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2� 1 ��5833 <br /> Tr�nsfer of the Proper�y or a I3en.�f�cxa�Intex°est�n �3orrvv+�er.�f'aXX or any par�of'th��'rap�rty or any in�erest <br /> �n i� �s so�d or transferr�d �ar zf a beneficia� interest �n �3arrawer is sold �r transfe.�-�d and Borrower is nat a <br /> na�ural pers�n} �,�rithout Lende�-'s pr�or wr��ten consent, L��der ma�, at i�s opti�n, r-ec�uire �mmedia�e paymen� ��� <br /> fu�� �f al� sums secured by �his Se�urity �nst�ument. �o�e��r, this opti�n sha�l na�. be ex�rczsed �� Lenc�er �f <br /> exerci.s�is prohzb�ted by federa��avv as Qf the date of�h�s �ecurity Instrument. <br /> If Lender �xercises th�s opt�on, Le�der sha�� give Barro-wer notic� of acce�erat�an. Th� nat�ce sha�1 pro��de a <br /> periad of not less than the minimum number of da�s es��bXisheci b�App��cab�� La� frorri�he date �he not�ce �s <br /> deliver�d ar mailed vtrithin vvhich B�rro�wer mu5t pay all sums sec��red by thzs Secu���ty Instrument. �f Borro,t7ver <br /> fails �o pa�these surns pri�r to �he �xpiratia�� �f this per��d, Lender may ixzvol�e any remedzes perm�tted by �his <br /> S e curi�y Ins�rum�;nt withnu�fur�her notice or demand on B�rrower. <br /> BorrQwer's R�.ght �4 I�.e�nstate. �f Borravver mee�s certain �ond���ians, Borrovver slzall have the r�ght �a have <br /> enfarc�men��f�:hzs Security Instrument disc�n�inued a� any�ime pr��or�� �the earlier ��f.: �a} 5 days �or such��her <br /> period�.s Applicab�e Lav�may specify for re�ns�a�em.�nt}�efor��a�e of the Proper�.y p�arsuan�ta any povve�of sale <br /> c�ntained in �his Securifiy Ins�rurn�nt; or ��r� entry of a judgmen� enf�rcing �his ��ecuri�y �nstrumen�. Those <br /> condi��ons are �hat B orr��ver: �a} pays Lend�r alI sums which then�vQuld be due unt�.�r �his Securit� �nstrum�n� <br /> and the Co��rac�as zf na�cce�erati���had acc��rr�d; �b� cures any default af any other�,ovenan�s ar agreement�; �c} <br /> pays a��expen�e�incurred in enforci�g this S�curity Instrunlent,�nc1��d�ng,but not Timi��d t�,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees to �he e�ten�permit�ed by Iavv; and �d} t�kes such action as Ler.�der xnay reasona�fly require to assure th��the <br /> �ien of thi� Securit�r Tnstr�ment, L�nder's r�gh�.s i�the Pr�p�rty and�3flrr�urer's ob�iga�ion��pay the sums secured <br /> by �his Se�urity �r�s�rum�nt shal� ca���nue un�hanged. Up�n reins�al:ement �y Borr�u�er, this Security �ns�ru�nent <br /> and th� ob��gat�ons secured hereby shal� remaxn fu��y �ffect�ve as if'no acce�era�zon���d a�curred. Hawever, this <br /> righ�ta reins�a�e shaXl n�t apply in�he case of ac�e�era�i�n und�r�he seCtzon t��led Trar�sfe�af�he Praperty or a <br /> Bernefirial In�er�s�in�orrower. � <br /> Ha�ardous Sub�tances.Borrower�hall no�cause flr perm��th�pre�enc�,us�, d�spas��l, s�orage, ar release of any <br /> Hazard�ous 5ubst;�.nces on�r�n the Property.L��rraWer sha�l n�t do,nor alla�anyone e���e to da,any�hing affe�t�ng <br /> the Proper�y tha� is zn v�o�ation of�ny Environmenta� La�vv. The precedzng two sent�,nces sha�� nat app�y to �he <br /> presence,us�,or storage�n�he Prop�r�y of small quan�it�e�of Hazardous Subs�ances t�aa�are general�y recognized <br /> to be apprapria�e�o normal res�dentza�uses and�o ma�r�tienance of the Proper�y. <br /> Barr�w�er shall p�-omptly g�ve Lender writ�en na�.���of an�r investiga�ion,c�a�m, deman�3,�awsuzt or other act��n by <br /> any g��,r�rnmenta.I or reg�alatory agency or priva�e party �nvolv�ng the Prflperty and any�3azardous Subs�anc� or <br /> En�ir�nmer��al Law of vvh�ch B�rr�wer ha:s actual �n.