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2� 1 ��5��9 <br /> zn�eres� from �he date of disbursernen� at �he same ra�e assessed �r� advances under �he Contract and shall be <br /> payabl�,w��h��terest,upan n�t�ce from Lender to Borro�rer request�ng paymen�. <br /> Inspecnon, Lender or its agen� may make reasonab�e en�ries upQn and znspections of the Prapezty. Lender shall <br /> g�ve Barrovver nati�e at�he t�me of or prior to an�nspection spec�fy�ng reasonable cause for�he inspec�ion. <br /> Cflndemnation. The praceeds af any avaard or clazm far damages, d�rect or�onsequentia�, in c�nnect�on vvi�h any <br /> �ondernria�ion�r o�h�r taking of any par�af the Property, ar for canveyance in lieu of condemna��on, are hereby <br /> asszgned and shall be paid�o Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent �f a total �aking af�he Praperty, �he proceeds shall be appl�ed �o the sums secured by thzs Security <br /> �ns�rument, v�rhether or no� �hen due, wz�h a�.y excess paid ta Barrovver. In the even� of a par�ial �a.king �f the <br /> Proper�y �n v�h�ch�he fair marke�value of the Pr�perty �mrned�ate�y before the taking is equa� �o nr grea�er than <br /> �he amou.n� of�he sums secured by this Security �ns�it-u�rien� �mmedia�.e�y before the �aking, un�ess Bflrrower and <br /> Lender otherwise agre�zn wr���ng, the sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen�shall be r�duc�d by the amount of <br /> �he proc�eds mu���p�zed by�he fa��awing fraction: �a�the�ota�amaunt of th�surns secured�mmedzate�y before�he <br />, dzv�ded by �b� �he fair market va�ue af�he Proper�y �mmediate�y befare �.he �a�ing. Any ba�ance sha�� b� <br /> paid to BarraWer. �n the event of a partia� takzng of the Praperty in vvhich �he fair marke�value Qf the Proper�y <br /> immedza���y before �he �ak�ng �s �ess than �he amoun� of�h� sums s�cured immedia�ely befare the �aking, un�ess <br /> B�rraWer and Lender atherwise agree �n writing ar unless Applicab�e Lavv atherwise provides, �he proceeds sha�X <br /> be app�zed tio�he sums secured by�his Security Instrumen�vtrhe�her or na�the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Properfy is abandoned by Bnrravver, or if, after no�ice by Lender tio Borro,wer that�he condemnor affers ta <br /> make an award or set��e a clazm for dam.ages, Borr�w�r fa��s�v respond�� Lender W�th.�n�he mznzmum number of <br /> days es�ab�ished by Applicable Law af�er�.he date�he n��ice is given,L�nder is au�horized�o col�e��and appl��he <br /> praceeds, at its op�ion, e��her �o restoration ar repair of the Property or to the sums secured hy th�s 5e�ur�ty <br /> �ns�rurnen�,whe�her or no�then due. <br /> L�nless Le�der and Borrower o�herwise agree in wrzt�ng, an�app�zca��on of proceeds ta prinGipal shaTl no�extend <br /> or postpone the due datie of�he paymen�s due ur�der the�antract or change�he am�un��f such paymen�s. <br /> Barrower Nat Released; Forbearan�e I3y Lender N�t a Waiver. Extensi�n af the tzme for payment or <br /> modifzcat�aza �f amortzzation �f the sums se�ured by th.zs 5ecurzty �ns�rumen� granf.ed�y Lender �o B orrov�er ar <br /> any successor zn �nterest of Barrower shall not operate �o release �he liability �f �he orig�na� Borrower or <br /> Borrotiver's successors �n interes�. Lender sha1l nat be required�o commence pr�ceedings agains�any successar�n <br /> in�erest or refuse�a ex�end�ime far payme�.t or a�herw�se madify amor��zat�on af the sums secured by�his Securzty <br /> Instrurnen� by reasan of any d�mand made by �he or�g�nal Borrower or Barrower's successars in int�res�. Any <br /> forbearance by L�nder xn exercising