2� 1 ��59�9
<br /> Transfer of the Property vr a Ben��c�a�Interes��n Barrvvver.�f aIl or any part�f�he Prapex�y or an��nterest
<br /> �n �� is sold ar t�ansferred �or if a beneficial �nterest in Borrovver is soXd �r transfe3-red and Borrov�er �s not a
<br /> natural person} �,rithout �.�ender's pri.�r vvri�ter� cQnsen�, Lender may, at i�s aptifln, �ecluire immed�a�e payment �n
<br /> fu�I of al� sums secured by �iis Se�urit� Instru�n.ent. Ha�eu�r, thi� �ption sha�� not be �xercised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�s��s prohibited by federal 1aw as flf�h�da�e�f this�ecurity�n��rument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this ap�ion, L��der sha�I g�ve B orro�er n�tic�f �f accelera���n. �he not��e sha�� prflvide a
<br /> period of not less than the minimurn number of days es�ab��shed b� App�zcable La,w from�he da�e the not�ce �s
<br /> deliver�d or maxled �vithin v�rhich BorroWer �n�xs� pay a�l sum.s sec�:€red b� thzs 5ecur�i� Ins�rument. If B�rr�wer
<br /> fails �o pay�hese sums prior to the expira�ivr� of�h�s periad, Lender ma� invoke any rem�dies perrn�tted by th�s
<br /> S e curz��ns�rum�nt v►ri�hou�further na��ce�r�temand on B�rravver.
<br /> Bar�rav�er's Ri�ght �o l��insta�e. �f B�rraur�;r mee�s cer�ain condi��ions, B�rraWer s:ha�� have �he right to have
<br /> enforcement of��irs Security�ns�ent discC�ntinued a� any tixne pr-ior to the ear���r c�f: �a� 5 days �or such other
<br /> period as Appl�cab�e La�may specify�'or re��as�a�ement}�efor�sa�e of�h�Properfiy p�xrsuan��o any power af saXe
<br /> con�a�ned in thYs Security Instrum�nt; or (�} �ntry of a judgmen� enforc�ng �h�s >>ecur�ity �nstrurnen�. Those
<br /> conditians are that Borr�wer: �a� pays Lender a�� sums vvhi.�h�hen wtiuld �ae due unc�.�r�his Security�ns�ru�n.e�t
<br /> and the Con�ract as if n4�.�celeration had acc��rr�d; (b}cures any defaul�of any ather c.ovenants ar agreements; �c}
<br /> pays a1�expenses incurred in enforcing tihis S�;curi�y Yns�ru�.ent,including,bu�n�t�im���d t�,reasonable attor�eys'
<br /> fees to �he exten�perm�tted by Iaur; and �d���.kes such ac�ian as Ler.�der may reasana���y re�uis�to assure th�t�.he
<br /> Iien�f this Securit�Instrumen�, Lender's rig��.s i��he Prfl��rty and�3arrourer's obliga�:ion�a pay�he sums seGured
<br /> by this Securi�y�nstrumen� sha11 cor��inue unt;hanged. �p�n reinsta�:emen� by Borrou�cr, th.l5 S�Cllr1�' �115�T1��1t
<br /> and �he obligations secured hereby sha�� rema�n fu��y effe��i�e as �f no ac�e�era�ian�.�.d occurred. H�v►�ever, thxs
<br /> righ�to reins�ate shall no�app�y in�he case of'ac�e�era�ion under the section�i�led Tra�sfer nf�he Property or a
<br /> �3enef���a�Inter�st�n�orroVver.
<br /> Ha�ardous Substan��s,Borravver shal�not cause or perm��th�pre�ence,us�, dispos�l�, storage, or re��ase af any
<br /> Haz�x-dous Subs�a.nces an or in the Praperty.F��rro�ver shal�no�do,nor a�low anyone else to da,anything affe��ing
<br /> the Praperty �hat is in vzolatian af any Envzroxamental Lavv. The preceding two sen���nces shall not app�y ta �he
<br /> presence,use,or starage�n�he Properfiy of sma�l quant�t�e��f Hazar�dous Substances�l:�a�are generally recognized
<br /> to b�appropr�ate t�normal residen�ial uses and ta mai��enance of th�Pr�perty.
<br /> Borr�v�er shal�p��mpt�y give Lend�r wri�ten not�ce of any investiga�ion,c�a�xn, deman�3,Iawsui�ar other ac�ian by
<br /> any go�rernmenta� or reg�latory agency or private party involving ��1e Prflperty and a�.y �azardous Substar�ce or
<br /> Env�ro�.nenta� Lavv �f v►rh�ch Borrovtrer h��s actua� kn�wledge. �f Borr�wer �ear�ns, �r is no�if e�. 1ay any
<br /> gouernmental �r regulatflry authorxty,that any�remava�or�ther remEdia��o�af any Ha�ardaus Subs�ance affe�cting
<br /> �he Praperty �s necessary, B�rrower sha�l promp��y �ake a�� nec�ssary remed�a� �tctions in accardan�e with
<br /> Environmenta�Law.
