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2� 1 ��5814 <br /> Paym�nt of Principa�a�d In�erest; ��h�r�h�rge�. B�rra�ver sha�l pramp��y�ay vvhen due the principa�of and <br /> in�eres��n�he debt owed unc�er�he C�ntra�t and late char�es ar a�y otlher fees and charges due under the C�ntract. <br /> App�ic�h�e La�. As used :in this Security rns�rumen�, t�.e �erm "A.pplica��e Lav�" sha�� rnean all can�railing <br /> applicab�e federa�, sta�e and l�cai s�a�utes, regul�ti�ns, o�-dir�ances an�. adminis�rati�e rules and �rd�rs ��ha�have <br /> the effect of�a�v}as we��as aIl app�icab�e fina�,n�n-appe�lable.�u�ic�al�p�ni�ns. <br /> Charges; Li�ns. Borrov�er sha�1 pay a�l �axes, assessm�n�s, char��:�, f�nes and impasitx�ns attributabl� to �he <br /> Property which Ynay at�ain p�rior�ty over�his Sec�ari�� Ins�rumen�, and leaseho�d payn7�nts or graund ren�s, �f any. <br /> At�he reques�of Len�er,B��-rov�er shal�promp���furnish�a Lender receip�s eviden�ing�he pay�.ent�. <br /> Barr��v`r�r shai�pr�mp��y d�ss�harge any Iien wh�ch has �riorit�o��r�his Security��strument unless �B�rro�uer: �a} <br /> agrees in writing t� �he payment �f�he obiigation secured b� �h� lien in a ��ann�r ac�ep�able to �.en�ier; �b} <br /> contes�s �.n g��d faith the l���n by, ar defends agains� en��rcem�nt t�f the lien �, �eg�.l pr�ceedings whic� �n the <br /> Lender's ❑pinion opera�e �o pre�ent th� �nforc�ment af the �ien; �r �c} secures fr�m �he hfl�der of th� lien an <br /> agreement satisfac�ory�o Le�r�der subardina�ing�he l�en ta�his Sec�ri�.y �nstru�ent. �f Lender detenni�es�ha� any <br /> par� of�he Prape�ty is su��e+;��a a �ien w���ch mEay a1:�air� pri�r��y a�rer�hxs Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, Len�der rr�a� g�ve <br /> Borror�ver a no��ce identifyin,�the 1ien. Barrov�er shai� sa�isf��h� 1i��. or take Qne �r m�re flf t�ae actions �e�far�h <br /> ab��e w��h�n 1�days aF t�e�;i�ing of no�ice. <br /> Hazard or Prop�rty In�ur��nc�. Borr�vver shal�keep th� ��npro�er��nts n�w exis��ng or hereafter ere��ec�on the <br /> Pr�per�.y�nsur�d against I�ss by fire,haza�ds included���hin the term "exte�ded co�erage" and any o�her�azards, <br /> inc�uding floods �r flaod�n�;, for which Lender requ�res insuran�e. Th�s insurance shall �e mair�taine�. �n the <br /> amaun�s and far�he perio�s��ha�Lender requires. The insurance ca�-�-ier provid����he insurance shal�be ch�sen by <br /> Barrower sub�ec� �o Lender's appro�val which sha�l no� be'unreasfl�abl� wi�hhe�d. ��Borrov�er fa�ls �o ��a�n�a�� <br /> c��erage descr�bed ahove, Ler�der �nay, a� Lender's �pt�fln, obtain co�erage �o prat�c�t Lender's r�gh�� �n the <br /> Proper��n accordance w��h se�tion�itled�rotec�ion of I��nd�r�s R.�ghts in th�Prap�r�y. <br /> A�l �nsurance pa�icies and rE�n��nra�s sha�� be a�cep�abl� �� Lender and s�al� �nclude a standard mo�-�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha�l hav��he r�gh��+�hold the policies and renevv�ls. IF Le�d�r requires,Borrawer sha��promptly g��e ta <br /> Lender a1�rece�p�s of paid premiums and renewal na�ice�. I�.the e�ent af�ass, Borrovver shail gi�e�r�m�t no�ice <br /> tQ the insuranc��arr��r and I1�nder.L�nd�r may make pr��f of�oss if no�made pramp�Iy by Bo�raw�r. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rr�vv�;r o�herv�ise agree in wri��ng, ��surance proceeds sha�� be app�ied t4 �res�ora�ion or <br /> repair of�he Proper�y d�ma;=ed, if, in Lender's saie discreti�n, �he ��:s�oratian �r repai� is ec�nomi�a�ly feasible <br /> and Lender's security is no� lessened. �f, in Lender's sole d�s�re�ion, �:he res�ora�i�n o�•repair is no� economxcal�y <br /> feasib�e or Lender's securi�y w�uld be��ssened,�he insurance�race�ds sha�l be appl�ed t�the sums s�cure�by�his <br /> Secur��y �nstrument, wheth�,r or not the� due, with any excess paid t� Borrov�er. �f Barrov�r�r a�and�ns �he <br /> Proper�y,�r does n�t ansvver