2� 1 ��5814
<br /> Tra�nsf�r af�he Pro��rty n�•a T�enefi�ia�In�er�s�in ��rr�wer�. �f a���r any par�of�he Praperty or any in�eres�
<br /> iri i� �s so�d or �ransfe��re�. �c3r �f a ber�efi�ia� i�-��eres� �n �o�rower �s said or tra�sferred and �arr�v�rer is no� a
<br /> na�ura� person} ��thout L�ncler's pr�ar wr��ten �onsent, Le�der may, a� i�s a��i�n, re�uire �m�ediate pay�nen� in
<br /> full of a�� sums se�ured hy �his Security �nstrumen�. H�v�e�rer, th�s ,�p�i�n s1�a11 no� be exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> exercise is proh�bited by federallaw as�f�he date Qf�his�ecu�-ity I�.strumen�.
<br /> If Lender e�ercises �his �p�ion, Lender sha�l give Ba�-rower no��ce of accelera�ion. The noti�e sha�l pr��ide a
<br /> periad of not �ess �han ��� ��inimum number �f�ays estab�ished by App�icabl� Law fr�m �he date �he n���ce is
<br /> deli�vered or mai��d v�rii:h�n v+�hich Borrower �nus� pay a�l su�ns �ec�r��d b� th�s Security �ns�rurrment. �f B�rrower
<br /> fails �o pay �hese sums priar to t��e expirat��� �f�his period, Lend�r:may �n�r�ake any r�medies perrr��t�ed by this
<br /> Secur�ty�nstrument witho�t fur�her no�ice or demand on�orrower.
<br /> Borr�wer's R�ght tv Re�ns�tat�. �f Borr�wer r�ee�s cet�ain �and����ns, Borr�wer shali ha�� the :right �:o have
<br /> enf�rcemen�of this Securi�.y�ns�rumen� d�scon�inued at any�ime pri�r to �he earl�er of: �a� S days �or su�h �ther
<br /> per�od as App���ab�e Law m��y specify for reins�a�ement}bef�re saie af�he Properry p�rsuan���any pav�e��of sa�e
<br /> con�ained �n �his Se�uri�y �ns�rument; or �b� e��try of a j�dgm���� e�forci��g this Secur�ty �ns�r��ment. Those
<br /> conditions are tha� Borrowe�•: �a} pays Lender alI sums wh�ch ��en w�ould be due un�er this Securi�ty Yns-�rumen�
<br /> and�he�on�ract as�f n�acc€;leratian had�ccurred;�b�cures any default af an�o�her c��enants ar agre�men�s;�c�
<br /> pays all e�penses incurred in enfarcing�his`Securi�y�ns�rum�n�, inc�u���ng,but�at��mi�ed ta,reasona.ble at�orneys'
<br /> fees to�he extent permit��d�3y law; and�d3�akes such ac�ion as Lender may re�.sanabl�r requ�re tfl assure�ha�the
<br /> �ien of���is Security�ns�rurr��.n�, Lender's righ�s �n the PrQ�erty and Barra�er'� o�b[�gat�on�o pa�the sums �ecured
<br /> �y �his Securi�y �ns�rument ;►ha�� continue u�changed. �Spon reins�ate�men�by Borr�w�r, th�s S�ecur��y �ns�rurnen�
<br /> and the �bl�ga�ions secured l:�ereby s�aa�l remain ful�� eff�c�ive as if rno acce�eration ��d occurred. Hov�e�er, this
<br /> righ�t�reinstate sha�I no�ap;p�y in the cas�of accelerat�on under�he s�cti�n ti�led Tran�fer of the�'rop�rty or a
<br /> �en���ial In�eres�in��r���w�r.
<br /> I�azardau5 Substances.Bo�-r��er sha11�ot�ause��p�r�n�t the pr�se:nce, use. disposa�, storage, or r�eleas�of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances fln�r in th�Property.Borrov�er sha��not do,nor al�ow a�yone�lse�o da,anyth�n�a:ffecting
<br /> �he Pr�per�y �ha� is in �io�al:�on �f any Env�r�nmenta� La�v. The pr���ed�ng �wo sentences s��al� no� appl� �to �he
<br /> presence,use,or st�rage�n the Propert��f sma�i quanti���s af�azardaus Subs�ances�h��are general�y rec�gni�ed
<br /> �a be ap�ropriat�ta no�rmal residen�ial uses and�o main�et�an�e of�he�'raper�y.
<br /> Borrower sha�l prampt�y���+�Lender�nrr��en nQ��ce of an�inves��ga��c►n,claim, demand, la�sui�or o�ther a�tian by
<br /> any governmen�al �r regulatary age��cy ar p�r�va�e pa��y in�al�ing the Pr�per�y and a�y Hazardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> En�ironmenta� Law of �vh:ich Borrov�er has �c�ua1 k�o��edge. ��� Borr��er learns, or is no��fied by any
<br /> ga�ernm�n�a1 �r r�gu�at�ry��ut��ri�ty,tha�any remo�ral �r ather remediat�on of any Hazardous Subs���nce�ffecting
<br /> the Pr�periy is neCessa�-y, Barrower sh�.�l prom�tly ta�e a�l ne�e�sary �e�nedia� �.c�i�ns �n accardan�e with
<br /> EnW�ronmen�al La�. �
<br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "l�azard�us Sub-stanc�s" ar��hose subs�ances defned as��xic or ha�ardc�us subs�anGes
<br /> b� Environmen�a� Lavv a�d �he fall�v�r�ng subs�ances: �aso�iY�e, ker�sene, other flammab�e ar �a�ic p�troleum
<br /> produc�s, �axi� pesi���des a��d herbicides, Wa�a��le solve�ts, ma�er�al� con�a��aing asbes�os or f�rmaldehyde, and
<br /> radioactive ma�erials.As use d�n�his paragraph, "En�ironr�en�a�La�"means Federal l�v�s and�a�s f�f the sta�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�reiate�t�he�l���i,safe��ar env�rona�en�ai prot�ctio�.
