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2� 1 ��5851 <br /> Agreement, and I wiil n�t be eligib#e far a modif�cation under the Home Affordabl� Modifi�ation <br /> Pragra m. <br /> M. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Ine. �MERS} is a 5epa�at� corporation arganized and <br /> existing under the laws of Delaware and has an address and telephvne number of P.�. Box 2�2�, <br /> F1int, MI 485�1-2�26, �888} 679-MERS. In the cases where the Ioan has been registered w�th MERS <br /> who has on�y legal title to the interests granted by the Borrawer in the mortgage and who is acting <br /> sol�iy as nominee for Lend�r and Lender's suc�essors and assigns, MERS has the right:t� exercise <br /> any ar all of those interests, including, but not limit�d to, the right to fo�e�lose and sel! the <br /> Property; and to take any action required of Lender including, but not fim�ted to, reiea��ng and <br /> canceling the mortgage Loan. <br /> N. That Lender will coll�ct and recard p�rsonal information, including, but not limited to, my name, <br /> address, t�lephone number, social secur�ty number, credit score, income, payment h�story, <br /> go�ernment monitaring information, and informatian about account balances and act��ity. In <br /> addition, I understand and consent to the disclosures o# my personal information and th�terms of <br /> the trial per�od plan and this Agreement by Lender to �i} The U.S. ❑epat�tment af the Treasury, �ii} <br /> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in�annect�on with thei�-responsibilities under the Home Affordability <br /> and Stability Plan; �iii}Any investar, insurer, guarantar or servicer that owns, insures, guarantees or <br /> ser�ices my �irst lien or subt�rdinate �ien �if applicable} mar-tgage lvan�s}; �i�} Com�anies that <br /> perform support ser�ices for the Home Affardable Modifieation Prog�am and the Second Lien <br /> Modifieatfon Program; and t�}Any HUD�ertified housing counselor. <br /> �. That if any daCument related to the Loan Dacuments andlor this Agreement �s Iost, rr�ispla�ed, <br /> misstated, ina��u�-ately reflects the true and Correct terms and condEtions of the Laan as modifEed, <br /> or is otherwise missing, I will comply with the Lender's request to execute, a�knowiedge, initial and <br /> deli�e�-to the Lender any documentatinn the Lende�deems neCessary. I�the Nate is replaced, the <br /> L�nder hereby indemnifies rne against any lass associated with a demand on the Note. All <br /> documents the Lender requests of ine under this section 4.N. shall be referred to as "Dvcuments" <br /> I agree tn de�i�er the Do�uments within ten ���} days after # recei�e the Lender's written request <br /> for such replacemen�. <br /> P. That the m�rtgage insuranc� premiums an my Loan, if applicab�e, may inerease as a result of th� <br /> capitalization which will result in a higher total monthly payment. Furthermore, the dat� on whieh I <br /> may request cancellation of mvrtgag� insurance may change as a r�sult af the New Pr�ncipal <br /> Balance. <br />
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