any rzght or remedy sha�l not be a waiver af or preclude�he exerc�se af any <br /> r�ght or r�medy. <br /> Su��ess�rs and Ass�gns Bound; Joint and SQ�eral Liabili�y� Ac�ammodativn Signers. The cavenants and <br /> agr�emer��s of th�s 5ecur��Inst�u.ment shaX�bind and ben�f��he successars and assigns ❑f Lender and Borro�ver, <br /> subj ect to �he pr�visions of sect�vn t�tled Transfer af the Pr�p�rty �r a Benef c�al In�erest in Borrower. <br /> Borra�ver`s cavenan�s and agreements shal�be�oz�a�and se�eral. A�r�.y persan who �o-signs�hzs Securi�y Instrumen� <br /> bu� has n� persor�a� lzab���ty under the Cfln�rac� �"Accammada��on Signer"}: �a} is c�-s�gning �h�s 5ecurzty <br /> �ns�rumen� only to mar�gage, grant and c�nvey tha� Accamm�dation 5zgner's in�eres� in �he Proper�r under �he <br /> �erms of �he Security �nstrument; �b.} �s nati persana��y ob��gated �o pay the sums secured by �h.�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen�; and �c} agrees tha�Lender and any o�her Barr�vt�er may agree xa e�fi.end, modify, farbear or make any <br /> accommadatiians vvi�h regard�o the ternas of�his Security�ns�rumen�ar�he Con�ra��uri�hou�tha�Accammada�ion <br /> Sig�er's consent. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the �oan secured by �his 5ecuri�y Instrume�.t zs subj ec� ta a �aw v�hich s��s maximum �aan <br /> charges, and�hat�aw is finally in�erpreted so that the interes�or ather�oan charges co��ected or t�be co��ected�n <br /> cannection wi�h the Ioa� exceed �h� permit�ed �imtts, then: �a� any such Ioan charge shall be reduced by the <br /> amoun�necessary�a reduce the charge t� the permi�ted �imi.�s and�b} any sums already co��ected from Barr�,wer <br /> which ex�eeded perm�t�ed 1imi�s w��� be refunded �o Barro�wer. Lender may choos� �a make this r�fund by <br /> redu�ing the principa� o�wed under th� ��ntrac� or by making a di.rec�payment#o Borrower. �f a refund redu�es <br /> principal,�he reduct�on�wxX�be�rea�ed as a partia�prepayment under the��ntrac�. <br /> No�����. Any notice ta Borrower prov�ded far in �h�s Securi�y �ns�.-umen� sha�� he gi�en by de��vering it ar by <br /> mailing it by firs��lass maxl unless App�icable Lavv requires use of another me�hod. The n���ce shall be d�rected�o <br /> �he Proper�y Addr�ss ar any o�her address Sarrawer desigr�.ates by not��e �o Lend�r. Borrawer agrees �o provzde <br /> Lender v�rx�h B�rravver's mos� curr�n�ma�Iing address, as �# may change from t�.ne-��-�ime. Any na�ice �a Lender <br /> shall be g�ven by first c�ass mail to Lender's address s�a�ed herein or any a�h�r address Lender des�gna�es by not�ce <br /> �o Bar�oWer. An�not�ce pravided for in this Security Ins�rum.en�shall be deemed�a have been gxven�o F3orro�ver <br /> or Lender when given as provided in th�s paragraph. <br /> Gavern�ng La�v; Severa�i��ty.This Secur�ty Ins�rument shal�be gflverned by federal lav�a�.d the lavvs�f the sta.te <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he even� fha� a.r�y pr�vision or �Iause of thxs Securzty�ns�rumen� or the Con#ract conflzc�s with <br /> App�ica}�le Law, such conflict sha�� na� affec� other provzs�ons of�h�s Securi�y�ris�rurnen� or�he Con�rac�whiGh <br /> can b�given effec�vvi�hou�th�co�flictzng prov�s�an. Ta this end�he provzsions of�h�s Security Ins�rumen�and�he <br /> Cantrac�are dec�ared�o be severab�e. <br /> Borr�werts Copy.Barrov�er sha�i be given one copy of�his Security Ins�rumen�. <br /> Q zQD4-ZQ�I S COITl�]IIaI1C�SySt�!'i1S,Inc.CBE8-BCFA-2�15.1�.2.I 1 I Z <br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Security�r�strucnent DL2�36 Pa�e 3 af 5 www,camp� <br />