2� 1 ��5833
<br /> Pa��nen��f Prir�cipal and In�er�s�, �ther C���rges.B�rrower shall prornpt�y pa�r vtrihen due�he pr�nc�ipa�of and
<br /> znteres�an�he deb�awed under�he�on�ract and�ate charges or any o�her fees and cha;rges due under�he�an�ract.
<br /> Appli��ble Lav��. A5 115�d in �h�s Securi� Zns�rumen�, �he ��rm 'kApp�icable Law" �ha�� m�an aII cor�tro�Iing
<br /> applicab�e feder�.l, state and �oca� s�tutes, regu�a�ions, ordinanc�s and a��cunis�rative ru�es ar�d arders �that have
<br /> the effect of�aw} as v�e�1 as a�1 appl��able final,non-appea�ab�e�ud�c.�a��pinions.
<br /> Charges; �xenso Borrov�►rer shall p�y all taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f nes and im�3ositions attx�bu�a.bl� �o �he
<br /> Pr�pert�tivhich may a��ain priorit�over this �ecurity Zns�rume�t, an�d �easehald paym4�n�s or ground rents, if an�.
<br /> At�he request of Lender,Borrovver�ha11 pramptly furnish��L�nder:rece�p�s evrdencing the paymen�s.
<br /> B�rr�wer�ha�l promptly discharge �.ny�ien u�hi�h has pri�rxty o�er�his Security Inst�u�en�unless Bnrrov�r��: �a�
<br /> agrees in writin� t� the paymen� o�the flb��ga�i�n secured by �he lien in a manne�� a�ceptab�e �a Lender; �b�
<br /> contest� in gaad faith th� �ien by, or defend� aga�nst enf�rcemen� of�he lien in, l�g��� proceed�ngs wh�ch �� the
<br /> �ender's opinion operat� t� preven� the enforcement of�he Iien; a�r �c� secures fro�n �he halder �f�he Ii�n an
<br /> agreement sa�isf�.c�ory to Lender suuordina��r�g the Iien ta th�s Secu���ty�ns�rum�nt. �f Lender determ�nes �ha�t any
<br /> part of the Prope�rty is sU.bj ec��o a i�en vvh�ch may attain priority aver tihis Secur�t��i�s�rumen�, Lender may give
<br /> Borr�yver a notice iden�ifying the lien. Barr��ver sha�� sa�isfy the lien or�ake one �r r.r�ore �f the ac��ans se�farth
<br /> abave�vithin 14�iays of�he giving of n�tice.
<br /> Ha�ard ar Praperty In�uranee. B�rro�ver s]�al�keep the improvements n�w exzstzng;ar hereafter erec�ed��the
<br /> Proper�y insured against�oss by fire,hazards�n��uded wi�h�n the�erm"e��ended covex�age" and any other hazards,
<br /> �ncluding f�oods or fl�o��ng, for �hzch Lez�der requ�res �ns�rance. This �nsurance shall be maintained �n the
<br /> am�unts a�d far��he periads�hat Ler�der requireSe The�nsuranc�carr:ier pr�viding the znsuran��sha��l�e chosen by
<br /> Borrower subjec� �o Lender's appraval v�rhi�h shall no� b� unr�asor�ably vcr��hhe�d. �f�arro�ver fails tfl r�a��ta�n
<br /> cov�rage descri�ed aba�e, Lender may, at Lender's ap�i�n; obtai�z �average �o prc���ct Lender's rxghts in the
<br /> Praperty in acc�rdance with section�.itled Prot���ivn o�'L�nder's R�,gh�s�n the Prop�.�rty.
<br /> All insurar�ce policies and ren��wals shall be accep�ab�e ta Lender �nd shall include �� standard m�rtgage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�X hav+��he r�ght ta ho���he pa��ci�� and re�.ew�.�s. �f I�en�er requ�res, Borr�o�er shall prarnptly giwe to
<br /> Lender aI�re�eipts of paid premiums and ren�wal no�ices. In the even��f�oss, B�rrativ�r sha�I g�ve pra�npt not�ce
<br /> ta the���surance ca.rrier and Lender.ILender may make proof�f loss i:E not made prampt:Iy by BorrQvver.
