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2� 1 ��5�29 <br /> Applicab�e Law, such confl�ct shall no� affect ��her pravxsx�z�s of�h�s Ser,urity Instrumen� �r the Con�rac�t which <br /> can�e gYven effec��tri�hout�he c�n�.�ct�ng provi��on. To this�:nd�he prav��ians of this 5ecuri�y Znstrum�ent and the <br /> Con�rac�are declared�o be severab�e. <br /> Barr�wer's C�py.Borrov�rer sha�l be given or�e c�py of�his�ecur��y Ins�r�amen�. <br /> Tr�nsfer of the Property or a�ene�cial Int�rest in Borrower. If a1�ar any pat�of the Property ar any�nteres� <br /> in it is so�� �r �ransferred �ar if a benef�ia� �nterest �n Bo�rav�er is sflld or transferred and Borrawer is not a <br /> natura� persor�� withou� Lender's priar�vr�tten cansent, Lender may, a� i�� option, require immedia�e payment �n <br /> fu�l of alI sums secured by this Security �nstrument. Hovve��rer, �h�s op���n shall not be exercised b�r L�nder xf <br /> exercise is pr�hib�ted by federallaW as af the date�f this 5ecurity Ins�rum�nt. <br /> �f Lender exerc�s�s this �p�ion, Lender sha�l give Borr�wex- na��ce nf a�cce�eration. The noti�e shal� pr�vide a <br /> periad of not Iess than �he minimum number af days es�abl�shed �y Applicable Law from th� date the no�i�e is <br /> de�ivered ar mai�ed vvith�n �vhich Borro�v�r mu.s� pay aI� sums secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrument. If B�rrovver <br /> fazXs to pay these sums prxor �� the expzra�ion of�hzs per�od, Lend�r may �nvoke any rernedi�s p�rmi�.ted by this <br /> Security�nstrumen�vv��hout fu.r�her na��c��r demand on Borr�wer. <br /> B�rrower'S I�ight to Reinstateo If Borra,w�r meets cer�ain condi�ians, Borrower sha�l have the righ� �fl ha�e <br /> enfflrcemen�of�his Security �ns�rumen� dzscan�inued a�any�:ime przor to the ear�ier af: �a} 5 days ��r such other <br /> per��d as App�icable Lavv may specify for re��.statement�bef�re sa�e of th�Pr�per�pursuan�t� any p��ver of sa�e <br /> con�ained �n �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument; �r �b� en�y �f a j�.tdgment enforcing this Security Inst�-umen�. Thase <br /> conditions are tha�Bor�-ower: �a} pays Lender aI� sunr�s �vhich then vvoulc� be due und�r this Securit� Ins�rumen� <br /> and�he Contract as if no acce�era��fln had occurred; �b) cures�ny defaul�o:F an�o�her cavenants or agreem�nts; �c} <br /> pays a1�expenses incurred in exafflrc�ng�hzs Sec�ity rns�rume���,�nc�ud�ng,but no�limi�ed ta,reasanab��at�orneys` <br /> f�es to the ex�ent perm��ted by Iav�; and�d} takes such ac�ion as Lender r�ay reasonab�y requ�re tfl ass�ure tha��he <br /> �xen of this Securi�y Instrument,Lender's r�gh�s �n the property and Barro�er's���igati�n to pay the suxns secured <br /> by �his Security�nstrumen� sha�I continue un�hanged. IJpon reins�a�emen�by Borrower, th�s Secur�ty �ns�rum.ent <br /> and �he oh��gatzflns seCur�d hereby shall r�ma�n ful�y effecti�re as if no a�ce�era�ian had occu.rred. HQwever, t��s <br /> rzght�o reins�a�e shall not apply�n�he case of acceleration under the s�ct�on����e�Tramsfer vf the Praperty or a <br /> Benef�cxa�Interest�n Borrovver. <br /> Ha�ardous Substances.Borrawer shall no��ause�r permi�the presence,use, �isposal, s�orage, or r�l�as� of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or�n the Prapexfiy.BQrroWer sha�I n��t do,�.ar a�l�w anyone e�se��da,anything affectzng <br /> �he Property tha� is in vx��at�on of any Enviranmenta� Lavv. The prece�ing two sentences sha�l no� a�ply to �he <br /> presence,use,or s�orage on�he Proper�y of small quant�t�es of Haza�dous Substances�hat are g�nera��y recognized <br /> �o be appropr�ate�o narmal residential uses and�fl rnaintenance of�he Proper�y. <br /> Borrawer shal�promp��y gzve Lender wr�tt�x�no�i�e af any intirest�ga�x�n,claim, demand,lav�rsu��ar oth�r action by <br /> any