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2� 1 ��5833 <br /> interest from �he date of dzsbursement at �he same ra�e assessed on advances under the Contract and shal� be <br /> payab�e,u���h znterest,upon no��ce fram Lender�o�arrov�rer reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspec�on. Le�.der �r zts agent may make reasonable en�r�es upfln and inspectiians of tihe Proper�y. Lender shal� <br /> gzve B�rrav�rer no��ce ati the txme of or przor��an inspec�ion specifying reasonable cause far�he inspec�ian. <br /> Candemnafiivn. The proceeds of any award or c�aim for damag�s, dzrec��r canse�uent�a�, zn conn�c��on v�r�th any <br /> condemnat�an or other takxng of any part af the Pr�perty, or f�r Conveyazace zn �zeu of condemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> �n �he even� of a �ata� �aking of�he Proper�y, �he proceeds shail be apptied �o �he sums secured by thxs Securzty <br /> �ns�rurnen�, tivhether �r na� �hen due, with any excess pazd �o Barrower. In �h� even� �f a par�ial �a�ng ❑f�he <br /> Property in which the fa�r mark��va�ue �f�he Prop�rty immediately before the �aking is equa� �o ar greater�han <br /> �he amoun� af�he sums secured by �his Secur��y Ins�-ument immed�a�e�y before the �aking, un�ess Barrawer and <br /> Lender o�herv�r�se agr�e in wri�ing,�he sums secured by�hzs Securzty Instrumer�ti shall be reduced by�he amount of <br /> �he proceeds rnul��pl�ed�y�he follovving fractzon: �a�the total amount of�h� sums secured immed�a�e�y befare the <br /> �aking, d�vzded by �b} the fair marke�va�ue of�he Property immed�a�e�y before �he �aking. Any balanc� shal�be <br /> paid �o B�rrawer. �n �he event �f a partia� �ak�ng af the Proper�y in wh�ch �he fair marke�value �f the Properry <br /> �mmedia�e�y befare the �a.k�ng �s less than the amoun� of�he sums secured imumedxa�e�y befare �he �aku�.g, un��ss <br /> B�rraWer and Lender otherw�se agree �n wr��ing ar un�ess Applicable Law a�herw�se pr�vides, �he praceeds shal� <br /> be applled�to�he sums secured by this Security�ns�rumen�vtrhether ar n���he sums are th�n due. <br /> If�he Prapezfiy�s aband�ned by Borrovver, or if, after no�ice by Lender t� Barrawer tha�the coridemnor offers to <br /> make an av�ard or se�t�e a claim for damages, Borrower fails to resp��.d to Lender With�n the minimum number�f <br /> d.ays established�y Appl�cab�e Lavv af�er the da�e the not�ce is given,Lender zs au�horz�ed t�coilec�and app�y the <br /> proceeds, a� its option, e��her to restara��nn or repa�r of�the Proper�y �r to �he sums secured�by �his S�cur�ty <br /> Instrument,vvhe�her or not th�n due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borravver o�herwise agree �n wr�t�ng, any appli�ation of proceeds to principal sha��not ex�end <br /> or postpone�he due da�e of�h.e paymen�s due under�he��n�rac�or change�he amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Barr�vver Not R�leased� Forbearance By Lender Na� a Wa�ver. Ex�ensi�n af the t�me far payment or <br /> mod�f�ca�ian of amort�.zar�on �f�he sums secured by �his 5ecur�ty Instrume�t gran�ed by Lender ta Borrawer ar <br /> an�r successar �n interes� �f BorroWer sha1l na�t operate to release the Iiabtlity of �he orzg�nal Bo�-raWer or <br /> Borrower's succes�ors in znteres�. Lender sha��no�be required to commence proce�d�ngs against any su�cessar�n <br /> in�eres�or refuse�o extend tim�for pay�nen�ar oth�rwise m�dify amar��za�i�n of th�sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �n�trument by r�ason of any demand made by �h� orig�nal B orrower �r B orr�wer's suc�ess�rs zn xn��rest. Any <br /> forb�arance by Lend�r �n e�ercising any r�gh��r remedy shall no�he a wazver of or preclude �he exercise of any <br /> righ�or rem�dy. <br /> Suc�essors and Ass�gns B�und; Jo�nt and Several. Liability; Accommodat�on S�gners. The covena.