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2� 1 ��579� <br /> reasonably m�ght affect�uch determination vr certi�cation. Borrower shall also be responsible for the <br /> payment of any fees impased by the Federa�Emergency Management Agency in connect�on with the <br /> revie�v vf an�flood zane determinat�on resulting�rom an abjection by Borrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to maintain any of th�c�verages described above,Lend�r may <br /> co�erag�,at L�nder's�ption and Borrawer's expense.Lender is under na obligation to purchase any <br /> particular type or amount af coverage.Therefore, such�overage shall cover L�nder,but might or m�ght <br /> nat�rotect Barrowerg Borrawer's equity in the Prop�rty,or the canten�s af the Pr�per�y,again�t any <br /> risk,h,aza�rd or�iabilYty and might provide greater or�e�ser coverage than was previously in effect. <br /> Barrower ac�nowled�es that the cost of the�nsurance coverag�s�obtained might significantly exeeed the <br /> cos�flf insu.ranc�that Borrower could have obtained. Any am�unts disbu�rsed b�Lender under this <br /> Sect�on 5 shalt b�cvrne addi��anal debt of�vrro�ver secur�d by this Security�nstrument. These amaunts <br /> �hal�bear interest a�the Note ra�e from the date of disbursement and sha��be payable,vvi�h such i�terest, <br /> upon natice from Lender to�orro�vver requesting pa�rment. <br /> All in�urance policies required by Lender and renewals of such policies sha11�e subject to Lender's right <br /> to disapprove such policies, sha11 include a standard m�r�gage c�ause,and sha11 name Lender as <br /> mort�agee andlor as an additionalloss payee. Lender�hall ha��the right to hold the policies and ren�wa� <br /> certificates. If L�nder re�uires,B�rr�wer sha11 promptly give to L�nder a11 rec�ipts of paid pr�miums and <br /> renewal notices. If Borro�ver obtains any form�f insurance coverage,not otherwise required by Lend�r, <br /> for damage�o,or�estruct�on of,the Property, such palicy sha11 include a standard mortgage clause and <br /> shall name Lender as m�rtgag�e andlor as an additionalloss payee. <br /> In the event of 1oss,Barrower shal�give prompt notice to the insurance carr�er and Lender, Lender may <br /> make proof of loss�f nat made promptly by��rrower.Unless Le�der and Bflrrotiver otherwise agree in <br /> writing,any insuran�e proceeds,vvhether or not the un.derlying insurance was requ�red by Lender, sha11 <br /> be applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economical�y feasible and <br /> Lender's security is not lessened. I]uring such repair and restorati�n period,Lender sha�1 ha�e the right <br /> to hold such insurance proeeeds until Lender has had an oppartunity to inspect such Prop�rty to ensure <br /> the work has been comple�ed to Lender's satisfac�iQn,provided that such inspeetion sha11 b�undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for�he repairs and restaration in a sing�e payment or in a series <br /> of progress payments as�he w�rk�s Gomp�eted.Un�e�s an agreement is made in�vriting or App�ica�le <br /> Law requir�s interest to be paid on such insurance proceeds,Le�der sha1�not be required to pay <br /> $orrower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for�ub�ic adjusters,or other third parties, <br /> retained by Borrower shall nat be paid out of th�insuranee proceeds and sha11 be the sa�e obligation�f <br /> Borrower.If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would�ae <br /> lessened,the insuran�e proceeds sha11�e applied to�he sums secured�y this Security Instrument, <br /> �vhether or not then due,with the excess, if any,paid to�orrower. Such insuranc�proceeds sha�l be <br /> applied in the order pro��ded for�n Section 2. <br /> If Borrawer abandons the Prop�rty,Lender may fi1e,nego�ia�e and settle any ava�la�le�nsurance claim <br /> and related matters. If Borrower does aot respond within 3U days ta a notice from Lend�r that the <br /> xnsurance ca�rier has off�r�d to s�ttle a claim,then Lender may n�gotiate and seitle the claim. The 30-day <br /> p�riod wi�l begin when the n.atice is given. In either event,or if Lender acquires the Pr�perty under <br /> Section�2 or other�vise,Borro�ver hereby assign.s#o Lender(a}Borrower's rights to any insurance <br /> proceeds in an amount not to exceed the amounts unpaid under the l�ote or�his Security In.strum�nt,and <br /> �b}any other of Borrower's rights�other than the righ�to any refund af unearn�d premiums paid by <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 9l34I2014 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM+ VMP� VMP�N�NE3�154B].4Q <br /> Wol#ers Kluwer Finan�ial Services Page 7'of 1? <br /> q�335981�158 �233 354 �717 <br /> , <br />