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2� 1 ��5814 <br /> �nterest fram �he date of disbursement a� �he same rate assessed on ad�ances under the �a���ra�t and sha�� be <br /> payab�e,,with�n�erest,upon n���c�from Ler�d�r t��3orrov�er reques�ing paymen�. <br /> lnspect�an. Lender ar i�s agent m�.y make reasanaUl� en�ries upon an� �nspec�i�ns Qf the Pr�per�y. Lender sha�� <br /> gi�e Borrower no��ce a��he�ime of or pr�or�o an �nspe�t�or�specifying reasanable cause for the inspectio��. <br /> ��ndemnation. T�ae proceeds of any av�ard or c�a�m for damages, direc�flr c�nsequen�ia�, in conne�tion w��h any <br /> �ondemna�i�n �r o�her�ak�ng af any par�of�he Pr�perty, ar for conveyance in l�eu flf�andemna�ian, are her�b� <br /> assigr�ed and s��a�l be pa�d to Len�er. <br /> �n the e�en� of a�atal �al��ng of the Prope�-ty, �he pr�c,eeds shal� be applied �o �he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty <br /> ��s�rument, �vhether or na� then due, r�vi�h any excess pa�d �o Barro�ver. �n �he even� �f a par�ial �ak�ng of�he <br /> Property �n �vh�ch �h� fa�r marke� �a�ue af t��e Praper�y �mmed�ate�y bef�re �l�e �aking �s equa� to or greater�han <br /> ���e amount of�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty �nst�umen� immedia�e�y befare ���e taking, unless Barrower and <br /> Lender o�her�ise agree�n wri�ing, the sums secured hy�his Securi�y�r�strumen�shali be reduced by the amount of <br /> �I�e proceeds mul�ip�ied by the foli�vving fraction: �a)�he��ta� amaun�of the sums secured immedia�e�y before�he <br /> tak�ng, divided by �b} �he fa�� marke� �alue of�he Proper�y immed�a�ely bef�re the taking. Any balance shal� be <br /> paid �a Borrovver. �n �he e�en� af a par��a� �akxng �f�he Pr�perty in �hich �he f�.�r marke� �alue of the Praperty <br /> immedia�e�y before �he �ak�ng �s �ess than the amaunl: of�he sums secure� �mmediately before �he �aking, u�less <br /> Barrav�er and Len�er ��herw�se agree �n writ�ng or u��less �ppl�cable Law otlaerwise pra���es, �he proceeds s��all <br /> be app���d�o the sums s�cured by�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�whe�her or no�the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Property is abandoned by Barrower, or �f, after no��ce by Lender�o BQrro�ver�hat�he cand�mnor�ffers�� <br /> ma�e an award or set��e a clai�-�. for damages, B�rrawer faiis �a respand to Lender wit��in the min�mum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by Ap���cable La�v after�he d.a��t��e r�a��ce is g��en, Lender�.s au�harized��cQl�ec�and app�y�he <br /> pr�ceeds, a� �ts opt�on, ei�her to r�s�ora���n or repa�r of�he Proper�y �r �o the su�ras secured �y th�s Se�urity <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�her or no�then due. <br /> Un1�ss Lender and Borro�er atiherw�se agree in �vri��ng, any app��ca��an of pr�ceeds to princ�pal sha�l r�ot ex�end <br /> Qr pas�pon��l�e due da�e of�he pa�men�s due under t��e�flnt�ract ar change the am�ur�.t�f such pa�men�s. <br /> Borrower Nat R�leas�d; Far�earance By Lender I�a� a 'L�Lra�v�r. Ex�ension of t1�e time f�r payment or <br /> modxfica�ion af amar�zza�ign �f�he su�ns s�cured by t��is Securi�y Zns�rument gran�ed by Le��der �o Sflrrov�er �r <br /> any successnr in �n�eres� of Borra�vsr�r shat� not apera�e �� re�ease the ��ab�1�ty of �he Qrig�na� Barrower or <br /> Borrower's successors in in�erest. Lender sha�� n��be re�u�r�d�a �ommence pr�ceedings against any succ�ssar in <br /> ��terest or refuse�a�xtiend�irne for paymen�ar a�i�erv��se m�d�fy amar��za�ion af the sums secured by th�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrum.