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2� 1 ��5748 <br /> �f Lender recei��s a paym.en� fram B�rro��r for a d��inquent Periadic Paym�nt �rhich inc�udes a <br /> suff�cient amaun� to pay any 1a�� charge du�, the payment may be applied �o �he delinqu�n�payment <br /> and the la�e charg�. If more�han one Periadic Payment is ou�standxng,Lender may apply any paymen� <br /> recei�ed from B�rrower �o �he repayment of�he P�r�ad�c Paymen�s if, and �o �he ext�nt that, each <br /> paymen�can be paid in full. T��he extient tha�any excess exists after�he payment�s applied�a the ful� <br /> paym�n� af one �r more Periodic Paymen�s, such excess may be app��ed ta ar�y �a�e charges due. <br /> V�luntary prepa�m�nts shail be appi�ed firs� �o any prepayment charges and tihen as descr�bed in th� <br /> Note. <br /> Any app�icati�n af payments, insurance proceeds, �r Mis�e��aneous Proceeds �o principal due under <br /> �he No��sha��r�flt extend or postpone�he due date,or change the amount of the Periodic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. Funds for ]Escraw Item�. Barr��ver shal�pay�o Lender fln�he day Periodic Paymen�s ar� du�und�r <br /> �he Note,until�he Note zs paid in fu�l,a sum�the "Funds"��a proW�de for paymen�of amounts due for: <br /> �a� taxes and ass�ssmen�s and other it�ms v�rhich can a�tain prior�ty o�er�his Security�nstrumen�as a <br /> lien ar encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b} �easehold payments or ground rents on the Proper�y, �f any; <br /> (c� prem�ums fQr any and aI1 insurance required by L�nder under Sec�ion 5; and �d} Mortgage <br /> �nsurance pr�miums, if any, ar any sums payable by B�rrower �o Lender �n lieu af the paymen� of <br /> Mor��age Znsurance premiums in accordance wi�h�he pr�v�sions flf Sec�ion ��. These�tems are cal�ed <br /> "Escro� �tems." At arig�na�i�n ar a� any time during �he term of the Loan, L�nder may require �ha� <br /> Cflmmunity Associa�ian I]ues, Fees, and Assessmen�s, �f any, be �scrowed by Barrow�r, and such <br /> dues, fees and assessmen�s shall be an Escrow Item. Borrawer shall prompt�y fixrnish �o Lender a�l <br /> notices af amounts to be paid under this Sec�i�n. Borrower sha11 pay Lender �he Funds for Escr��nr <br /> I�ems unless Lender wai�es Borrower's abligation to pay �he Funds f�r any or a�l Escro�v Items. <br /> Lender may �axve I3orrow�r's abligatzon �o pay �o Lender Funds for any ar al� Escraw Items at any <br /> �ime. Any such v�aiver may an�y be in wri�ing. In �he ev�nt af such waiver, B�rr�wer shall pay <br /> d�rectly, when and�vher�payab��, t�e amoun�s due for any Escrov�I�ems for which paymen�of Funds <br /> has be�n vvaived by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha�l furnish ta Lender rece�pts �v�dencing such <br /> payment within such�ime pe�.od as Lender may require.Borrower's obliga��an to make such paymen�s <br /> and�o pro�ide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed�o be a c�venan� and agreexnent contained in <br /> this Securi�y �nstrument, as �he phrase "cavenan� and agre�ment" �s used �n Sec�ion 9. �f Borrower is <br /> obliga�ed ta pay Escrow�tems direc�Iy,pursuan�to a wa�ver, and Bnrrower fails ta pay the amoun�due <br /> for an Escr�w I��m,Lender may ex�rcise its rights under Sectian 9 and pay such amount and Borrav�er <br /> shal� then be �b�iga�ed under Section 9 to repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may re�ake �he <br /> v�a��er as�o any or al�Escrow���ms at any time by a na�ice �iven ir�accordance with Se�tion �.5 and, <br /> upan such r��ocatinn, Borro�v�r sha�l pay �a Lender al� �'unds, and �n such amaun��, �ha� are �hen <br /> required under th�s Section 3. <br /> Lend�r may, a�any�irne, cfll�ec�and hti�d Fund� in an amount�a}sufficien��o p�rmi�Lender�o app�y <br /> �he Funds a�the�ime specif�ed under RESPA, and�b}no��o�xceed the max�xnum amoun�a lend�r can <br /> requ�re under RESPA. Lender shal�e5�imat�the amount af Funds due on�he bas�s of current da�a and <br /> reasonab�� es�timates af expend�tur�s of future Escrovv I��ms ar atherwise �n ac�ardance wi�h <br /> Appl�cable Law. <br /> The Funds shal� be held in an ins�itut�on whos� depasits are insured by a federal agency, <br /> ins�rumentality, or ent�ty �includ�ng Lender, if Lender�s an inst�tution whos� depos��s are so insured� <br /> or in any F�dera� Hom� Laan Bank. Lender sha�� apply �he Funds �o pay �he Escrow �tems no later <br /> than the ��me spec�f�ed under RESPA. Lender sha��not charge B�rrower for ho�d�ng and applying�he <br /> Funds, annual�y ana�yzing th� escr�w account, ar �erifying the Escrov�r �tems, un�ess Lender pa�s <br /> Borrov�er znteres�on th�Funds and Applicabie Law permi�s Lender to make such a charge. Un�ess an <br /> agreemen�is made in writing or Applicable Law requ�res in�eres�ta b�pazd an the Funds,Lender sha11 <br /> not be required�o pay Borro�v�r any inter�s�or earnings an the Funds.B�rrov�rer and Lender can agree <br /> NEBRASK�-Si�gi�I'a�niiy-�'annie Mae1F'reddie�Vlae llNIFURM INSTRUMENT �Q�.����g��a� <br /> Cc�2aU4-201 b Compliance Sysfezns,In�.db�3baf�-db571 e3b-2U I C.186,4.2 <br /> Singte Farnily Real Es#�te-Security Ins�rument DL2�47 Pa�e�#af 14 <br /> ��I �I # �E� � ��'`� ��f���� i?��1 3�..j i�:.�f i �!� i��I f���1�I i{� ���' I� f <br /> ��I�I��I�I�����II I I,11 ll���:lll���I.������E�������I��!��f i Il��.:f:I��lal���f{��I��I I I f��I�If������:I El��ll��ll�E If��II I��:�.I���:I:I:���I���������f �I <br /> ���lai�� <br /> * b L 2 Q 4 7 - $ 8 4 7 $ 9 4 5 � 9 -f}$ � 4 3 6 - 1 1 � S -D p U 5 5 � * <br />