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2� 1 ��59�9 <br /> in��rest from the date of d�sbursemen� at �he same rate assessed on advances under the Car�trac� and shall be <br /> payab�e,w�th�ntere�t,upon not�ce fr�m Lender�o Borrawer requesting payment. <br /> Inspe�tion. Lender ar i�s agent may make reasonable en�ries upon and inspe�t�ons of�he ProperCy. Lender sha�l <br /> g�ve Bflrrovv�r no�zce at�he�ime�f ar przar to an inspec�ion specifying reasonab�e cause f�r the znspec�i�r�. <br /> �ondemnat�ori. Th�proceeds of any award or G�a�m far damages, direct or consequential, in connec��on w��h any <br /> �ondem�na�ion or o�her�aking af any par��f�he Praperty, or for conveyance �n ��eu of c�ndemnatron, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha1�be paid ta Lender. <br /> �n �he even� �f a tntal takzng of�he Prop�rty, the proceeds shall be app��ed �o �he sums secured by �his Securrty <br /> Ins�rument, Whether or no� �he�x due, with any excess pa�d t� Barrawer. Zn �he event of a par��a� �aking of�he <br /> Proper�y zn v�hxch the fair market value of the Proper�y ��ate�y bef�re the �aking is equal to ar gr�ater�han <br /> the amount of�he sums secured by�h�s S ecur�ty Instrumen� immedi ate��b efare �he �akz�.g, un�es s B�rrovver and <br /> Lender atherv��se agree zn wri��r�g,�he sums secured by�his Securxty�nstrument sha�l be reduced by�he amount�f <br /> the proceeds mul�iplzed by�he follov��ng fract�an: �a�the total amour��of�he suxns secured immed�a�te�y before the <br /> tal�, d�vided hy �b} the fair marke� value �f�he Property imrn.�d�a�e�y bef�re the �aking. Any balance sha�I be <br /> pa�d �o Barrower. �n �he even�af a partial �ak�ng of�he Praperty in�rvhich the fair market va�ue of�h� Pr�pert� <br /> �mmediate�y before �he �aking �s �ess than the am�u�� of�he sums secured immediately before the �aking, unless <br /> Borro,wer ar�d Lender otherw�se agree in wri�ing or ur��ess App��cab�e Lavv o�herw�se provides, the proce�ds sha�� <br /> be applied���he sum.s secured by th�s Security�nstrument whether or no��h�sums are�hen due. <br /> �f the Proper�y is abandoned by Borr�wer, or if, after not��e b�Le�xder�� Borravver tha�the condemn.or offers�a <br /> make ax�av�ard or settle a c�a�m for damages, Barrower fa��s�a respond to Lender vvith��.�he minimum nurnber of <br /> days es�ab��shed by Applicable Law af�er the da�e�he no��ce xs given,Lender is authar�zed��col�ec�and apply the <br /> pr�ceeds, a� �ts option, e��her t� restora�ion or repa�r of�he Property or tio the sums secured by �his S�cur��y <br /> �ns�rument,whether ar no�t�hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in�wri�i�g, any application of proceeds �a pr�ncipal sha�1 not extend <br /> �r postpone the due da�e af�he payments due under�he Con�rac�or change the amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Barrower Nat Released; For�eara��e By Lender Not a �Va�ver. Extensz�n of the time for paymen� ar <br /> modif�ca��on af amor�izatiax� of�he sums secured by thzs Securi�y Ins�rument granted by Lender �o Borrovver or <br /> any successor in �n�eres� of Borrnvtrer sha�� not apera�e �� release the liability �f �he or�gzna� �3arroWer nr <br /> Borrower's successors zn�n�eres�. Lender sha��not be required�� c�mmence praceedings agaznst any success�r in <br /> �n�terest or refuse�o ex�.end�ime far payment ar otherwise modzfy amort�zation of the sums secured by�h�s Securzty <br /> �nstrumen� �y reasox� of any demand made by the ar�gir�al Borro�ver or Borrawer's successars �n �nteres�. Any <br /> farbearance by Lender