�nt by reasfln af any demand made by �he �riginal Barro�ver �r Borr�v�er's suc��ssors �p interes�. ,�1,ny <br /> forbearance by Lender �n exerc�si�g any r�ght or remedy shal� not be a wa�ver of or preclude ��e exercise �f any <br /> ri�h�or remedy. <br /> Successars and Ass�gns B�undy �]��n� and Se�erai Liab����y; Accommoda��on Signers. The �o�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Secur��y �ns�rumen�sha�1 b�nd and be��ef�t�he �uccessors and assigns af Lend�r and Sorr�wer, <br /> subjec� �o �he prvvis��ns of s���ion ti�ied �`ransfer of �he Proper�y vr a Benef�cial �n�erest �n �orrower. <br /> Borrower's ca�enants and agree�nepts shall �e join�and se��ra�. ,�.ny person wha co-signs th�s Se�uri�y I�as�rumen� <br /> but has no persona� ��ab�lity under the �on�rac� �"Ac�om�noda�ion S�gn�r"�: �a} is co-s�gn�ng �his Security <br /> �nstrumen� anly to m�r�gage, gra�� and can�ey ���at 1�cco�n�r��datian Signer's interes� �n th� Praperty under the <br /> �erms of ���e S�cur�ty �ns�rumen�; �b} �s n�� p�rsona�ly ob�iga�ed �a pay the sums secured by thi� Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�rument; and (c} a�rees�ha�Lender a�ad any�t�er Ro�-�-a�ver�nay agree�a ex�end,madify, forbear or make any <br /> accom�modations �vi�h regard�o�he�errns af�h�s Secur���ns�rumen�ar the Contra�t vtT��hou��ha�A�cammoda�ion <br /> S�gner's�onsent. <br /> Loan Charges. If�he ��an secured by ���is Securi�y �ns�rumen� �s subject �fl a �aw �hich se�s max�mum Ioan <br /> charges, and t��a� �avv is f�nal�y�n�erpreted sa�ha��he interes�ar o�her loan charges co1X�c�ed or ta be ca��ec��d in <br /> connec�ian wi�h �he �aan exGeed �he per�ni��ed I��ni�s, ��e�: �a} any such I�an charge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amflun�necessary t� reduce the charge t��he permitted limits and �b} any sums already�oliected from B�rr�wer <br /> w1�i�h exceeded permi��ed lim��s ���� be refunded tfl Barrflwer. Lender may cl�o�se �o make �h�s refu��d �y <br /> reduc�ng �he prin�ipa� owed under �h� Con�rac� or by making a d�rect paymen�to Barrower. �f a refund reduces <br /> princ�pa�,�he reduc�ion vv��l be�rea�ed as a par�ia�prepaymen�under�he�on�ra�t. <br /> No���es. Any no���e �o Borrovver pr��ided for �n �his Securi#y Ips�rument shall be gi�en by delx�er�ng �t or by <br /> ma��ing��by frst c�ass ma��unless Appl�cable La�v requires use flf ano�her me�hod. The no��ce shall be dir�c�ed t� <br /> �he Property Address flr any o�her address Barrower des�bna�es by na��ce ta Lender. Borro�ver agrees �o pr�vide <br /> Lender v��th Borrower's mas� curxen�xnailin� address, as i� may change fr�m �i�ne-�o-��me. �.ny n�tic� to Lender <br /> sha��be given by frs�c�a�s�na�� t�Lender's address s�ated herein�r any���er address Lender des�gna�es hy na�ice <br /> �o B�rro�er. Any nc�t�ce pro��ded for �n this Secur�ty �ns�rumenx shaI�be deemed ta have been g��e� �a Bar�ower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as pro��ded�n this paragraph. <br /> Go�ern�ng Law; Se�erab��i�y.This Secur�t��ns�rume���sha��be ga�erned by federal lav�and�he Iavvs of�he sta�e <br /> of Ne�raska. �n �he event t��a� any pravis�or� or c�ause of t�a�s Security �ns�rumept ar �he Can�ra�� conflicts vvith <br /> App�i�a�Ie Law, such c�nf�ict shal� n�t affect a�her pra�isi�ns.of�his:S�curi�y �ns�rume�t or �he Contracti v�hich <br /> can be giWen effect���hou��h��onfl�c��ng provis�an. To����s end the pro�is��ns af�his Se�urx�y Ins�rument and�h� <br /> Ca��rac�a�re d�clared�fl be severab�e. <br /> Borrower's�Qpy..Borrower sha�l be g��en�n�copy af�his S�curi�y�nstrurnent. <br /> C�2a�4-2415 Cosr�pIiar��e Systems,��C.csFs-�n��-���s.iz.z.���z <br /> Cvnsz�mer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3G Page 3 af 5 www.campliancesystems.c�r� <br />
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