<br /> Accelera�i�n; Rernedie�a Lender ��a�� gi�e �ot�ce �o ��r�-o�ver p�ior �o ac�eler��ian fallavv�n� �or���wer's
<br /> br�ach of any covenan�or agre�men�in#his�e�urity Instrurne�i� or the��n�ract under v�h�ch a�ce��ratfan
<br /> is permi��ed �bu� no� pr�or�o acceleration u��Qr the��ction ti���cl Tran�fer of t��Proper�y or a I3�nef�c�a1
<br /> Interesf in Borrower, u��le��s .Applicabl� Law pro�vAde� o�therwi5��. 'T'h� �vt�c� sh�all �p�cif�a �a� the �efauit;
<br /> (b} th� ac�ion requ�re� t�� cure th� defau��; �c) a d.��e, n�� i�ss than �he m�nim��m nurrnb�r �f days
<br /> establish�d by Appl�ca�le 1:.��v� f�-om �h�dat��he noti�e i�g��e� �t� Bvrra�er, by vWh�ch t��defau�t nnust be
<br /> cu�red; and �d� that fai�ur�� to Cure the de�au�� an or be��r� t�� �da�e s�e��f�ed in �he no�i�e rn�y r�sult in
<br /> acce�eratian af i�he sur�r�s �secured by �his �ecurity I�strume��t �nd sa�� �f the Proper�y. To th� extent
<br /> ���mitted by �av�, �he n��i+�e shall further �nform ��rr��ver of���e righ� t� reins�ate aft�r acc�l�ra��on and
<br /> the righ�t�bring a cou�-�acti�n�tn assert t�e���-exi�����e�f a��:fau��or any other defens�of�3orr�wer to
<br /> ac�elera�ian and sale. �f�he d�faul� is n�t cured on o� before t�� date�p��ified �n the natic�, Lend�r at its
<br /> op�ion �nay require imr����i��e p�yme�� in fui� of a�l surr�s s�cured �y this Se�uri�y In��rurr�ent �vithou�
<br /> further demand and m�y i�n�v�ke th� p��ver �f�a�e a��d �ny ❑t���r r�med.ies perm��ted �y Ap��icab�e Law.
<br /> To t�ie ex�ent permitted by la►�v, �end�r sha�� b� en����e� to c�ll��ct all expense� �n�urre� in purs�ing the
<br /> ren€�ed�es pro��ded in t��s '�e���on, in���d�ng, �u� nat �imi�ed �a, r�asonab��at�orneys' fe�s and cns�� of title
<br /> e�iden��.
<br /> If the povwer af saie �s rn�����d,'Truste��hal� record a rn��ice of�efau�t i� ��ch c�un�y in vvhic;h �ny part uf
<br /> the Pr�pert� �s locafi�d a��l �hail mai� copies of such ���ti�e�n t��� ma��n�r prescri�ed by Applica�le Law t�
<br /> Borrovve�- and �o �he o�he�- persons p�-��cri��d by App���ah�� ��w. .A►fte�- �he t�me requi�-ed �y Ap�licab�e
<br /> Law, 'I`rus��e shali gi�� p��blic ��tice ��s�le t� ���� per�ams a��d in the m�nner prescribed by Ap��icab�e
<br /> Law. rI'rustee,with�ut de�r�and ❑n �3orrovver,s��a�i�e�� ���e I�r�pei•�y at pub�ic a�ctifln to�he h ig�es� ��dder
<br /> a�the t�me and p�ace and �:�nd�r�he�er�s�es�gn���d ���the nvti��af sa�e ir�one�r more parce�s an���n any
<br /> �rder Trus�ee d��ermin��. Trustee rnay pos�pone s��e of akl vr any p�rcel �f the Prop�rty �y public
<br /> a�.nounceme�t at th��i�ne and p�ace of an���-e�ious��schec�u��d sale.L�nder�r�ts design�e may p�.�rchase
<br /> �he 1'rop�rty at any�a�e.
<br /> Upan r-eceip�af payme�� ��f the pric� b�d, 'Y`rustee s��a�� de�iver t� the p�.�c�aser 7`'rustee's �e�ed ca���eyxng
<br /> thQ �'roperty. 'I'h� rec�tal5 in the Trust�e's d��d sha�l b� pr�r�a f��cie��idence af the truth of tl�e sta��ments
<br /> C�3 2�fl4-2fl I 5 Compliance Systerns,Inc.CI�E8-3D2�'-2�k 5.]2.2.1�1�
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Inst�ii�ent DI.2036 �age 4 af 5 www.c�o�npliar�c;.�systems.corn
<br />