<br /> ZJnle�s I�ender ar�d Borr�o�ver o�her�wise agree zn wr�t�ng, �nsurance pro�eeds shall �f� applied �o res�ora�i�n ar
<br /> repa�r of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lende�'s �ale discre�i�n, �he restoratian �r repa�r �s economical�y feas�ble
<br /> and ]Le��der's security is nat �essene�. �f, �n Lender's sale discretian, �he rest�ra���n o�r repair zs not ecanomical�y
<br /> feasib��or Lend�r's security Wou�d b���essene�,the insurance pracee�s sha�l be applie�l to the sums secured���h.is
<br /> Securzt�� �nstrument, �vh��her or ri�� �hen due, wi�h any ex��ss p;�.id �o B4�QW��. �f �orroWer abandons the
<br /> Property, or d�e�nat ans�wer vvith�n the numb�r�f days prescr�bed b:y Appl�cab�e Lavv as set for�h�n a no�ice from
<br /> Lender�� Borr���ver that the i�surance carrier has offered to se�tle a c�aim, then Lend�:r may c���ect�he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may u�e the proceeds ta re�az�- ar res�are t�a� Praper�y ar�.� pay sums s�cu�-ed by this Security
<br /> �nstrun�ent,whe�her or nat then due.The periad�f t�me f�r Borrower-to ansvver as se�f�ar�h�n�he�o�i�e vvil��egin
<br /> vvhen the notice is given.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borra�wer o�heru��se agree �n wr�ting, any a�pl�ca�tion of pr�ceeds�:o pr�ncipa� sha1�na�e��end
<br /> ar pas�pone the due date of the payments due under�he Contrac�or change �he amoux��of�he payments. �f under
<br /> �he sectian titled A�c�le�ation; Rern�edies, �he P'roper�y�s acquired by Lender, Borrov�er's right�� any insurance
<br /> policie� a�n.d pra�eeds resu��ing fran� damage �a the Prop���y prior ��o the acquisitivn �hal� pass �o Lender ta �he
<br /> ex�ent of the sums secured by th�s 5e�urity Instru�nent imrr�ed�ately p�rior to th�acquis�ti�n.
<br /> Preser�atai�n, Nlainte�a�nce and Protec��or� �f the Pr�per�y; �vrrav�erts Loan .A►.ppl�ca�xon; Lea�eh��dS.
<br /> Borrawer sha��n,o�des�ray, damage �r impair th�Prop�rty, allou�th�Proper�y to deteri�rate, or commi�was�e an
<br /> �he Pro�earty.Borro�ver sha�l�ae in default�f ariy forf��tur�ac�ian�r�rraceedzng,wheth��r civi�or crim�nal,is begun
<br /> �ha� �n Lender's good fait.��udgment could rt�sult in farfe��ure of th�� Praper� ar�thE:rvvise mater�ally impair the
<br /> ��en cr�ated by �:his Sec�.r��y Instru�nen� �r Lender's securi�y interes�. ]Borrawer m��� cure such a defaul� an�i
<br /> reins�a��e, as provided in section t�tled Borro�ver's Righ� �� R�ins�a��e, by causxng th�, actxan or pr�ceeding t� be
<br /> dismissed with a rul�ng t�a�,in Lend�r's gaod faith de�ermination,pr��clude�forfeiture{of�h�Borrower's in�erest�n
<br /> �he Prope�-�y ar ��her material impairment of the l�en crea�ed by �his Secur�ty �ns�ru.ment ar Len�er's security
<br /> interest.B�rrawer sha��a�s�b�in defaul�if B�rrower,during�he�fla:n app�ication process,gave mater�all�r fa�se or
<br /> ��naccur�.�e inforn�a��on o� sta.temen�s �o Lender �or fai�ed �a �rovide Lender with a�z� xr�.a�erial �nformation� in
<br /> connec�ivn vvith 1:he l�an ev��enced�y the Contract. If this Secur�ty�nstrum�nt is on .a�easehold, Borrower sha�l
<br /> comply vvi�h a�l t�ze provi�ions of�he Iease. If Borro�ver acqu�res fee �itle t�the Proper�.y, th.e�easeh��d and�h�fee
<br /> t�tle shal�no�merg�un�ess Lender agrees�o�.e xra.erger in wri�ing.
<br /> Prot�ct�ion vf L�ender's Rights xn the Proper�y. �f Borraw�r fai�!s �o perform the ��venants and agreem�nts
<br /> contain�d in this Secur�ty�ns�rumenl:, or there �s a 1egal proceeding that may sign�ficaritl�affec��,ender's righ�s in
<br /> the �raperty �such as a p�roceeding in bankruptcy, prflbate, for cont�emna�ion �r forf�,itur� �r ta enforce �aws ar
<br /> r�gu�a�ions}, then L�nder may d� a.nd pay far �wha�ever is n�cess��ry �o prQtect the value of th� Propert� and
<br /> �.ender's rights in�he Pro�ert�r. Lender's act�ons may include paying��.ny suxns secured b�r a Ixen vvh�ch has priori�y
<br /> over�his 5�curzty Instrument, appearin�in court,pay�ng reasonable at��rneys'fees and �nt�ring on�he Proper�y t�
<br /> mak�rEpairs.Although Lerider may�ake ac�ian under this sectzon,L�nder does nat ha�e�o do sa. �
<br /> An� amaun�s d�sbursed by Lender�nder �his se�ti�n sha�� become addi�ional debt o�f�orr�vsrer secured by thzs
<br /> Secur�t�� �nst.ru.m�n�. Unless Bflrravver and L�e�d�r agree �o a�her ��erms of paymen�., �hese am�unts sha�� bear
<br /> C�2�04-�4�5 Compliance Systems,Tnc.CgEB-584B-24]5.12.2.I i I2
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