�a�s and <br /> agreements of this S�cur�ty�ns�rumer�t sha��bind and benef t the suc�essors and assigns of Lend�r and I3orrav►�er, <br /> subj ec� to the pravisions of sec�i�n tz��ed Transfer of �he Froperty or a Benef�f al Interes� �n Borrower. <br /> Borrovver's covenants and agreernents sha�l be�oin�and severa�. Any person wha ca-szgr�s this Secur�ty Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� has n� persana� ��abili� under �he �or�tract �"Accamm�datzon Signer"}: �a} is �his S�curity <br /> �nstrum�nt only �o mor�gage, gran� and convey �ha� Accommoda�ian Signer's in�erest in �he Prop�rty under the <br /> �erms of �he S�cur��y Ins�u7men�; (b} is no� personally ob��gated �o pay fhe sums by �his S ecuri�y <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c} agrees�ha�Lender a�zd any other Borrflwer may agree�� ex��nd, m�d�fy, forbear�r make any <br /> accommodations vvz�h regard ta the�erms of this Se�uri�y Instrumen�or the �o��ra�t�vi�hou��ha�Accommoda�ion <br /> 5�gner's consen�. <br /> L�an Charges. �f�he Iaan secured by th�s Securi�y Instrumen� �s subl ec� ta a Iaw whzch se�s maximum Iaan <br /> charges, and�hat�aW is fina�ly�n�erpre�ed so ��at�he �n�erest or other l�an charges callec�ed or tn be cal�ec�ed in <br /> connec�ion vvi�h �he laan exceed the permi�ted ��mi�s, then: {a} any such �oan charge shal� be r�duced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge �o th�permi�ted �zmi�s and ��� ar�y sums already collec�ed from Borrower <br /> �rhi�h exceeded permit�ed ��mi�s wi�� be refunded to Borrovver. Lender may choos� �o make th�s refund by <br /> reducing the principa� ovc�ed under �he �on�rac� ar by making a direct payme�.t to Borrov�er. �f a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reductii�n wx�I b�trea�ed as a par��al prepaymen�under�he Cnntrac�. <br /> No��.�es. Ar�y notice ti� B�rrav�er provided for �n this Security �nstrumen� sha�� be given by de�i�ering zt ar by <br /> ma�Iing zt by f rs�class ma�1 unless App�icable Law requires use af ana�her rne�hod. The not�ce sha�I be direc�ed�a <br /> �he Pr�perty Addaress �r any �ther address Borrawer designa�es b�natice ta Lender. Bflrr�vver agrees �o provzde <br /> Lender with Barrower's mosti curren�ma��xng address, as �t may change from time-�a-time. A�.y n���ce to Lender <br /> sha����given by frs�c�ass mail ta Lender's address stated herein or any��her address Le�.der d�signates by n��ice <br /> �o Barrower. .Any not�ce provided for�n�his 5ecurzty Ins�r�ment shal�be deemed�o have been g�veri�o Borrawer <br /> or Lender When given as pravided in this paragraph. <br /> Governing La�v; Severabi�ity.This Security�ns�.rument sha��be govern.�d by federa��a�w and�he�a,ws of the s�ate <br /> �f Nebraska. In the ev�n��ha� any provisio�. or c�ause of�his Securzty Ins�rum�nt vr �he �ontract conflzc�s w�th <br /> ,�.ppli�a�le Lavvy such conflict sha�l nvt affec� other provisions of this Securxty Instrumen� or the C�ntract�vh�ch <br /> caza be given effec�vvithou��he confl�c�ing prov�szan. To�h�s end�he prt�visions of this 5ecur�ty�ns�rume�.t and�he <br /> Co�.trac�.are dec�ared�o�e severab�e. <br /> Borrower's�opy.Borravver sha�I be given one copy of th�s Securi�r Ins�rument. <br /> C�2D04-2fl 15 Complian�e Systems,Inc.CBEB-684S-2�15.i 2.2.l 11� <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL2�36 Page 3 of 5� <br />
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