2� 1 ��5��9
<br /> Transf�r of th�Propert�vr a Beneficial Interest i.n Bvrr�,wer.I�`a�I ar an�par�of the Prop�ert5r or�.ny interest
<br /> in i� is s�ld or �ransferred (or if a benefi�ia� i�terest in Bor.rower �s s�ld �r transferr�d and Borrow�r i� not a
<br /> natura� person} withau� Lender's przor vvrit�en consen�, Lend�r �nay, at i�� op�i�n, requ�re imr�ediate paymen� �n
<br /> full of a�l sums secured by �his Securi�y Ins�rumen�. How���er, �h�s opt��n sha�l no� be exer�ised b�� Lend�r if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibi�ed by f�dera��aw as of the da�e of t�is Sect�.r�ty�nstrument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this op�i�n, Lender shall give Borrovver n�t�c� af acce�eration. The notice shal� pr�uide a
<br /> period of not Iess than �he minin�um number of days established by App��cab�e �.a�v fr�m �he da�e the n�t�ce is
<br /> delivered or mailed within tivh�ch Borrova�r must pay alI sun�s sec�re� b� �his Securi� �nstrumen�. Z�:Barro�xr�r
<br /> fai�s �o pay�hese sum� prior ta the expira�ion of th�s periad, Lender may invoke any rem�dYes perm�t�ed�by �his
<br /> Security�nstrument wi.�hou�fur�her notice or demand�n Borrower.
<br /> �vrru�ver's l�ight tfl ]f�.einstate. �f Barrovu�r rx�eets certain conditi�ns, Borrower shall have �he r�gh� �a have
<br /> enfarcemen�of this Secur�ty �nstrumen� dr�con�inued a�any�irne przor to ��he earlier of: (a} 5 days �or such �ther
<br /> period as App�xcab�e La�v may specify far reins�atemen��before sa�� af�he Praper�y pursuant to an�r po�wer af sale
<br /> c�ntained in �h.is �ecur�ty �nstrumen�; ar �b} �ntry of a �judgmen� enfa�rc�ng this Secu.ri�y Znstrum�nt. Those
<br /> c�nditions are �hat Barro�ver: �a} pays Lender all sums �vh�c�� then,would be due under �hzs S�curi�y Instrument
<br /> and�the�on�ract as if na acce�era�x�n had oc�urred;�b�cures any de�'ault af any ather covenant�nr agre�ments; ��}
<br /> pays al�expenses incurred in enforcing this S�curity Instrument, �nc�ud�ng,but not Iimi�ed�o,rea.sonable at�orneys'
<br /> fees to the ex�en�permi.tted by Iaw; and �d}takes such ac��an as Lender may reasonably requxre�o assure�hha��he
<br /> �ien of this 5ecur�ty Instrurnent,Lender's��ghts in�he Pr�p�rfi�r and�orrov��er's obligation�o pa��he stun�secured
<br /> by t�is Security Instrument sha�l �on�inue urichanged. Upon�eins�atemen�by Borrower, �his Security Ins�rumen�
<br /> and �h� obligat��ns secured h�reby shall rema�n fully effec�iy�e as if n� accelera�ion had oc�urred. �-Io�vever, this
<br /> right to reins�ate shal�not apply ir�the case�f a�celerati�n under th�section�it�ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> �enefi�ial IntQrest in Borro�ver.
<br /> Hazardous Sul�stanc�s.B�rro,txrer shall no�cause or perrni�.�:he pre�ence,use, dispasa�, storag�, or release of any
<br /> Hazardou�5u�stances on ar xn�he Pr�perty.I�arr��rer shal�no�d�,n�r al�a�v anyone e�se�o d�,any��ing affect�ng
<br /> �he Proper�y tha� is in v�o�a�ion of any Enviranmenta� Lavv. The preceding two sentences sha�X no� appl�r �o �he
<br /> presence,use, or s�orage an�h.e Property of smal�quantities af'Ha�ard�us �ubs�an�es�ha�are generally�recagnized
<br /> ta be appropria�e to normal res�dent�a�uses and ta ma��.tenanc�e of th�Prop�rty.
