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2� 1 ��5�29 <br /> Lender's righ�s�n�he Pr�perty. Lender's ac��ons may include paying any sums secured by a lien whzch has priori�.y <br /> over�his Securr�y�ns�rumen�, appearing�n caur�,paying reasonable a�t�rneys'fees and en�er�ng an the Pr�perty to <br /> make repairs.A��haugh Lender may�ake ac�ian under this sec��an,Lender daes n��have�o d� so. <br /> Any amoun�s disburs�d by Lender under this se�tiion shall become additiana� debt of Barrower secured by �h�s <br /> Security �ns�rumen�. Un�ess BorraWer and Lender agree �� other terms of pay�nen�, �hese ani�unts sha11 bear <br /> in�er�s� from �he da�te of disbursernen� a� �he same ra�e assessed an ad�ances under the Con�rac� and sha11 be <br /> pa�rab�e,wi�h interes�,upan notice fram Lender to Borr��ver reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspection. Lender or �ts agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspe�ti�ns af�he Propert�y. Lender sha�� <br /> g�ve Borrotiver notice at the tzme of or prior t�an inspec�ion speczfy��g reasanab�e cause for�he inspectian. <br /> Candemnat�on. The praceeds of any award ar c�a�m for damages, direc�or consequen��a�, �n connectian wi�h any <br /> condernnatian or o�her taking of any part of the Proper�y, or far conveyance zn Iieu of condemna�i�n, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�I be pa�d�a Lender. <br /> �n �he even� af a ���al taking �f�he Prop�rty, the proce�ds shall be appli�d to �he sums secured by �hzs Security <br /> Ins�rument, whe�her or n�� then due, with any �x�ess paid to BorroWer. In the even� of a par�ia� �aking of the <br /> Property �n vvhich the fair marke�value of the Proper�y im�mediately�ef�re the �aking is equal to or greater�han <br /> �he amaur�� af�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y Inst�umen� �mmedia�e�y befare �he tak�ng, un�ess B�rrov�rer and <br /> Lender atherwise agree in writing,�he sums secured by th�s Securztiy�ns�rument sha�I be reduced by�he arn.oun�of <br /> the proceeds mult�plied by�he fo��o,wzng frac��an: �a�the tata� amaunt of�h.e sums secured�mmedia�e�y before the <br /> taking, divided by �b} �he fair mark�� va�ue �f th� Prnpez-�y �mrned�a�e�y bef�re �he �aking. Ari.y balan�e sha�I be <br /> pa�d �o Bgrrower. �n �he even�of a par�ial tak�ng vf�he Proper�y in vc�hich �he fair market va�ue of�he Prop�r�y <br /> �mmediately befflre �he � �s �ess tha�x�he axnount of�he sums secured immedia�ely before �he taking, unless <br /> Btirro,wer ax�d Lender atherwtse agree in wr�ting or wrzless App��cab�e Law��herw�se provides, fhe pr�ceeds shall <br /> be app�ied to�he sums secw-ed by�his Security�ns�rumen�vvhether ar na�the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prop�r�y is a�andoned by Borr�wer, or�f, after natice by Lender�o Barrower�hat the condemnar offers to <br /> make an avvard ar se�t�e a clazm f�r damages, Borrovc�er fazls�a respond�� Lender wzthin the minimum number of <br /> days es�ab��shed by App�icable Law after�he da�e the not�ce is giver�,L�nder is autharized ta co��ec�and app�y the <br /> praceeds, at �ts op�i�n, �ither �o res�ora��an or repair of the Pro�erty or �� �he sums secured by th�s Securi�y <br /> rnstrument,whe�her ar not then due. <br /> Un�ess Lend�r ar�d BarroWer o�herwise agree in vv�ri��ng, any appl�cation of proceeds�o principal �ha��not extend <br /> or pos�pone the due da�e of�he paymen�s du�under�he Con�rac�or change�he amou�.