governmen�ai ar regulatory agency ar priva�e party involving �he Property and any Haza.rdous Su�s�nce or <br /> Environmental Lavsr of �vh�ch Borrotiver has actual knov�r��edge. Zf Borrower learr�s, or xs nat�fz�d �by any <br /> ga�ernmental or regula�ory au�hari�y, that any remova�or a�h+�r rem�dia�ion of any Hazardous �ubs�ance affecting <br /> the Proper�y is ne�essary, Borro�rer sha�� pramptly take a�� neces�ary remedial ac�ions in ac�QrdanGe v�rz�h <br /> Environmental La�r. <br /> As used zn this paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hose subs�a�ces def ne� as�oxic or ha�ardous su�s�ances <br /> by Envir�nmental Law and the fol�owing subs�ances: gasoline, k�rosen�,.other flammable or �oxic pe�xo�eum <br /> praducts, �ox�c pestici�es and herbi�ides, vo�at�Ie stilven�s, :materi�.Is cnnta� asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radzoact�ve materia�s. As�.sed in this paragraph, "Environmental La�" rneans federa��aws and lavvs of�the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate�o health,safe�y or environmen�al pro�ectzon. <br /> �,ccelerat�on; Rem�d�es. Lender shall give no�i�e tv �orr�ov�er �rior �v acceleratifln foll�Yving ��r�ower's <br /> bre�ch of any covenant or agreement in this Security Instnunae�t or t�ne Contract under wh�ch a�cel�ra�ion <br /> �s permit�ed ��ut nat pr�ar�o a�Ce�erati�n under the se�t��nn titl��Transfer �f the Praperty or a Benef�cial <br /> Interest�n Borrawer, uniess Appli�ab�e Law prflv�des a��erv�vis�3. Th� nvti�e shall specify: �a� the c�efau��; <br /> ��} the acti.o� requir�d to �ure the ciefau��; �c� a date, no� 1e5� �han the rni�imum number vf days <br /> estahlished by Applicab�e Layv from the date the notice is g��en to Barrvwer,by wh�ch the defau�t x�ust be <br /> cur�d; and �d} that fai�ure tfl cure the default on or befvre �h� date speci�ed �n the no�ice m.ay r�su�t in <br /> a�celera�ion of �he sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument and sale of the Praper#�. To �the extent <br /> perrn��ted by Iaw, the not�ce sha��furth�r inf�nrm Borrow�er vf th� right�o reins�ate afte� a��ele�-a�i�n and <br /> t�e rxght ta bring a�ourt ac�ion to asser�the�on-ex�stenc�of a d�faultt or any o�h�r d�fex��e of�arr�wer t� <br /> acc�lera��on and sal.e. If the defau�t is nvt cured on or before th� da�e specified�n the no����,Le�der at i.ts <br /> op�ion may requ�re �mr�ed�a�e payment in fu�.l of all su�ns secured by this Security In��rument v�xthvu� <br /> further demand and may �nvvke the p�we� �f sale and ar�y fl�h��r rex�edi�s perm�tted b3r App�icabl� Lavv. <br /> To the extent p�rmuitted �y �av�, Lender shall be en�it�ed t� c�I�ect a�l expenses incurre�d xn pu��suing the <br /> renr�edies pro��ded in this Se�tYon,includ�ng,�aut not limit+�d�o, �ea�or�able attorneys' fees and�osts�f�i�Ie <br /> evidence. <br /> If th�p�Yver of sale is invoked,Trustee �ha�i re�ord a notice of d�fau��t�n each coun�y in�vhxch any�art of <br /> �he Property is Io�ated an�shai�maxl copies af such notic�in �he manner prescribed by�pp��ca�rle Law�o <br /> Borr��v�r and �a the other persons pre�crib�d by Ap��x�able La�v. After th� �ime rec�uxred by.�.pp�icab�e <br /> Lav�, Trustee sha�� give public not�ce vf sa�e t� �he per5ans an� �n the manner prescr��ed by App���able <br /> Lavv�. Trus�ee,vvxthout demand�n Borrovtr�r, shall sel�the Prop�rty at pubxi� auct�on t� the hi�h�e�t�idder <br /> a��he time and p�ace and under�he terr�s des�gna�cd in the no�i�e�f 5�1e in one or mare parc�is a�nd in any <br /> ard�r TruS�ee determi�nes. Trustee may p�stpone sale c�f all ar any parcel vf the P�-�opert� by public <br /> 9 2044-2�I 5 Comp]ian�e Systems,Inc.CBE8-9235-2015.12.2.]112 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Se�urity�r�str�ment DL2�36 Pa�e 4�f 5 www.c�mptiancesys#ecns.cvm <br />