<br /> As used�n�h.xs paragraph, "Hazardaus Substa.n��s" are those substax�.ces def ned as�o�x�c or hazardous subst�nces
<br /> by Environmen�a� Lavv and the fo��o�ving s��bs�ances: ga�o��ne, �Er�sene, other fla�r�mable or �oxic pe�roLeum
<br /> praduc�s, t�xic pesticides and herbF�cides, vala�il� solvents, rr�a�eri�.ls con�aining asb�est�s or �'ormaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac��ve rnaterials.As used�n th�s paragra��h, "Env�ronmental Layv" means federal Iav�rs and Iav�rs af the s�ate af
<br /> �ebras�a�hat r��a�e�o hea��h,safety or env�ronmen�al prot�ction.
<br /> Acc�le�ativn; R�med�es. Lender sh.a�.� gi.ve �.�tice t� �3�rrovver �r�or to ac�e�era���n fa�l.�w�n� B�rr�v�ver's
<br /> bre�.ch of any c�venan�or agreem�n�in this Secur�t�Instrumen��or the Co�tract under,which a��e�er���on
<br /> is perrnitted �but no�pr��r�o acc��era��on �u�der the se�t�om� ti�i�d Transfer of th�Fr�perty�r a�3enef�cial
<br /> Interest in Borrower, unless Applica�le La.v� pravaides vthervv�s�}. The nv�ice 5h�11� s�ecify; �a} the d�ef�ul�;
<br /> �b� the ac��an requxred to cure �he default; �c� a d��e, no� less t�an the m.ir�imum number �f days
<br /> est�bli�hed by Applicab��La�v fro�rn the date�he not�ce is g�ven ��o Bflr°rower,by���ich the default rnu5�be
<br /> cured; and �d} �hat fa��ure tfl cure the de�au�t on ar befo�re the date spe�ified ��� �h� no��ce may resuit �n
<br /> a�celeratitin of �he su�� se�ured by th�s Security Instrurnent and sa�e vf �he Property. To the e�tent
<br /> permit�ed �y la�, �h� n�tice shal�further inform Borr�wer of��he righ�to reinst�.te af�er acce�er��ion and
<br /> �he right to bring a court action�a ass�r�t�ie non-exist�n�e nf a d[efau��or a�y vt�ler defense�f Borrow�r�o
<br /> acc��eration and sal.e. If the default i� no� c:ured o� ar bef�re th�e date specified i:� �he not��e,Lender �t its
<br /> vpt�on may require in��edia�e payment ��� f��� of aIl �u�s sec�ured by th�s Secu�ty In��r�ument witlhnut
<br /> further demand and ma� �nvoke �he p�vve:r of sale and any �th¢�r remeda�es pern���ted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To the extent p�rmuit�ed by �aw, �ender s�1a�� be ent�tled to collect all expenses �r�c�rred �n pursuxn� the
<br /> rer�ed�es provided in this Sec��vn, �n�ludin;�,but not limited�o, �easo�ab�e attorr.i�ys' fees and�o�ts of tit��
<br /> �vxd�nce.
<br /> If th��aower of�a�e�is�n�oked,Trustee shall re�ord a notice of G[efaul.t�n each cau�ty in which any pa�t af
<br /> the Property�s�ocated ��d sha��ma�� �op���s of su�h not�ce�n th�man�er pres�ri�bed by App��cahle La�w tv
<br /> B�rr�v�ver and �o the ��her persor�s prescr�,be� by Applicable L�w. After the �inr�e required by App�icab�e
<br /> La�, Tru�te� shail gx�� pub�xc na��e of s���� tv �he persons and �n �he �rnanner prescr�b�d by App���able
<br /> Lavv. Trus�ee,w��hvut demand on Bflrrower, shal� se���he Prap�rty a�publ�c auc�tion �o the highest bidder
<br /> at t�e�ime and place and u�der�h�terr�5 c�es�gnated in the n����e of sa�e�n one o�rn�re parcels a�d in any
<br /> ord�r Trus�ee det�rm�.nes. Trust�e �nay ��5�pon� sale of all or an� parcel vi` �h� Property by pu�blic
<br /> ann�ur��ement a��he��me and p�ace vf any pr�vinusly sche�u�ed sale.Lender vr ii�s d�s�.gne�may purc�as�
<br /> the Pr�perty a��.ny sale.
<br /> Upan reee�pt nf payment�f the pri�� bid, 'Trustee shal� deli�er �to the purchaser Trustee's deed �onve�ing
<br /> the Pr�perty. The r�c��axs�� �he T`rustee's 43e�d shall be prima f��cie evidence of th�truth vf�h� statem.ents
<br /> Q 2�44-24 t S Cvmpiiance Syst�ms,Inc,CBES-C4fl5-2D 15.12.2,11�2
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrurnent DL2fl3b Page 4 cf 5 www.compliancesysterns.com
<br />