wi�h�n the number of days prescribed by App�icab�e Lav�as set f�r�h in a noti�e from <br /> Lender�a Barrovver that�he ir�suran�e carr�er has �fferec�to set�le a claim, �hen Lender may co�lect the �r�surance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender ma� us� t��e pr�ceeds to repair or res�or� �he Property �r�� pay su�ns secur�d by�his �ecurity <br /> �nstrument,whe�her�r n��th.en due. 7�he period of�:�me for I�orra�er t:a ansv�er as se��for�h�n the n��i�e�vill beg�n <br /> when�he n��i�e�s gi�en. . <br /> � Un�ess Lender and Borrowe��otherw�se agree �n wri�ing, any ap�1��a�zon af proce�ds.��pr�n�i�a� shal�no�extend <br /> ar postpone�he due dat� �f�the payments due under tl�e ���tract o�change the amount�f the�aymer�ts. �f under <br /> �he sectifln��tled Ac�eler�ti+ar�; Rem�dies, �he ProperCy is acqu�red by �,ender, Borrower's r�gh�to �ny i�surance <br /> poli�ies and praceeds result:irig from damage �o the Propert� prior �c� ��ae acquisitiun shall pass t� :Lend�r t� the <br /> extent of�he sums secured b���h�s Secur��y.�nstrument imme��at��y p�ior to the acquisY���n. <br /> Preser�a�ion, Main���anc�� and ]Pr�t��tian of �h� Pr�per�y; ��rrower'� Laan App�ic���an; Lea�eholds. <br /> Borrower shall n�t destroy, +�amage ar impa�r�he Pr�per��y, allow t��Properry to det�r�orate, or commi�v�as�e vn <br /> �he Pr�perty. Borrov�er sha��]�e�n defau�t if any forfeiture ac�i�n or pro��ed�ng,whe�her ci�ril or crimi�aal, �s begun <br /> �hat �n Lender's gaod faith�udgment coulc�r�sul-� �n farf���ure flf the Proper�y or ��herw�se ma��rialiy im�air the <br /> 1�en �reated by �h�s Secur�ty �nstrulnen� or Le�der's sec�.�r�ty interes�. Borrflwer rr��.y cu�•e su�h �. def�ult and <br /> re�ns�ate, as pra�r�ded in s�cl:i�n t�tled�orrovv�r's �tpght t� R��n���te, by caus�ng the act�an �r pr�ceed���g ta �e <br /> dis�missed wi�h a rul�ng�hat, x�Lender's g�ad faith de�ermina�ion,p�-er.iudes forfeitur��f�he Borrow�r's�n�:erest in <br /> the Proper�y or o�her ma�erial impainme�� flf t��e ��en crea�ed by t��is Secur�ty Ins�rument �r Lender's �ecur�ty <br /> interest.B�rrornrer shall also�be�n d�fault if Barr�wer,during�he io�n appl�cat��n process,ga�re ma�erially fa�se or <br /> ina��ura�e inf�rmation or sta�emen�s ta �ender �ar fail�d �o prfl�ide Lender wi�:h any material �nfflrmation� in <br /> c�nnec��on with the ��a� e�idenced by th� Cont�ac�. If this S�curi�� Instrumer�t is on �.�easeh��d, Borrov�fer sha�� <br /> comp�y vsrxth aIi�he pro�isio��s�f�he lease. �f Barrower a�quires fe��itle��th�pro�e�,the Ieasel�oid an��he fee <br /> �itle shall no�merge unless Lender agre�s����.e merger�n writing. <br /> P�-�tec�ion af Lender's �.�;;ht� in �he �'�~aper�y. �f �orr�wer fa��s �o perf�r-�n �he co�enan�s and agr�ements <br /> con�a�ned �n this Security Y�,�trumen�, or�here is a legal pr�ceeding tha�may sign�f�can�ly affec�Lender's�-igh�s �n <br /> �he Proper�y �su�h as a pr��.eeding in �ax�kruptcy, proba�e, for condemnat�fln or f�rfeiture or to enforce laws �r <br /> regu�a���ns}, then Lender m.ay d� and p�y far �rhateUer is ne�essary ta pr�tec� �h� �a�u� o��he Prop�rty and <br /> Lencier's rights in tl�e Frop�r�y. Lender's ac��ons may�nc�ude pa�ing a��y sums secured by a��en�hich has pri�r�ty <br /> over th�s Security�ns�rumen�., appear��g�n�our�,pay�ng reas�nab��a�torneys'�`ees and en�ering o.n the Pr�per�y to <br /> make repairs.Although Len�ker may take action under th�s sec��o�,Ler�der does r�o�have to d�s�. <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by ]�ender under �his se��ion sha�� be��n�� �dditi�na� debt �f Barrower s�cured by this <br /> Security �nstrument. Un�ess B�rrower a�nd Lender agree #:a o�he� �erms of payment, these amou�z�s sha�l bear <br /> �2DD�-�015 Compiiance Syste�ns,In�.CBES-:3D2F-?�i l I2 <br /> Cansuiner Real Estate-Security Instrument DL243G Pa;e 2 af 5 WWW.GQITI�l�I&T1C�5�5�eITiS.COI31 <br />