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2� 1 ��5748 <br /> mzght n��pro�ect Borr�wer, Borrow�r's equity in�he Proper�y, ar the contents of�he Propez-�y, against <br /> any r�sk,hazard or l�abil�ty and migh�provide grea�er�r lesser coverage than was previflusly�n eff�c�. <br /> B�rrower acknflwledges tha��he cost�f�he �nsurance c��erage sa ob�ained migh�signrfican�ly exceed <br /> �he cost af insurance that Borrov��r cc�uld ha�e obta�ned. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�h�s <br /> Sect�on 5 sha�l become additional deb� flf Borr���r secur�d by th�s S�curi�y �nstrum�nt. These <br /> amounts sha�I bear in�erest at�he Note rate from the date nf disburs�men� and shal� be payab�e, �vi�h <br /> such in�eres�,upon no��ce frorn Lender to Borraw�r request�ng payment, <br /> All insurance po�icies required by Lend�r and renewals of such po��cies sha�l be subjec� �o Lender's <br /> right�o d�sappro�e such palicies, sha11 inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage ��ause, and sha�1 nam� Lender as <br /> mortgagee andl�r as an additional loss payee. Lender sha�� have �he righ� to hold �he policies and <br /> reriewal cer�i�ca�es. �f Lend�r requires, Borro�er sha�1 pramp�ly g�ve t❑ Lender a�1 receipts of paid <br /> premiums and renewa� n���ces. If Borro�ver abtains any form of insuranc� coverage, n�� othearv�rise <br /> required by Lender, for damage to,or destruct�on af,the Praperty, such po�icy sha�1 in��ude a s�andard <br /> mortgage clause and shall name Lender as mortgagee andlt�r as a.n addi�iona�l�ss payee. <br /> In �he e�en� of loss, Borrawer sha11 give prompt no�ic� ta the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender <br /> may make pro�f of Ioss if n�� made pr�mptly�y Borrawer. Unless Lend�r and Barrawer atherwise <br /> a�ree in wr�ting, any insurance proceeds, whether or nat �he under�ying insurance was required by <br /> Lender, sha�� be applied �o restioratit�n or repa�r af the Proper�y, if the restaratian ❑r repair �s <br /> econamica��y feas�ble and Lender's secur��y is not lessened. During such repair and restora�ion period, <br /> Lender shal� have �he righ� �o hc��d such insurance proceeds un��l Lender has had an oppor�un�ty to <br /> �nspect such Prop�rty �a ensur� �he �vork has be�n completed to Lender's satisfac�ion, pra�ided �ha� <br /> such inspec�i�n sha11 be under�aken promp��y. Lender may disburs� proceeds for �he repairs and <br /> r�s�ora��on in a s�ngle paymen�or in a series of progr�ss payments as�he�rork is com��e�ed.Unless an <br /> agreemen� is made in wri�ing or AppX�cable Law re�u�r�s in�eres� �o be paid on �uch insurance <br /> proceeds,�ender shall n���be required�a pay Borrav�er any in�eres�or earnings on such prace�ds, F�es <br /> far pub�ic ad�us�ers, or other�hird parties, retained by Borrower sha1�not be paid ou�af the insuranc� <br /> proceeds and shall be �he s�le abligation of�3orrower. If�he r�stora�ion or repa�r is not econom��a�ly <br /> f�asib�e or Lender's se�uri�y would be �essened, �he insurance proceeds shall b� appiied �o the sums <br /> secured b��his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�,whe�her or no��hen du�,�uith�he excess,if any,paid�o Borrav�er. <br /> Such insurance prnceeds shall be appl�ed�n�he order provided far in Sec�i�n�. <br /> �f Borro�er abandons�he Pr�per�y, Lender may fi�e,nego�ia�e and se�t�e any a�ai�ab�e�nsurance claim <br /> and rela�ed mat�ers. �f Borrower daes not resp�nd wi�hin 3� days to a n�tice fram Lender �hat the <br /> insurance carrier has �ffer�d tv se�t�e a clai�n, then Lender may nego�iat� and set�le the claim. The <br /> 3�-day perz�d wi�l begin vvh�n �he noti�e is giv�n. In either e�rent, or�f Lender a�quires the Pr�perty <br /> under Section 2Z or atherv�rise, Borrower hereby ass�gns �o Lender �a} Borrower's righ�s to any <br /> insurance pro��eds in an amaunt nfl� �o �xceed �he amoun�s unpaid und�r �he IVo�e or �his Securit-� <br /> �ns�rumen�, and �b} any other of.B�rro�►rer's righ�s �o�her �han �h� r�gh� to any refund flf unearned <br /> premiums pa�d by Barra�ver}under al� insurance pol�c�es covering�he Fr�perty, insofar as such righ�s <br /> are appl�cable�o the co�erag� of the Proper�y. Len.der may use the insurance proceeds either ta reparr <br /> or res�are �he Praper�y or�o pay am�unts unpaid und�r the Nate or�h�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�, �he�her <br /> or not then due. <br /> �. �ccupan�y. Borrower sha1� �c�upy, esta���sh, and use �h� Property as Borra�rer's principal res�dence <br /> vvithin 6D days after the �x�cutit�n af �his S�curity �nstrum�r�� and sha�1 c�ntinue �o fl�cupy �he <br /> Property as Bnrrav��r's principa� residence for a� �east one year aft�r �he date of occupancy, unless <br /> Lender oth�rwi5e agrees in wr�ting, �hich consent shall nnt be unr�asonably v�ri�hheld, or unless <br /> extenuating circumstances exist wh�ch are beyand B�rrower's contral. <br /> 7. �PreServatian, �Iaintenax��� �.�.d Prot�ctia� of th� �ro�er�.y; Ins��ctio�a�. B�rrower sha�l not <br /> destroy, darnage or impa�r �he Proper�y, al�ow �he Property to de�eriflrate or commi� was�e on the <br /> NEBRASKA-Singlc�'amiiy-Fannie Mael�'reddie Mac UNITC]RM IN5TRUtNENT Form 302$IlU1 <br /> Q 2UD4-2fl]6�ompliance Sys#ems,Inc.db23bafc-dh571 e3G-2Q I b.186.�.2 <br /> Singie Farrtily Real Estate-Security Insfrumen#.DL2047 Page f af 1�4 www.camplianccsyslems.coan <br /> ���ji i ?�I I i� I` � I ii� 'j�j-� :. i��i`�€_�li i �i3€i �� fi�'1i�: � i I,`�,� <br /> �:fl=�:��I����I a I�I�f,�����������������;���!I il�����I������Elf i�i��f�:f�,����f I��������f��ll�<<����:���,II������� �����3� _� �f���� � <br /> II�� II I�I��IIli I���l.l������.���� <br /> * ll 1. � p G 7 —8 8 0 9 $ 9 4 5 2 9 �[} $ 2 4 1 6 -- 3 1 3 5 — 0 6 D S S E * <br />