<br /> ' � �
<br /> UNiFOAM COVENANT3. Borrowar and Lender covenant�nd apra+e a�foNowa: 90'� �O O���
<br /> 1. Paym��t of i��inctpal :nd I�t�r�s3; Rnpsym�nt and Lat� Cha�y�s. eo�rower ahaN promptty pay when due
<br /> !M�t^�l^.S!C!�.R�!^.!'�'��!C!!!!!°�?!!ti��!!!!C�!h�t!!!Nnfw w^Q n^�r!_�!;7t!!!!!'!R� ��l� 'L�`!;'ti S.�SS�SsAd�1lt.^.�':.^.:8.
<br /> 2. Fund�for Tax�s and In�ur�nC�. SubJect to �ppNcable Isw o� to� wrttteo watver by lender. Borrowrer ahaN pay to
<br /> � L�ndK or�the dsy monthy payrt�t�us dus unelr th�Not�, untN th�fVot�is paM in IuN, a wm ("Funds'� equal to on♦twNlth ot:
<br /> t�)Y�Y tax�e�d�:�atsm�nh wMch m�y atWn priaky ovw thh 9ecurity Mibume�t; tb) YsadY IeaaMold payrtn�nh or qround ronh
<br /> ot�th�Propwy�M any� (o)Ywb R�ard insuru�a prwr�lumr,and(dl YMry mortsr9�Insura�c�piwniums. R any. Th�k�ms an c�Ned
<br /> "��c::��r.e." l..�r.�Z��t+.sr��te ih=fz:�• �r_ as=!ho��c'. asr.:tt �L= sss_w:x-.���.�st�o!!lstus��sa�!l�sr.
<br /> T�Fund�shW b�h�ld In an In�tltutbn tM deposAs ar accounts oi whk:h�ro inwnd or quanntaad by a tederd ar sW� a�ancy
<br /> (Indudn� L�nder N Lend�r b such an inatitutioo). lende►ahaM appy th�Funds to p�y th�acrow Aema. Unda m�y nat charps for
<br /> holdnp�nd apptyk�p tP� Funds, �naytinp ths acoount ar ved(yN�p the aacrow kems. unwas Lender p�ys Ba�orYer interost on the
<br /> Fund�and appNcabb I�w p�rtnit�Lmdar to m�k�wch a clwq�. A chu��sHas�d by UndK in co�n�cNon vvlth BortowK's �t�inp
<br /> tnto this 3�eudly M�trwnsnt to p�y ths co�t of an hdepsndent wc repatinp savke ahY not b�a charye ior purposa ot ths prwednp
<br /> s�ntwio�. Bo�row�r and L�ndK rtwy pree in v�rtittnn th�t tntwest ah�M 6� pdd on th�Ftx�dt. Unles��n aynement b mads a appAabl�
<br /> I�w�htwwt to b� pud, Lendx sh�N not b�raquired to pay BarowK any int�ast or e�minps on ths Funds.Lender shaN�hre to
<br /> BomcwK. without chary�.�n annual accountinp o1 the Funds showinp chdits and dsbits to ths Funds and the purpoae Tor whtch e�ch
<br /> d�bit t.o th�Funds waa rt�ds. Ths Funds aro ptedsed as addltiood aecurity 1or ths aums saarad by thb SearUy Inshumsnt.
<br /> M th��mount of th�Funds held by Lender, topether with the futuro monthy payiriente of Fueda pay�b{s pdor to the dus ci�tet oi
<br /> th�atcrow Ramt, shaN axceed the amount requked to pay ths asaow kerta wh�n due,the exosss ahat be,-�t Borrowr'a optbn, either
<br /> prompty npdd to 8ortower or aedited to BortowM on monthy p�ymenta of Funds. H th�amount of the Funds held by Lender b not
<br /> suMldmt to pay 1M eacrow kema whae due. Barower ahaN p�y to landsr Rny amou�t neaesaary to �ks up ths delk�Kwy in one or
<br /> mon p+�ymenta as roquirod by Lend�.
