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2� 1 ��579� <br /> The F�n.ds sha11 b�held in an instituti�n whos�deposits are b�a federa�agency, instrumentality, <br /> �r entity��ncluding Lend�r, if Lender is an institution�vhose deposits are so in�ured}or in any Federal <br /> Home Loan Bank. Lender sha11 apply the Funds ta pay t�.e Eserow Items no later than the time specified <br /> under RESPA. L�nder sha11 not charge Borro�ver for h�ld�ng and appl�ing the Funds,annually analyzing <br /> th�escrow account,ar verifying th�Escrov�Items,unless Lender pays�anower interest on the Funds <br /> and Applicable Law permits Lend�r to mak�such a charge.Unle��an agreement is made in writing or <br /> Applicable La�v requires�nterest to be paid�n the Funds,Lender shall not be requ�red to pay Borrower <br /> any interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender�an ag�ree�n writing,however,�hat interest <br /> shall be paid on the Funds. Lend�r sha�1 give to Borrower,without charge,an annua�accounting of the <br /> Funds as required by R.ESPA. <br /> �f�here�s a surplus of Funds held in�sGrow,as d�fined under RESFA,Lender sha1�aceount to Borrower <br /> f�r the excess fund�in accardance with RESPA.If there is a�hor�age of Fuads held in escrow,as defined <br /> under RE�PA,Lender shal�natify Borrower as required by RE SFA,and Borrower shal�pa��o Lender <br /> the amount nece�sary to make up th�shortage in accordance wi�h I�ESPA,but in no mare than i 2 <br /> monthly payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds held in escrow,as def�ned under RESPA,L�nder <br /> shal�no�ify Bonower as required by RESPA,and�orrower sha��pay to Lender the amoun�necessar�to <br /> make up th�deficiency in accordance with RESPA,but in no mare than �Z monthly payments. <br /> Upon pa}{ment in fu11 of alI sums secure�i by�his 5ecur�ty In�trument,Lender sha11 pramptly refund to . <br /> Barrower any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harg�s;Liens.B�rrower s�a�l pay a11 taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and impositions attributable <br /> to the Pr�perty�vhich can atta�r�priority over this Security Instrument, leasehold payments or ground <br /> rents on the Property, if any,and�ommuni�Assaciation Dues,Fees,and Assessments, �f any.'To the <br /> extent that these items are Escrow Items,Borro�er sha11 pay them in th�manner provided in Se�tion 3. <br /> Borrower sha11 promptly discharge any lien wh��h has priority over this Security In��rument unless <br /> Borrower: (a}agrees in wr���ng to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner <br /> acceptable to Lender,but onty so long as Borrovver is performing such agreement;�b)cantests the lien in <br /> good fa�th hy,or defend�aga�nst enforcement of the lien in, 1ega�proceedings which in Lender's opxnion <br /> aperate to prevent the enf�rcement of the lien wh��e those proceed�ngs are pending,bu�on�y unti�such <br /> proceed�ngs are concluded;�r��}secu.res from th�holder of the�ien an agreement sat�sfactory to Lend�r <br /> subordinating the lien to t�is S�cur�t�Instrument. �f L�nder determines that any part of the Praperty is <br /> subj ect to a tien�vhich can a�tain prior�ty over this Security�nstrument,Lender ma}�give Borrov��r a <br /> notice identify�ng the tien. Within �U days of the date on which that notice is given,Borrower sha11 <br /> satisfy the lien or take one or mare of the acti�ns set forth above in th�s Section 4. <br /> 5. Property�nsur�ance.�orrower shall l�eep the improvemen�s now existing or herea#�er erected an the <br /> Property insur�d aga�nst lass by fire,hazards included within the term"extended,"and any <br /> other hazards includ�ng,but not limit�d ta, earthquakes and flaads,f�r which Lender requires insurance. <br /> Thi�Ynsurance sha11 be maintained in the amounts(including deductible levels)and for the periads that <br /> Lender requires. �L�hat Lend�r requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of <br /> the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance sha11 be chosen by F3orraw�r subj ect to Lender's <br /> r�ght ta d�sapprove Borrower's choice,which right sha11 not be exerc�sed unreasonably. Lender may <br /> requue Borrower t�pay, in connecti�n with this Loaa, either: (a}a one-time charge for fload zone <br /> deternunatxan,cer�ification and tracl�ing serWices;or(�]a one-time ch�rge for flood zone determination <br /> and cer�if�cation ser�ic�s and subse uent char ��each time rema in s�r similar chan es occur whi�h <br /> FHA Deed of Trus#With MERS-NE 913[312�14 <br /> Bankers SystemsT�" VMP� VMP4N�NE}�1546}.�4 <br /> 1Nolters��wer Finar�cial Servi�es Page 6 of 17 <br /> qo�3s�sa.�i�$ 0��3 354 061� <br />