�w�edge. �f B orravver lear�n�, or is n�t�f ed by any <br /> ga�ernmental or regula�ary au�hority,tha�any rernoval or�ther rem�dia�ion af any Ha.zar�ous Subs�ance affe��zng <br /> the Praperty is �ecessary, Barrour�r �hal1 prompt�y take a�� nec4�ssary remedial aG�ions in accordan�e with <br /> Env��ox��x�.e�.tal L��.w. <br /> As used�n thzs p�aragrap�, "Hazardo�s Subs�anc�s" are �hose sul�sta��ces def ned as�a:x.iC or ha�ardaus subst�nces <br /> by Environmen��� Law and �he f�Ilauring subs�ances: gasolir�e, k�rosene, o�her fla��mable or toxic pe�ro�eum <br /> products, ��xic pes�icides and herbi�ides, v��a�i�� so��ren�s, materials conta�n�ng asb��st�s or f�rma�dehyde, and <br /> radi�active ma�erials. As used in�hzs paragraph, "Environmenta�Lavv" means federal laws and la�vs of the sta�e of <br /> Nebras��a�hat relate�o hea�th,safety or env�ranmen�al pra�Lc�ion. <br /> Ac��l�rat�vn; R�m�d�es. Lender sha�.l, g��e ���ice to B�rro,wer ��r�flr �o accelera�t�on fo�l�v�vxng B�rro�er's <br /> breach of any cove�ant�r agre�m�nt in this Security I�str�rnen�ar�he Contrac��nder whxch a��e�era�xon <br /> is p�rmitt�d �but not p�i�r to aee��erat�on �under th� s��t�on t�tled Transf�r of the Pr�perty or a�enefi�ial <br /> In�erest Yn Bflrr�wer, un�ess AppX�cab�e Lavv prav�des ��heryvise��. The no�ice sh��ll specify; �a� th� def�ul�; <br /> �b� the �ae�ion nequired to cure the default; �c� a da�e, no� less than �h� m���mum num�er �f days <br /> establi�hec�by A�ppl�cable La�v fro�:n the dat��he no�ice�s given�t�Borra�vver,hy tw�ich th�defau�t rx�u��be <br /> cured; and �d} that fai�ure to �ur� the defau�t on ar �a�f�re the date spec�fied ir� �he not�Ce may resu�t in <br /> acce�erati�n of the sum� secured by this Secur�ty In�tru�nent and sa�� of the Pr�perty. To the e��en� <br /> permitted by law, �he n��ice sha��fur�her inf�rm Borr�wer of the right to re�ns�at� after �ece�er�t�on and <br /> the right to br�n�a�o�r�ac��on to assert�he x�on-exist�nce vf a c�efaul�or a�y vth.�r d�fense of Bn�row�r�a <br /> accelera�xon andl sa�e. If the defau��is not �ur�d vn flr bef�re th� date spec�fied��n the no�ice,Lend�r a�t�i�s <br /> op�ian may re��xire �mmedia�e p�yment in full of a�� sums sec�ured by �his Sec�x�-ity In�trumen� wi��ou� <br /> fur� de�nand and may �nvake the p�we� �f sa�e and any �th�r remed�es per���ted by Applic�b�e I�aw. <br /> Ta the ex�en� p�rmittec� by lavv, Lender s���ll be �nt�t�ed to cal�tct a�� expense5 incurred �n pursuing the <br /> rem�di�s�r�vid�d in th�� Sect�on,�nc�ud�n�,�ut nat limfte�i to, �•easanab�e at��rn�eys' fees �.x�d co��s Qf title <br /> eviden�e. <br /> If th��ow�r af�a�e is irnvoked, Tr�st�e shall record a n�t�c� of d.efau���n each cour�ty�n which any pant af <br /> �he Froperty is I�cated and sha�l�a�I cop�e5 af such no��ce in �h�manner prescr�Ibed by Applicab�e�a�wv to <br /> Borrov�er and tv the o��er persons prescr�b�d by Ap�i�ca��.e L��v�. After the tim�e requ�red b�y Appi��abie <br /> Lavv, �rus�e� sh.a�l gzve pub��c notice of sale �o the p�r5ons ancl �n t�e manner p�es�rib�d by App�i��ble <br /> Layv. Trus�ee,vvithout�emand on Borrow�r, sha�� s�ll-�he Prvper�y at pub��c au��i�n to the highe�t bidder <br /> " at th�t�me and pla�e a�a�d under th�terms designat�d xr�the no�i�e of sale in one o�r�nore par�els and in any <br /> flrder Tru�tee determ�nes. Trustee may p}ostpvne sa�e of all nr a�y par�el ��' �he Praperty by public <br /> ann�uncement at the�irM�and pla�e af any prev�i�usly s�hedul.ed sale.Lender or�.�� desi�gnee m�y purchase <br /> �he�rvper�y at any sa��n <br /> ITpv� receip� of paymernt�f the price bzd, Trustee shall deiiver to th�purchaser 7Cru�tee's deed canve��ng <br /> the�ropert�. The rec�tal��n the T�ustee's deed shall b�prima fa�cie evid�nCe of��he�ruth vf�he statement� <br /> C�2�04-24 t 5 Campliance Systeins,Inc.CSEB-684B-2��5.3 Z,2.1112 <br /> Consurner Rea�Est�ate-5ecurity Instrument DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 0=5�npliancesysterns.cQm <br />