2� 1 ��59�9
<br /> Pay�r�.ent�f Prx���pal�nd Interest9 �ther C.h�rges.Barrovver sha:ll prom.pt�y pa�r�v]Z�n due the prin�ipal of and
<br /> rn�er�st on�he deb�avved un�ier�he Con�ract and Iate charges or any oth�r f�es and cha��ges due under�he Con�-act.
<br /> Applic�b�e Law. As used in th�s 5ecurity :�ns�rumen�, the ��rm "Applicable Lav�" �ha�� mean aIl c�n�rol�ing
<br /> applicable feder�.�, state and 1aca� sta.�u.tes, re�ulat�ons, ordinances and admzn�strative ru�es and ❑rders �tha� have
<br /> �he effec�of lavv}as vve�l as a��app�xcab�e fina��,non-appealable judic�al opinians.
<br /> �harg�s; Liens. Borrov�rer shall pay a�l taxes, asse�sments, charges, f��.es and xm�aosztions a�tribu�ab�e to �he
<br /> Property which r�ay a�tain priar�ty over this ��ec�.rity�nstrumen�, an��leaseh�ld paym��nts or ground rents, �f any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borrfl�rver s�all prarr.:�pt�y furr�ish to Lender�ece�p�s ev�denc�n,�the payments.
<br /> Borrower shal�pramptly d�scharge any lzen urhich has pr�ority over this Securi�y�nstrument unless Borro�ve�-: �a}
<br /> agrees zn writing �o �he �ayment of the Qbli.ga��on secured by the �ien in a max�.e�• accep�ab�e ta Lender; �b}
<br /> can�es�s in good faith th� �ien by, ar defend�� agains� enforcement of t�ae l�en �n, �eg{�� proceedings v�hich in the
<br /> Lender's op�nion operate �a preven� the enfa�rc�men� of�he ��en; or �c} se�ures fr�r.r� th� holder of the ��en an
<br /> agreemen�satisfactary ta Lender subordinatiing the lie�to �his Secux�ity Instrument. �f Lender de�errnines�ha�any
<br /> par��f the Property is subj ec��o a l�en�whic�may atta�n priarity over �hi� Securi�y���s�rument, Lender may give
<br /> Borr�vver a notice i�en�ify�ng�he lien. Borro��ver sha�l satisfy�he Iie:n or take�n� or n:z�re of the actions se�far�h
<br /> abave�vi�h�n 14 days of the giving nf na�ice.
<br /> Ha�ard or Property In�urance. Bo�-rnvver s�za.��keep�he improverrrents now existing; �r h.er�af�er erected on the
<br /> Proper�y�nsured against��ss by f re,hazaxds included,w�th�n�he terrn"extended coverage" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> includir�g fl��ds or flood�ng, far wh�ch Len.der requ�res insura�.ce;. Thi.s 1�1.511r�1C� shaXl be maintained in �.ie
<br /> amounts and for�he per��ds that Lender requ��r�s. The insuran�e carr�er pr�vid�ng the z:r�surance sha�l be ch�sen by
<br /> Borr�vver subj ec� �o Lender's approval u�hicr� sha�I n�t be unreasor.�ably withhe�d. �f�orrawer fa��s t� ma�ntaxn
<br /> coverage descri�ed above, Lender may, a� :Lender's option, flb�ai�.� caverage �o pr�atec� Lender's r�ghts xn the
<br /> Property�n ac��rdance tiv��h se���fln ti��ed Prot�ction of Lender's Ri.gh�s i�the Prop��r�y.
<br /> AI� ir�surance po��c�es and renewa�s shall be �cceptable t� Lender and shal� inciude �� standard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lend�r sha11 hav�the righ�t�hoid t�e policies and renevvals. If Lenc�er re�uires, Barr{��ver shal�promptly gi�re�o
<br /> Lender al�receipts of paid premium� and ren�w��no�ices. In the evFnt af�oss, I3orrov��r sha��g�ve pr�mp�n�txce
<br /> to�he�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender m�y make pr�of of loss i��n��made pramp�ly by Barrovver.
<br /> Unless Lender a�d Borrower ❑ther�vzse agree ��. wr�t�ng, �nsurancE praceeds sha�� �re applzed �o res��ra��on or
<br /> repair of the Pr�perty damage�, �f, �n Lende�-'s sole discretion, the :restor�.tian or rep��.ir is economical�y feasible
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty �s na� �es�ene�. �f, in Lenc�er`s sole discret��n, the restoration o�-repair is n�� ecariomi�all�
<br /> feasibl�ar Lender's sec�.ri�y wou�d be lessene�,�he znsu.rance proceeds shall he app�ied.��the sums secured by�is
<br /> Securr� �ns�rument, whet�er or no� then dt�e, v�r�th any exc�ss pa�d �fl Borrawer. �f Borrower abamdon� �he
<br /> Property, or dfles no�answver v�i�hi��he numb�r�f days prescr�bed b�Appl�cab�e La�v as s�t forth�n a n����e.from
<br /> Lender to Borro�rver that�he insuran�e carrier has �ffered�� settle a c�a�m, �hen Lend�:r may cal�ect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender ma�use the proc�eds �g re��air or restare �he Praperfiy �r to pay su��ns s�cu.red by this Security
<br /> �ns�rument,whether or n���hen due.The peric�d of time for BorroWe�r�to answer as set�oz-�h zn the noti�e vvzX1 begxn
<br /> vvhe�t�e not�ce xs gx�en.
