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2� 1 ��5748 <br /> �n �rrft�ng, however, �hat in�erest sha�� be paid on �he Funds. L�nder shall giWe �o Borrower, w��hout <br /> charge,an annual accounting af�he Funds as required by RESPA. <br /> If ther� is a surplus of Funds he�d xn escrow, as def ned und�r RESPA, Lender sha�l accoun� to <br /> Borro�ver for the excess funds �n a�cordance �rith RESFA. �f there �s a shflr�ag� flf Funds held in <br /> escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender sha��na�xfy B�rrower as required by RESPA, and Borrov�er <br /> sha�� pay to Lender�he am�un�n�cessary to make up the �har�age �n acc�rdance wi�h RESPA, but in <br /> no rnore�han ���hly payments. �f�here is a deficiency of Fund�held in escro�nr, as def ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender �ha�� notify B�rro��r as required by RESPA, and Borro�v�r sha�I pay to Lender�h� <br /> arnflunt necessary �� make up �h� deficiency in accordance v�ith R.�SPA, bu� in no more than �2 <br /> mon�h�y paymen�s. <br /> Upon payrnen�in fu11 of all sums secured by�his Se�urity Ins�rument,Lend�r sha�I promp��y refund�� <br /> Barrov�er any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4, Charges; Liens.Borro�er sha1�pay a��taxes,assessmen�s,�harges,fines,and impos��ions attr�butable <br /> to �he Prflperty vvhich can at�ain priflrzty �ver�his S�curity Instrumen�, leaseha�d paym�nts or ground <br /> rents on the Property, �f any,and Community Assoc�ation I]ues,Fees,and Assessmen�s, �f any, To the <br /> extent tha��hese i�ems are Escrow It�ms, Borraw�r shali pay�hem in�he manner pro�ided �n Section <br /> 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any �ien which has pr�ority o�er �his Secur�ty �nstrument un�ess <br /> Borrower: �a} agrees in writ�ng to the payment of�he �biiga�i�n secured by the ��en in a manner <br /> a�ceptable ta Lend�r,but on�y s�long as Borr�wer is performing such agreemen�; �b}con�es�s�he��en <br /> in good faith by, or d�fends against enfarcement af�he lzen in, �ega� proceed�ngs whi�h in Lender's <br /> opin�on apera�e �a prev�n�the enf�rcemen� of th� �ien whi�e those praceed�ngs are pending, but on�y <br /> un�i� such praceedings are coneluded; or (c} secures from the halder of �he ��en an agreemen� <br /> sa�isfac�c�ry�a Lender su�ordina�xng�he lien ta�his Securi�y Instrument. If Lender determines that any <br /> part of the Property is subjec��a a lien v�h�ch can at�a�n priar�ty over th�s 5ecur�ty �nstrum�nt, Lender <br /> may giv� Borrower a no�ice �d�n�ifying �he lxen. ���h�n 1� days af the da�e on �vhich �ha� notice is <br /> given,Borrov��r shal� sa�isfy the �ien or�ake ane or more af�he actions se�forth above in this Section <br /> 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrflwer ta pay a one�-time charge for a rea� estate tax verifi�a�ion andl�r <br /> reporting ser��ce used by Lender in cannect�on�rith�h�s Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty Insuran��. Borro�wer shall keep the impravements now ex�sting or her�after erected an�he <br /> PrflperCy �nsured aga�nst �oss by fire, hazards included�ith�n �h� ��rm "ex�ended coverage," and any <br /> other hazards including, bu� not �imited �a, earthquakes and floads, for which Lender requir�s <br /> insurance. This insurance sha11 be ma�n�ained in�h�amaun�s �inc�uding deduc�ible�e�e1s} and for�he <br /> periods that Lend�r requires. �hat Lende� requires pursuan� �o the preceding sen�ences �an change <br /> during �he term of �he Laan. Th� znsurance carr�er providing �he insurance shall be chasen by <br /> Borrower subj ec��a Lender's r�ght�o d�sappr�ve Borrower's choice,which rxght shall na�be exercised <br /> unreasonably. Lender may require B�rrawer ta pay, in cannec�ion w�th th�s L�an, ei�her: �a} a <br /> ane-time �ha.rge for flood zon� determzna�ion, certification and services; or (b} a ane-time <br /> charge far flood �one determ�na�ion and cer�ifica�ion servic�s and subsequen� charges each �ime <br /> r�mappings or simi�ar �hanges occur vvhich reasanab�y migh� affec� such d�termination or <br /> cer���ca�ion. Borra�er sha1X a�so be resp�ns�ble for �he payment of any fe�s imposed by the Federal <br /> Emergency Management Agency in �flnnection w��h �he reviev�r of any f�flod zone de�ermxna�ion <br /> resu�ting from an obj e�tian by B orrovver. <br /> If Borro��r fa��s �� maintain any of�he coverages described above, Lender may �b�ain �nsurance <br /> c�verage, a� Lender's aption and Borr��ver's expense. Lender i� under nt� obliga��on ta purchase any <br /> par�i�u�ar type or am�un� of c��erage. Theref�r�, such coverage shal� cover Lender, but m�ght or <br /> NEBR.A,SKA-Singie Family-Fannie Mael�redd€e Mac UNIF�RM TNSTRUMENT Form 3U28�I�I <br /> �2��4-2�1G Compiiaace Systems,Inc.dG23bafc-db571e3b-2Q15.]85.�.2 <br /> Sing�e Family Real Estate�Securiiy Instrument DL2�47 Page S of l4 <br /> �ij f�'� i�f� �z 'i;� �� 'I€, �;�� � ;_�;:4;;�i ���� i �E�'�� i i;i�� � � <br /> I�������ll I�I���:fall������I�lll�I�I��C�����!�I II I!������I�I ll��F��lfl I i�f�����f����Il;l ll l:�����r���E��I�I�I����;�a���l���!!� l;� � �� � � �� ��f, <br /> �I���I I ���I C����l f���I�r����l i,�,��€ <br /> * � �. 2o47 -- san � ag � sz9 -� 824 � � -- � � 3 � �- oaoss � * <br />