s. Lender ah�N yive no�ce to BoROwer prior to acccleratlon foNowinp Bortower'a Dresch ot eny <br /> cov�nt or aqrarn�nt (n thfa Saeuriry I�atrument (but nAt pdot to accekntion un�pu��ph 13 or 17 unless appNcable kw providea <br /> �.__..��_ N�. • .I..I.. N. 1 7.w w .��. IM�� O e r� : � <br /> - Sp�aintav�. Zi'{v i�varvv vilw�oMvu��: =�j��$w�au�h �j Zi1v wL'�3ii t"w'�'�in.,�!a rsr tha c�u;t� =..l .'S C�.....� 11�3Z tt:aa..9�..y .�C.^A � - <br /> d�t�th�natke Is ot+r�to BortowK, by whlch ths defauR muat be cured; and (�that hNura to cure ths detauR on or betor�the date <br /> � �p�,M�d tn tA�notla m�y atuk in�ecM�t�tbn ot th�aums secund by thb S�c�urity instrums�t and eak o1 tha Rop«ty.Th�noUca ehaN <br /> turth�►tnfam 8ortawK W iM�ht to��in�tat�ARar�cwMrRtkx��usd the riyht to brinfl a couR �ctlon t4 auM'1 th� non�xbtinc� oi a <br /> - - — — w"�s.".�rs:;a:A��ee o!�%s!o!zc�'�ti��n!��eEe. 1!ihe�!!�!��1!!�no!c���r!e!s os!+el3!e tln�dste*a!�c�lled!n the r.adae, <br /> � cM�r.z���;W,� r�ky��-�a c,,,Nr;:�a�y,��,t�-►run o�«a:u,�►a a�;,�;�ay u►ta ^--- „ r,�-�,,,:.� •���n�,:a:. �-;�a;�� ,.. <br /> hvok�th�powK ot eal�and�ny other nrt�lles pannktad by appYca6i�Mw. L�ndr shar b� antitlsd to eoN�d d�xptna�a Ineumd h <br /> pursuin�th�nrr�provid�d in tAb p���raph 18. in�ludnp,but not limitsd to, rason�bb attomeys' 1�es�nd coats ol Utl�wldaice. <br />_ . N th�poww of a�N la hvbfced,Tnistas aha�rocad a notke of dehuR tn each couny fn wMch any piut ot the Rropwly b Ioat�d�nd <br /> at�Y nW oopie�of wch notics tn th•m.nn.r�aac�teaa by.�pWc.e�e ww to eorrow«and to ine ocner p«sons�x..ab.a by�te <br /> Mw. ARK the tMtN nquired by appAcabls kw, Truatee aha�ylve pub�c notla of s�le to th�prsona�nd tn the m�nnK praa�d by <br /> a�p�owN N�w. TNStw.wkhout dansnd on Bo�rower,ahal seM tM R+op�ty tl pubb auction to tM ht9h�st Wc1clK�t th�thrn�nd ptace <br /> , �nd und�r th�t�rtns d�sipnated tn tM�otlo�of sale in oos or nwn p�oNs and in�ny ord�t Trust�d�t�t. TruttM maY Pp�� <br /> t�M ol d or any parcN o1 the Propwty by pubto annou�ceme�t at tM tin�and pUc»ol any praviousy schuluMd�aN. Laeder or its <br /> � dMlg�w may purchase tAe Property�t�rry stle. � <br /> Upon nodpt ol p�yrtNnt oi ths prk�bid,Tiuste�shaN d�Wer to the pu�chaa�TruriN'�de�d conveyk�p th�PropKty. 'ths recitab h <br /> th�TrustN's dNd ahat 6e prim�haia eviden�ot th�truth oi the ahtane�ts rtwid�ther�ein.Truatee shaiN appty th� praa�ds M th��ale <br /> In th�ioNowhp order. (a)to�N a�ensss o1 ths sate. includtnp, but�ot Nmited to.Truatee'e tees aa pe�nitted by�ppNc�bN kw �nd roa- <br /> aonaN��ttomeys'tees; (b)to aA aums aecurod by this Sseurfry Instrument; and (o) �ny exoes�to the person or peaons ip��y entU{ed <br /> to k. <br /> Z0. L�nd�� (n Ppl�ssi0n. Upon accN�atbn undK para�raph 19 or ab��donmmt o1 th�Properry, L�ndK (in p�soe, by <br /> ap�nt a by judeiMy�ppoint�d�ac�iver) shaN M�ntld�d to �nt�r upon, Wa poss�sslon W and mma�th�PropKty and to coMct th� <br /> nnU of tM Propwly Indu�n�tho�s past due. Any�tts ooM�c.i�d by UndK or th�recNvK sMA b�appN�d Ant tc+ p�y�na�t o�!tM aost� � <br /> of rtwna�tf�nt M th�Rrop�ry and cowctlon of r�U, Induding, but not wnit�d to, reo�tvK's 1Nt,prar�ns on norvr'�bonds and <br /> n�son�bN attanys'NM,�nd th�n to th�wms i�curod by thb S�cu�ity Msfixrwn� <br /> 21. R�COnv�y�nC�. Upon payrnmt of�N wms aax�d by thb S�curUy In�Uument,L�dar�haN nquat TruttM to nco�wy the <br /> Prop�rty�nd shal su�nndK thb SaurNy Inshummt and aN nota �vldmdnq d�bt a�cund by this S�cudty Inatrum�nt to TnistM. <br /> Tn�stN sh�N noonv�y M�Prop�ty without waRa�ty�nd without cM�s to ths penon or persons le�lly�nt11Nd to N. 8uch pKSO� or . <br /> pKSOns �IW pay�ny noorrl�tbn ooris. ' <br /> 22. 