<br /> tJpon payment in iuN o1�N aums securod by thia Securily InsWment, Lender�hwM prompty rdund t� 6arower�ny funds held by
<br /> lendK. H under para�aph 18 the Property h sold or acqui�ed by Lender. Lender shaN apply, no later than immediatey pdor to ths aab
<br /> 01 tha Properry or Rs �oquisidon by Lender, any Funda hdd by lender at the ttme of applk,ation aa a�xedit agalnst the sums securod
<br /> by thb S�axily InsUume��
<br /> 3.Appiicatlon af Paym�nts. Untess appNcabls kw providea otheiwiae, aN payments rocetved by Lender under para�aphs 1
<br /> and 2 shd be a�pMd:1kst,to kte char��ee dua under the Note; second.to prepayment charges due under the Note; thiM.to art�aunts
<br /> p�yaWe uoder pWayraph 2;touKh, to Interoat due;�nd last,io p►indpal due.
<br /> 4. Cha�s; Li�ns. Borrowar shaN pay�N tuces, aaaessmenta,ch�rgas,11nes and h�poaiti�ons atMbutabte to th�Prop�ry whkh
<br /> mry�tfvn prio�Ry ov�r thts S�cudly Insbumant, and tas�hold payme�tt or�round ronta. if any. Barower shaN p�y tha�obA�tbnt tn
<br /> th�m�t�r provW�d in p�nynph 2, o�if not p�W h th�t manner. Bortower shaN p�y th�m on tkn� dinety to th� p�rson ow�d �
<br /> paynwnt BorrowK sh�A pr�omptly fumbh to th�Lender aN notkea oi amaunts to b�pald undx this p�rapnph. H BorrowK m�kes theae
<br /> • p�yrmnb dndy, 8orrowar ahaA prompUy fumlah to Lender receipta enrldendn�ths payments.
<br /> - Barow�r sh�ll prompty dlsch���ny Aen whkh haa priorMy over this Seairity lnatrument unksa 9orrowe�: (a) a�in wrkin�to i -
<br /> the p�yme�nt o1 the obYpaUon securcd by the Nen in a msnner acceptsble to l.ender, (b) contesta in pood iaRh the Nen by, or detends •
<br /> apMnst ento�certient of ths kn In, b�l proceQdfnys whkh tn the Lender'a opinion operate to prevent the entoroema�t oi the Nen a =
<br /> torfeiture o1�ny part ot ths Propeity; or (a)ascursa from the holder of the Uen an a9reemeet eat}stactory to lender aubordlnaUnp the Ilen �
<br /> to this Searity tnsWment H Lender deterrr�ines thRt any paR oi the Property la aubjeet to a li� whlch mey atain p�lority ova this
<br /> Sew �estruma�t. Lender ms tifying the Nen. Borrower ahaN a�tbty the Nen or take ons or rtwro ot the ' '
<br /> rlty y qhre Borrower a notice iden
<br /> acdona set iorth�bove within 10 dsya of ths�tviny ot eotke. �
<br /> 5. Hazard Inw�anc�. 6orrower ahall keep the improverner►ta now exlatln�or heroaRx erocted on the Property inaurad a�inat '
<br /> bss by 1fn, huarda induded wlthin the tam "eodended covera9e° and any other hazuda tor whicN Lender requiros inaurana. Thia �
<br /> insu�ana shaM b�m�k�tained In the�nwunts and ta ths periods that L�der requiroa. The insuwnce artier providn� the inaunnce �
<br /> shM bs ehosan by Borr�ewer subJed to Lender'a approvd which ahaN not be unreaaonably rrkhheld. ;_
<br /> A/inaurance poAcbs�nd ronewais ahaN be acceptabte to the Lender end shaN indude a atenderd mortyeQe dause. Lmder shaN ' �
<br /> have the ri9ht to hoid thb poNcies and renewata. H Lender requtros,Borrowe� ahaN promptly pivs to Lender aA receipts of paid promiuma �
<br /> �nd r�newal�otic�. In the event of baa, Borrower sheN yive prompt noUee to the insurance cartie► and Lender. Lender may rr�eke
<br /> prool of bss N not made prompty by Bortower. '�`.
