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2� 1 ��5851 <br /> E. That this Agreem�nt�onstitutes notice that the Ser�i�er's wai�er as to payment of Es��ow Items, if <br /> any, has t�een re�oked, and I ha�� be�n ad�ised of the amount needed tv fully fund my EsCrow <br /> Accou nt. <br /> F. That the Loan Documents are composed of duly �alid, binding agreements, enfarceable in <br /> accordance with their term�and are hereby r�affirmed. <br /> G. That all terms and provisions of the Loan Documents, ex�ept as expressly modified by th�s <br /> Agreement, remain in full f��ce and ef#ect; nothing in this Agreement shall be understood or <br /> canstrued to be a satisfaction vr release in whole or in part o� the obligations conta�ned in the <br /> Loan Dflcum�nts; and that except as othe�wise specificaily provid�d in, and as expressly m�dified <br /> by, this Agreement, the Lender and ! will be bound by, and will �omply with, a!l of the terms and <br /> cond�tions of the Loan Dv�uments. <br /> H. That, as of the Modificatian Effecti�e Date, nvtwithstanding any other �rovision af the Loan <br /> Documents, i agree as follows: If all or any part o# the Property nr any interest in �t is sold or <br /> transfe�red without Lende�'s prior w��tten consent, Lender may, at its aption, require immed�ate <br /> paym�nt in full �f all sums secured by the Martgage. Howe�er, Lender shall not ex�rcise this <br /> option if stat� or federal law, rules o� regulations prohibits the exercis� of such ❑ption as of the <br /> date of such sale o� t�ansfer. I� Lender exercises this option, Lender shal� gi�e me nntice af <br /> accelerati�n. The notice shali pro�ide a period o� nat less than 3�days from the date the notice is <br /> deli�ered or mai��d within which I must pay all sums seeured by the Mor-tgage. If I fail to pay these <br /> sum5 prior ta the expiration of this period, L�nder may �nvak� any remedies permitted by the <br /> Mortgage without furth�r notice or demand on me. <br /> !. That, as of the Modification Effect��e Date, I understand that the Lender wil! orrly a��aw the <br /> transfer and assumption of the Loan, including this Agreement, to a transferee of my property <br /> permitted under the Garn St. G�rmain Act, 12 U.S.C. Sectian 1701j-3. A�uyer or transferee of the <br /> Property will not be permitted, under any Circumstance, to assume the Loan. Except as noted <br /> herein, this Agreement may not, under any�ircumstances, be assigned to, or assumed by, a �uyer <br /> or transferee af the Property. <br /> J. That, as of the Modificat�on E�fecti�e Date, any p�o�ision in the Note, as amended for the <br /> assessm�nt of a penalty for full or partial �re�ayment of the Note is null and�aid. <br /> K. That, I will cooperate ful�y w�th Lender in obtaining any titl� �ndorsement�s}, o� similar title <br /> insurance product�s}, andlor subordination agreement�s} that are necessary or �equired by the <br /> Lender's procedures to ensure that the modified mortgage Loan is in the �irst lien position andlv� <br /> is fully enforceable upon modification and that �f, under any circumstances and not withstanding <br /> anything e�se to th� cantrary En this Agreement, the Lender do�s not re�ei�e such title <br /> endorsement�s}, title insurance prvduct{s}, andlor subordination agreement�s}, then the terms of <br /> this Agr�ement w�ll not become effectiv� an ModifiCation Effecti�e Date and the Agreement wil� be <br /> nuli and void. <br /> L. That I will execute such other dvcuments as may be reasonably n�Gessary to either�i} Consummate <br /> the terms and conditions of this Agr�ement; or �ii� �orrect the terms and candit�ons af this <br /> Agreement if an errvr is detected after exeeution of this Agreement. i understand that either a <br /> corrected Agreement or I�tter agreement c�ntaining the correction will be pro�ided to me for my <br /> signature. At Lender's option, this Agreement will be �oid and of na legal effect upon notice vf <br /> such error. If I elect not to sign any such eorrecti�e docum�ntation, the terms of the orig�nal �oan <br /> Documents shall continu� in �ull fo�ce and effect, such terms wi�l not be modified by this <br />