8tlbstRYt�T�Yd��. Le�der, at its c+pUon. may irom tYna to time romove Trustee and�ppok�t i aucces:or truste�to aey <br /> TnrstN appok�t�d h�nunder by�n instrument rocorded in the eounty in whkh this 3acurlty Inatniment is roeorded. Wlthout oonvyanee � <br /> ot th�Propwty, suoassa trustae shaN succead to d ths Utle,power and duUss coniertsd upon Yniatee heraln�nd by a,�cable kw. ? <br /> 23. R�qu�at ioe Notie�s. Borrowar roguasts thai copies of tha rtaUces of dd�ult and sab b� sent to Sort�owe�'s addross -_- <br /> which b th� R'op�ty Addross. Borrower turther requeats that coples of the aotkes of dehutt �nd aale be ae�t to each peraon who fs a <br /> puty heroto at th�addr�ss o1 auch paraon aet torth herek�. <br /> 24. Rid�rs to titis S�CUriiy Instrum�nt. It one or more ridera aro exearted by Borrawer and recorded to�ather witb this �-_ <br /> Securily InsCniment, the covena�ts end�yreerneota o1 each such rider shaN be hcorpoiated Into end shaN amend and auppkment the - <br /> oovennti�nd agNnMnts o1 thb Security Instrument as H the dder(s)were a part of this Secudty Inatrument <br /> [Ch�dc appNc�bls box(es)� ;_. <br /> � AdJust�Ms Rate Rider � Condominium Rider � 2�4 Fart�Ny Rider - <br /> ❑ Qraduated P�yrt�ent Rider � Plmned Unft Dev�topment Rider <br /> ❑ ��(�) ��A► � <br /> 8Y SIONINa BELOW. 8orrower a �and covenanta contained�thia Securiry Inatrument and in eu�y rMer(sj P <br /> ccepts and agrees to the tertn.. <br /> executsd Dy 8arowe►and roeorded with it. � <br /> � ` � •.�:; <br /> � SEAL �•�; <br /> eorrowe AVID J B R ' . <br /> ` � sen� ' <br /> sorrower y(�jTM�A D BERQ <br /> � . [SPnce Bdow 7Ais 1.1�For Aeknowkd9rtwrrt) <br /> .w STATE OF NE6RASKA ' <br /> ' � ss. ' <br /> COUI�TY OF HALL <br /> �� �Q�<<e-^ � • f-!y� ! a Notary PubNc in and for aaid county and state,do hereby eertiy that <br /> DAVID J BERO and CYNTHIA D BERC; HUSBANO AND WIFE <br /> • . r- -__ <br /> . Pe►son+�lY aPP�►ed � <br /> beforo ms and Is(are) known to me to be the peraon(s) who, b�ing Intormed of the contenta of the foregoing Instrument, have executed � <br /> a�me,and aciv�ovAedQsd aald inatrument to be th�l� fres and voiuntary act and deed and that the ' <br /> ( e, t r) { e, s e.t ey + � <br /> executsd�aid hstrume�t fa the purpoaea end uaes therein aet torth. <br /> �� � <br /> Wkne�s my hand and ollk�al aeal thla 15th day o1 January , 19 90 � <br /> LMy Cortxnisabn Expkes: ;' � <br /> -� , .� <br /> �-- S�� ^' <br /> NOtA�y R IC � <br /> —--_ ��� <br /> i� R <br /> `�f,. Thts Matrument waa prspared by: FIRSTIER BANK, NA710NAL ASSOCOATION �pi�,����{p �� <br /> - -`�u' r t019 Cft {11831 p(9/Ef3) Uf9/191R3) 44p9-01341 �'a7^4 ot 4 � w C����u�� <br /> .1� <br /> �.���� <br /> /.� � <br /> �t��t . <br /> ����`,f <br /> �r: <br /> a� �� '��i <br /> �r' <br /> Y <br />