�of such�aymen�s. <br /> Borr�wer Nat Released; Fflrbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension af �h.e t�me for payment �r <br /> modifica��on of amor�x2atzon �f�he sums secured by �his Security Ins�.m.en� granted by Lender�o BorroWer or <br /> any successor in in�eres� of Borrower sha�� not opera�e �a release the ��a��Iity flf �he original Borr�Wer or <br /> Borr�wer's successors in�n�eres�. Lend�r sha11 na�be requzred ta cammence pro�eedings aga�ns�any successor�n <br /> interest ar refuse�o extie�d�ime for payme�.t ar o�herwise m�dify am�rtizafiion of the sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument by reasan �f any demand made by the orxg�nal Borro�er or Barrawer's suc��ssors �n interest. Any <br /> forbeara.r�ce by Lender in exerczszng az�y righ�or remedy shal��a�be a waiver of or pr�clude the exerc�se of any <br /> r�gh�.or remedy. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severa�. Liabi�ity; Accomm�dation S�gn�rs. The covenants and <br /> agreeme�.�s of�h�s Securi�y�nstrumen�sha�1��nd an.d benefit the successors and assigns af Lender and Barrower, <br /> subj�ct ti� the provisions of sec�i�n �i�led Transfer af the Property or a Benef�cial Interest in Borrnwer. <br /> Borrau�er's cavenants and agreemen�s sha�l be j��n�and several. Any person who co-s�g�s this Security�ns�rument <br /> but has na perso�a� liability under �he �ontra�� �"Accommodat�on Signer"�: �a} is co-signzng �his Securi�y <br /> Instrument on�y ta mor�gage, grant and canvey that Acc�mmodat�on S�gner's zn�eres� ir� �he Proper�y under �he <br /> xerms af the Securi�y �ns�rument; (b� �� nfl� personal�y ab�zga�ed to pay the sums secured by tihis 5ecur��y <br /> ins�rum�nt; and�c} agrees�ha�Lender and ar�y other Barro�wer may agree�o extend,modif�r, forbear or ma��any <br /> acc�mmoda�zons witih regard�o the terms of�hx� Security Ins�rument or�he Co��ract with�ut that Accammada�ian <br /> 5igner's co�sen�. <br /> Lnan Charges. �f�he laan secured by �h�s Secur�ty Ins�rument �s subj ec� to a �av�r wh�ch sets m.axzmum loan <br /> charges, and�hat�aur is fina�Iy�nterpreted so that�he interes�or other l�an charges collected or to be callec�ed in <br /> cor�ec�ion vvzth �he loan exceed �he perm�tted �im��s, �hen: �a} any such 1Qan charge shal� be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary ta reduce �he charge �o �he perrru�ted �xmitis and�b� az�y sums already col�ected fram Borrower <br /> wh�ch exceeded permi��ed ��mi�s vvill be refunded �o $arrower. Lender may cho�se �o make th�.s refund by <br /> reducing �he princ�pa� �,wed under �he �antract or by making a d�rect paym�n�t� B�rr�Wer. If a refiind reduces <br /> principa�,�he reduc�ion vv���be�reated as a par��a�prepaymen�under the Contrac�. <br /> No�i�es. Ariy no�ice �o Borrower provided for in this Security Ins�rument shal� be g�v�n by de��vering i� �r by <br /> maz�ing i�by f rs�c�ass mail unXess A�pl��ab�e Law requ�res use of another me�h�d. The not�ce shal�be direct�d t� <br /> �he Proper�y Address or any a�her address Borrower desxgnates by no�ice �o Lender. Barrow�r agrees �o prnvide <br /> Lender vvz�h Borrower's mos�current mailing address, as i� ma� change from t�me--ta-��me. Any notzce to Lender <br /> sha�l be gzven by f rst c�ass mai��o Lender's address stated herein or any��her address Lender designa�es b�na�ice <br /> �o Barrower. Any notzce pro��ded for in�hzs 5ecuri�y�nstrument sha�l�be deemed to have been given�o Bflrrower <br /> ar Lender vvhen given as provided in th�s p aragraph. <br /> �overn�ng La,w; Se��rabi�ity.This Secur�ty Instrum.�nt sha��b�governed by federal Iativ and the�a,ws of�h�sta�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �ha� any provzs�an Qr clause of�his Security �ns�rument or �he Contract conflic�s vv�th <br /> �2��4-2�I 5��mpIiance Systems,Inc.CBEB-9�3 5 T 2fl <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrument L]L2ti3d Pa�e 3 af 5 www.compIiancesystems.Gom <br />