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2� 1 ��5�29 <br /> B�RR�WFR ��VENANTS that Borrower is �avvfu�ly seised of the esta�e hereby conveyed and has�the right�o <br /> gran� and �onvey �he Prop�rty an� �hat the ProperCy �s unencumbered, except far encumbrances �f recor�i. <br /> Borro�er warrants and v�ril� defend general�y t�e �itl� �Q the Pr�pe�ty aga�ns� a1� c�ainr�s and G�mands, su�ject�o <br /> any encum�rances�f recard. <br /> Borro�ver and Le�.der covenant and agree�s fo�lu�s: <br /> Payment of Pr�n�ipa�and Inter�st; Qther�harges.Borro��er sh�.Il promptly pay vvh�n due the�pa�of and <br /> interest on the debt Qwed und�r�he�on�ract and�at�charges r�r ar�y��her fees and charges due under the C�n#rac�. <br /> �.pplz�able Law. As used in �hi� 5e�ur�ty �ns�rurnent, �he term "App�icable Law" sha11 mean a�l cflntroXlxng <br /> applicable federal, s�a�e and local s�atutes, regulations, ordin�.nces ar�d administrative rules and �rders �tha�have <br /> �he effect af law}as We11 as a�1 applicab�e fina�,non-appea�able judicial opinions. <br /> Charges; Liens. Borrov�er sha�l pay aI� taxes, assessmen�s, chaxges, fines and �mpos�t�ons attribu�able to �he <br /> Pr�per�which may a�tain priorzt�flver�h�s SeGurity�ns�rument, and leas�hold paymen�s ar g�vux�d ren�s, if any. <br /> A��he request of Lender,B�rrawer sha�l prompt�y fu�.•nish�a Lender receipts e�ridencing�he pa�rm�nts. <br /> Borr�,wer sha�l promptly discharge any lien u�hx�h has priorzty over t�.z� Secur�ty�nstrument un�ess Borro�vver: �a} <br /> agre es in wri�ing ta �he payment �f the �b��ga�i an secur�d by the Ii en :in a manner accep�ab le to Lender; (b} <br /> contes�s in good fa�th �he ��en by, or defend� a�ainst enfor��m�n� of�he 1�en �n, lega� proc��:dings Whxch �n �he <br /> Lender's opinion �pera�e to preven� the enf�rc�ment of�he �ien; or ��} aecures fr�m �he ho�d�r of�:he Iien an <br /> agreement satisfact�ry�o Lender subord�x�.ating�he Iien t� �h�s Securi�y�n��rumen�. Yf Lender determin�s�hat any <br /> part ❑f the Proper�y �s subjec��.� a Ii�n which may a��ain prrority �ver thz� Secur�ty�nstrumen�, Lender may g�ve <br /> Borrawer a no�ic� iden�ifying�he 1ien. Borr��v�r shali �a�isfy the lien or take one 4r m�re of the act�ans set for�h <br /> above vv��hxn ��days af�he giving af na�ic�. <br /> Hazard or Property Insu�-ance. B�rrow�r sha1l keep �he rmprovemen�s now ex�st�ng�r hereafter��e��ed an�he <br /> Property insured agaxnst�oss by f re,hazaxds included vvi�h�n��he�er�."ext�nded coverage" and any��her hazards, <br /> including floods or fl�od�ng, f�r which Lender requ�res �nsuranc�. Thi� insurance sha�l be main�a�n�d in the <br /> am�unts and for�he peri�ds tha�Lender requires. The insuran{�,e carrier prov�di�.g the i.�surance shall be chosen by <br /> Borrovver subj ect to Lender's apprava� which shal� nat be u��reasonably �vithheld. �f BorrQ,wer fails �o ma�ntain <br /> coverage described abov�, Lend�r may, at �e�der's optian, ob�air� cov�rage �o pra�ect Lender's rights in the <br /> Froperty in ac��rdance wi�h secti�n�itled Protec�fon of Lender's R�gh�s�n�he Proper�y. <br /> A�� insurance p��ic�es and rene�rals sha�I b� acceptab�e to L�nder and shall xnc�ude a standar� mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender sha1l have the r�ght to h�Id the polic�es and renewals. �f L�nder requires,Borr��ver sha�.X prorn.ptly give ta <br /> Lender a�l re�e�p�� of pa�d premiums and renew�.l n�tices. In the ev�n�of:lass, B�rra�ver sha��give pr�mp�notice <br /> �o�h�insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof o:��oss if not made prompt�y by Borravver. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�wer o�herwise agre� in writing, in.