<br /> ��''�F=�-.
<br /> Unbsa Lender and Borrower othe�wise agree in w�iting. tnaurance pro�eds ahaN be appNed to restoreUon or repair of the PropeRy ��'�
<br /> ��ed. M the reatoratlon or repak is economicaNy te�sfble and Lmder's aecurtty ta not leaaened. H the reatoration or�epak i� no!
<br /> aconornicaly►teaable or Lender's aecurily woutd be lessened, tha insurance proceeda sha8 be appYed to the sums aecured by thls
<br /> Secudty�nstrument,whether or not then due, with my exceaa peid to Borrower. H BoROwer abandons the Properly. or does not�nswer
<br /> ' • wkhin 30 days •notbs trom Lender that ths inaurance pr►ier haa olfered to aettk a claim, then Lender mey coNect the insurance
<br /> proeeeds. Lender rn�y use the proceeda to repair o► restore the Property or to pay aums aecured by thla Secudty InatrumenL whether
<br /> w nof then due.Ths 30-day periad wlq be�in when the noUce Is given.
<br /> U�I�aa Lender and Borrowe►otherwise�yree in wrftinp, eny appNcation of proceeds to prindpsl she/not extend or poatpone the due
<br /> d�t� of th� monthy payrnanta referted to in para�raph 1 and 2 or chanpe the amount of the paymenta. Ii unde► parayr�ph 19 the
<br /> Pro�ty►b�cquked by Lender. Bortower'a ripht to any inaurance polidea and prxeeds resulting trom damage to the i�roperty pdor to
<br /> the acqulaftlon ahaN pass to Lender to the extent ot the suma aecured by thla Securiry Instrument immediatey prior to the acquisitlon.
<br /> 6. Pr�s�rvation and MaiM�nance of P�oparty; Lesaseholds. Barowe► sheu� not aestroy, damage or aubstantlaMy
<br /> chu��s ths Property, �Now the PropeRy to detdionte or cornmit waste. If this Securfty Instrument Is on a leasehold, Borrower aha11
<br /> cary�ly wlth the proviaions oi the baae, and H Bortower acquhes tee titie to the Property, the leasehold and fee tiUe shaN not merge
<br /> unbsa the Lender agrees to the merger in wriNng. '-l �---
<br /> 7• Prot�ctlon of L.�nder's RtgMs in ths �roperty; Mortgaga insu�ance. If Borrower tails ta periortn the covenanfs �
<br /> �nd�Qrssmenta contained in thia Security Inatrument, or there is a leget proceedk�g that may signi�cenUy aftect the Lenderb right M the �
<br /> PropeRy (auch ta a proceeding in benkruptay, probete,tor condemnatlon or to entorce laws or reguletions), then Lender mey do and
<br /> pay tor whatever is neceasary to protect the value ot the Property and Lender's rights in the Property. Lender's aalons may inctude �
<br /> peyinp arty sums secured by s Nen which has p�iority over this Securityr Instrument, eppeartng in couR, paying ressonabie attomeys' �
<br /> L fees and entering on the Property to matke repaka. Although Lender may take actbn undef paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> My�mounts diaburaed by Lender under paragraph 7 shaN become edditlonal debt of Borrower secured by this Security in�trument.
<br />� Unlesa Bortower and Lendef agree to other terms o}payment, these amounts sha8 bear interest from date o1 dlsbursement at the Note �
<br /> �
<br /> nte end shaN be payab{e, upon notice hom Lender to Borcower requosting payment. tti
<br /> �
<br />- � ��
<br />' �>
<br /> �u aArr� c„rts�y aooso,�� �o�o a�,,a �_—- - ---�--
<br /> �
<br />