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2� 1 ��579� <br /> �. �4pplicationof Payments or Proceeds.Except as expressly stated atherwise in this �ecurity <br /> Iastrument or the Nate,all payments accepted and applied by Lender sha11 be applied in the follotiving <br /> order of priority: <br /> Fixst,to the Martgage Insurance premiums to be paid�y Leader to the Secreta.ry or the month�y <br /> charge by the Secretary instead of the m�nth�y mortgage iasurance premiums; <br /> Secon.d,to any taxes, special ass�ssments, �easeho�d paym�nts or ground rents,and fir�,fl�od and <br /> oth�r hazard in.surance premiums,as requued; <br /> �'h�rd,to int�rest due��.de��he Nv�e; � <br /> Fourth,�o amortization of the principa�of the Note;and, <br /> F��h,to late charges due under the Note. <br /> Any app�icat�on�f payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principal du�under the <br /> Note shall nat�xtend or postpone the due date,or change the amount,vf the Periadic Payme�nts. <br /> 3. Fundsfar Es�row ltems.Borrower sha11 pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due und�r <br /> the Note,until�he Note is paid in fu1�,a sum�the "Funds"}t�pravide for payment of amouats due for: <br /> (a}taxes and assessm�nts and other items�vhich Gan attain pr�ority o�er thi�Security In�trurr�ent as a lien <br /> or encumbran��on the Praperty; (b)1eas�hold payments or ground rents on the Froper�, �f any; (c} <br /> premiums far any and a��insu.rance required b}�Lender under Section 5;and td)Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums to b�paid by Lender to�he �ecxetary or the monthly charge by the Secreta.ry�nstead af the <br /> mon�hly M�rtgage Insurance�remiums. 'These items are called"Escrow Items."At�rigination or at any <br /> � time during the term of the Loan,Lender n�ay require that Community Association Dues,Fe�s,and <br /> As�essments, if any,be escrowed by Borr�wer,and such dues, fees and as�essments sha11 be an Escrow <br /> Item. �arro�rer sha11 promptly furni�h to Lender a11 notices of amaunts to be paid under this Sect�on. <br /> Borro�ve�s�.all pa�y Lende�the Funds��r Escro�Ite�s un�es��,ender v�aives Borro�rer's obligatia�t� <br /> pay the Funds far any or a��Escraw Items. Lender may wa�ve�orrower's obligat�an to pay to Lender <br /> Funds for a�y or a11 Escrow Items at any time.An.y such wai�er may anly be in wri�ing. In�he event of <br /> such wai�er,$orrower shall pay directty,when and where payable,the amounts due for any Eseraw <br /> Items for which payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender require�,sha�I furnish to <br /> Lender r�c�ipts evidencing such payment within such time period as Lender ma}r r�quire. Borrower's <br /> obligation to mal�e such payments and to provi�.e receipts sha�l for a�l p�.upa�es b�d�erned to be a <br /> covenant and agreemen.t cantained in this Security Instrument,as the pbrase"c��enant and a�reement" is <br /> used in�ection 9. If Borrower is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly,purs�ant to a wa�ver,and <br /> Borrower fails to pay the amount due for an Escro�Item,L.ender m�y exercise its rights under Section� <br /> and pay suGh amount and Borra�ver sha�l�hen be obligated under�ect��n 9 to repay to Lender.any such <br /> amount. Lender may revoke�he�aiver as to aay vr a11 Escrow Items at any time by a notice gi�en�n <br /> accorda�ce with S�ction 14 aad,upon such revocation.,Borrower sha��pay to Lender all Funds,and�n <br /> such amounts,that are th�n required under this Section 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time,cv��ect and ho�d Funds in an amount(a��ufficient�o permit Lender to apply the <br /> Funds at the trme specified under RESPA, and(b}not to exceed the max�murri amount a lender can require <br /> un�er RESPA. L�nder sha11 estimate the amflunt of Funds due an the basis of current data and reasonable <br /> estirna�es of expenditures af future Escrow Items�r other�vise in accorda�ce with Applicable La�u. <br /> FHA Deed of Tn�st With MERS-NE 913412Q14 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N(NE�(�54B�.44 <br /> Wa�Eers 1{lu�n►er Fina�cial5ervices Page 5 a�1? <br /> q4335951615$ �3z33 354 Q51� <br />