�uranc� praG�,�ds sha�� be applied �o res��ora�ion or <br /> repair of�he Proper�y damag�d, if, in Lender's sole d�scretion, the rest�ration or repaar �s ec�nomically feasib�e <br /> and Lender's security is n�� Iessened. If, �r� L�nder'� sale dis�re�ion, �he r�stora�ion or repa�.r i� not ec�nvmica��y <br /> feas�b�e or L�r�der's securi�y W�uld be�essened,the insurance��roceeds sha��be app�ied�a�he sums secUred by�his <br /> Securi�y Ins�rum�n�, whether ar n�t then due, vSr�th any ex{cess paid to Barrov�rer. If Bflrrovver ab�ndons �he <br /> Praperty, or does nat ansvver w��h�n the nu�nb�r of days prescr�bed by App�icable Lav�r as se�for�h in a r�o�ice from <br /> Lender�� Barr�wer�hat the insurance carri�r has affered�to settXe a c�aim; �hen Lender may collect the �nsu.rance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use �he praceeds ta repair or rest�re ��e Property or ta pay sums secur�d by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rurnent,whether or not then d�e. The peri�d vf�ime for Bc�r�ov�rer to ansvsrer as se�f�r�th zn�he no�ice WiI�begin <br /> when the notzc�is g�ven. <br /> Unless Lender and B�rrawer otherwzse agree in wrxt�ng, any app��cat�or�of proceeds ta princi�a� sha��no�extend <br /> or pos�p�ne�he due date flf�he paymen�s due un�er the �on��-act or change the amoun�of the�ayme��s. Z�under <br /> the secti�n t��Ied Ac�eleratian; Remedies, th� Pr�perry�s ac�uired by Le�der, Borr�vtrer's rig�t�o any insurance <br /> poTicies and praceeds result�ng fr�m damage to the Property prior�o the ac�u�sztiior� s�all pass ta Lender ta the <br /> exten�of�he sums secured by�his Securi�r�ns�rutnen��rnme�ia�e�y pr�or�o the acquxs�tion. <br /> Preservativn, Maintenance and Prote�ti�on of �he Proper�y; �orrov�er's Loan Applica�ion; L+eas�hold5. <br /> Borrawer shal�no�d�s�ro�, damage or�mpair th�Property, a��ovv the Pr�pe�-ty�o de��riorate, ar�ommit,t7v�ste on <br /> �he ProperCy.�arrower shall be in default�f a�y tarfe�ture acti�n flr proceeding,vvhether civil or crimina�,is begun <br /> that�n Lender's go�d faith�udgmen�c�u�d resu�t zn farfeitur�; of th� Property or otherwis� ma�erially impa�r�he <br /> l�en crea�ed by this Secur�ty rns�rumen� ar Le�.der's securit.y zn�er�st. B�rr�wer may cure �uch a �efau�t an� <br /> rei.n.sta�e, a�provided in section�it�ed Ba�r��er's R�ght to F�.ei�st��e, by causing�he action ar proce�d�ng�o be <br /> dismissed�vi�h a�hat,�n Lender's good�'aith de�ermina�ion,pr�c�udes forfeiture of the Borrower's zn�eres�in <br /> the Property �r �ther ma�er�al impairment �f th.e Iien crea�ed by �h�s Securi�y Instruznent or Lender's s�curi�ty <br /> xn�erest. Borrov�rer sha�l also be in defau�t if Barrower,during�he�aan app�aca�ian process,gave ma�er�a�Iy fa�se�r <br /> inac�urate inf�rma�ion or sta.�ements to L�nder (or fa��ed to provxde Ler�d�r �th any material �nf�rxnat�on} in <br /> cannec��on vvith the laan e�xdenced by the Con�ract. If th�s Security�nstru:men�is an a Ieasehol.d, Bflrr�ur�r s�al� <br /> comp�y wi�h a�I�he pravzs�ons of the lease. �f B��-�-nvver acquires fee title to the Proper�y,th�leaseh��d and�he fee <br /> ti�le shall not merg�un�e ss Lender agrees t��he merger in wr�t��ng. <br /> Protec�ion nf Lender's Rights �n the Proper�y. If Borra�x�er fails t� perfarm �he �flvenan�_s and agreem�n�s <br /> con�ained�n�his Secu.r�ty�ns�rumen�, ar there �s a �ega�proce�ding tha�may sxgn�fican�l�affec�Lender's righ�s in <br /> the Praperty �such as a pr�ceeding xn bar�ruptcy, prflbate, fc�r condemna�ian ar farfei�ure or �o enforce laws or <br /> regu�a�xons}, then Lender may da and pay for tivhatever is necessary �� pro�ect �he value �f the Property and <br /> C 240�-2�i 5 Campliance Systems,Ir�c.CBEB-9235-2015.12.2.11�2 <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Security Instniment DL2036 Pa,�e 2 af 5 www.cvmpliances}�stems.carn <br />