<br /> Un�ess Lend�r and Borrovver o�herwise agree in writing, any appli�a��o�of prnc�eds t�pr�n�zpa� sha��not ex�end
<br /> or postpane�he due da�e of the payments due�.nder the �ontr�.�t ar chang� the amour�t af the payments. �f ur�der
<br /> �he sec�ion ti�1�d Ac�eleration; Remed�es, the Propert�r rs acq�aired by Ler�der, Borro���r's righ��o any insurance
<br /> p��icies and proceeds resul�ing fram damage to �ie Prape�.y przor �:o the acqu�sit�on sha�l pass �o Lender to th�
<br /> extent flf the sums secur�d l�y�his 5ecurity Instru�nen��mm�diately p�-iar�o�he acqu�sz���n.
<br /> Pres�rvat�on, Niaxn�ena�ce and l�ro�e�txo�� �f the Property; �orrower4s Laan .�.ppl.�i�a�xon; Lea�ehflids.
<br /> Borrovver sha�I not destray, damag� �r�mpair th�Property, all�w th��Property�a dete:ri�rate, or comm���vvaste on
<br /> �he Pro�erty. Barrower shall be in defau�t�f ar�y forfeiture ac�i�n or�roceeding,vvheth��r c�vil or criminal,is b�gun
<br /> that in Lender's go�d fai�h�udgmen�cou�d resul� in forfeitu.re of th� Prop�rty or otherwise ma�erially impa��� th.e
<br /> �ien �reat�d by thzs 5ecurzty �nstrument ar :Lender's security in��rest. ��rrower ma.y cure such a default and
<br /> reinsta��, as prov�ded in section��t�ed�orr��v�r's R�ight ta Refnstate, b�causing the. a��i�n or pr�ceed�ng�o be
<br /> dismiss�d�vith a rul�ng that,in Lend�r's gao�:�ai�h determxnati�n,pre�lu�es forfeiture t3f th�Borrower's in�erest in
<br /> �he Property ar other xnaterial impairment o:E�he lien crea�ed by this Securi�y �nstr�ument or Lender'� secur��y
<br /> �nterest. Bflrrovv�r shall a�sa be in defaul�if Bc�rrov�rer,during the Ioan app�icat��n proc�vss,gave ma�erially fal�e ar
<br /> inaccurate informa�xon �r statemen�s �o Lenc'er �ar failed �o provide Le�.der ,with aYzy materia� informa��on} in
<br /> c�nn�cti�n v�rrth�he 1�an evidenced by t�ie ���ntrac�. �f�his Se�ur�ty �nstru�n�ri� is on ��.leasehold, Borrov�r�r shall
<br /> c�mply vtr��h a��the pravisions af the Iease. If:Barroyver acquires fee��i�Ie�o�he Property,txie�easehold and��.�fee
<br /> tit�e sha�l not merge u.nless Lender agrees to the merger in wri�ing.
<br /> Pro��ction af L�ndQr'� �ights Yn th� Prop�er�y. If B�rrower fails �o perform �trie c�venants and agreem.ents
<br /> conta�n�d in this Security�ns�rumen�,flr there is �.legal praceeding t:hat may signif carn�ly affec�Lender's rzghts�n
<br /> the Pro�aerty �such as a proceeding �n ban.l�ru_ptc�, proba�e, far can��emna�ian or forfe.�ture or ta enforce �avUs or
<br /> regu�a���ns}, then Lender may da a�d pay fs�r �ha�ever is necess�.ry to protec� the �alue of�he Property and
<br /> Lender'�r�ghts in the Proper�r. Lender's a�t�or�s rmay inc�ude paying any sums secured�b�a Iien which has pr�arity
<br /> aver�hxs Security Ynstrunrnen�,appearing i.n caY�,pa�ing reasona�le����rneys'fees and en�er�ng on�h�Praperty to
<br /> make repa�rs.Al��iough L�nder may�ake actio�under th�s sec�ion,Lender does not hav{e to do so.
<br /> A.ny amou�zts dis�ursed by Lender under this section sha�l l�ecome addit�ona� debt a�E�3arrower secured �y this
<br /> Secu.rity �nstrument. Un��ss Barrovver and Len�er agree t� �ther �:erms of payment, these amounts sha�I bear
<br /> Q 2Qa4-20I5 Carnpliance Systems,Inc,CBEB-C4Q5-Za15,12.2.i 112
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL2436 Page 2 vf 5 www,camplian�esystems.com
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