in exerczsing any right ar remedy shail no�be a v�azv�r �f or preclude the exercise of any <br /> righ�or rem�dy. <br /> Successors and AsSigns Bound; Jo�nt and �evera� L�abilxty; Accommodat�on Sfgners. The cov�nants and <br /> agreemen�s of th�s Security�ns�rument shall bind and benefi��he su�cessars and ass�gns af Lender and BorroWer, <br /> subj ec� ta �he pravisi�ns af sec�zan t�tled Tran�fer af the Pr�perty �r a Benef c�ax In�er�st in Borrower. <br /> �orrawer`s cavenants and agreements sha��be j oint and severa�.Any persan vvha cn-�szgras this Secur��y�ns�rumen� <br /> but has no personal liabi�z�y ux�der the Contra�t �"Accammodatzon S�gner"}: �a} is coWsigning �his S�curzty <br /> �nstrumen� anly �o m�r�gage, gran� a�.d convey tha� Accommoda�ian Signer's interes� in �he Property under �he <br /> �erms of �he 5�curity Ins�rumen�; ��} is no� persanal�y obligated �o pay the sums secured by this Secur��y <br /> �ns�rumen�.; and��} agrees�ha�Lender a�.d ar�y a�her Barrower may agree�o extend,modify, forbear ar make any <br /> accommvda�ions With regard to�he terms of this Security Instrument or�he Con�rac�wz�hau��ha�Accommoda�ion <br /> S�gner's cor�senti. <br /> Loan �harges. Zf the loan secured �y �his Secur�ty Z�strumen� is subj ect �a a �a�v Which sets maximum. �aan <br /> charges, and tha��aw is fznally interpreted so��at the interes�or o�her loan charges co�lec�ed or to be co�lected in <br /> connectian wi�h �he laan exceed �he permi�ted 1imi�s, then: �a� any such Ioan charge shall be reduced by the <br /> amaunt necessary ta reduce the �harge �o�he perm�.t�ed lin�its and �b} any sums a�ready co��ect�d from Borrovver <br /> which exceeded perm���ed l�m�ts Wi�l be refunded to B�rravcrer. Lender rnay choose to make #his refund by <br /> reducir�g the pr��.c�pal avved ur�.der �he ��ntract ar by making a d�recti payment�o Borrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipa�,the reduc��an W�1��e treated as a par�ia�prepayment under�h���n�ra��. <br /> No�i.ees. Any no�i�e t� Borra�wer provzded for in �his Securzty �nstrumen� shaXl be gzven by delivering it or by <br /> �nai�ing it by f rs�c�ass mail un�ess Applicable La�w requ�res use of ana�her method. The no��ce sha�l�e direc�ed�o <br /> �he Property Address �r any ��her address Borrawer designates by natice �a Lender. Borro,wer agrees t� provide <br /> Lender vvz�h Borro,wer's mos� current ma���ng address, as i�may change from.�ime--��--�ime. Any nat�ce �a Lender <br /> shal�be given�y f rs�class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any oth�r address Lender designa�.es by natice <br /> to Bor�ower. Any notice prov�ded fc�r in this 5ecurity Ins�trume�.�shall be deemed tn have been g�ven�o Barrovver <br /> or Lender when given as pravided in�h�s paragraph. <br /> �overning Law; Severabi�ity,Th�s Security Ins�rumer��shall be gav�rned by federa��aw and�he�aWs of�he sta.�e <br /> �f Nebraska. In the e�en� tha� any provision or clause of�hxs Security Ins�rumer�� �r �he Contirac� conflzcts with <br /> Applicable Lav�r, such confl�ct sha�I not affect o�her provzszor�s of�his Securi�.y Ins�rum�nt or�he Cantrac�which <br /> can be g�ven effect Wzthou��he confl�ctzz�g prov�sion. To�his end the pravisians af�h�s Security Ins�ru�nen�a�.d�he <br /> �on�rac�are dec�ared��be severab�e. <br /> B�rrower's Copy.Borrower shall be given one co�y af th�s 5ecur�ty�nstrument. <br /> Q 2�Q4-20I 5 Compliance 5ystems,Inc.CgE$-C4D5-2015.I2.2.I 112 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrurrier�t DL2�3d Pa�e 3�f 5 www.complian�esystems.c�m <br />