<br /> �Qrrower shal�promptly give Lender wr����n notice of any�nvestzga�ion,c�aim, demand,Iav�rsu�t or a�her ac�ian by
<br /> any gavernmen�a� or regulatory agency ar przva�e party inva:�ving the F'roperty and any Hazardous Su�bstance or
<br /> Envxronmenta� La�v af �vhich B�rrower has actual 1�nowledge. �f �3orrower learns, ar �� natified b� an�
<br /> g�vernmental or regu�a�ory authority, �ha�any removal ar o�h�r rem�diatio:r��f any Hazardous 5ubstance affecting
<br /> the Property �s necessary, Borrovver sha�� pr��np�Iy �ake �11 r�ecessary remedial ac�inns in accardance �v�th
<br /> Environmen�al LavSr.
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those subs�ances d�fned as t�xic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Envir�nmen�al Lavv and the following subs�ances: gasoline, ��rQsen�, otiher flamumab�e �ar �oxzc pe�ro�eum
<br /> produc�s, �ox�c pesticides ar�.d herb�c�des, vo�ati�e 5�1V�T1�5, �na�eria�s eor��aining asbestos or forma�d�hyde, and
<br /> radioac�ive mater�a�s. As used in this paragr�ph, "Environmen�a�La�v"me�.ns federa��a�vs and Iavt�s of the state of
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e ta hea�th,safe�y or environmenta�protect��n.
<br /> Acceleration; Remedxes. Lender s�all g�ve noti�e ta Borr��ver prx�r ��n acce�era�i�on folYowing �arrawer's
<br /> brea�h of any covenant or agreement in th�s�ecurity Inst�•ument�r the�ontrac�under which accel�ration
<br /> �s permi��ed �but not prior�o accelerati�n under the secfi�n t�tl�d Tra�nsfer of the Property�r a Be�eficial
<br /> Interest�n B�rr�w�r, unless Applicable Law pro�ides o�hervvxs��� The nvti�e shal� specif�: �a� th�e default;
<br /> �b� the a���or� requ�red to �ure the d�fau�t; �c} a dat�, not less �han the m�n�mum numbe.r �.f days
<br /> established by Applicab��La�v fr�m the da�e�he not�ce xs g�ven �o�orrnwer,by wh�ch the def�u�t�r�.ust be
<br /> cured; an� {d} that fai�ure t� cure the def�u�t �n ar befare �he date spec��ed in �he nQ�ice ma�� resu�t zn
<br /> a�cele�a��on of the sums se�ured by �h�s S�curi�y Ins�r�urx�ent and sa�e of the Property, T� ith� extent
<br /> permitted �y�aw, th� no���e shall fur�her�inf�rm B�rrovv�r of�h�rigIht to r�instate af��r ae�el.era�i�un and
<br /> �he right to br�ng a cour�acti�n�o asser�the n�n-e�i�tenc��of a defaul�:or any o�her defense of�a�rr�wer to
<br /> accelera�ion a�d 5a�e.If�he def�ult is n�t cured on or bef�re �h� da�e 5pec�f�ed �n #he notice, Lender at�ts
<br /> nption may r�qui.re i.mmediate paymen� �.n full of a�� 5u�ns ���ured �hy th�s Secur�ty In�trumern� v�v�thout
<br /> fur�her demand and nr�ay invo�e the po�er �f sa�e and a��y other remedie� permi��ed by Appiicab�� Law.
<br /> Tv the exten� p�rmit�ed by �aw, Lender shall be entitled to co��ect all expenses incurred �n pu��su�ng the
<br /> r�medies prov�ded in �his Sec�ian, �nc�uding,bu� not x�mit�d�o, �ea�flrnable a��flrn�ys' fee� and��s�s�of�itie
<br /> e�v�dence.
<br /> If the�ower nf sa�e is�nvoked,Tru�tee�hall reeord a notice of�lefaul�:�n each coun�y�n�vh��h any part of
<br /> the Pr�perty�5 Iocated and ShaII mai�c�p�es vf such ntitic�xn th�manmer prescrib�d by.�pp��c���e Law to
<br /> Borr��ver and �o the other pers�ns pre�cx�ibed by App�xcab�e La�v. A:fter the t��m� requi.red by �.p�licable
<br /> Law, TruStee shall g�ive public not�ce of sa�e tfl �he persvns an� �n �he man��r pres�r��ed by �pp�icable
<br /> Law.Trustee,w��hout d�mand on B�rr�w�r, sha��sel�th�Prop�r�y a�publ�c au�t��n t� �he h��h�st�idder
<br /> at the t�me and place and under the terms designated�n the��ti�e of s��e xn one or m�re parc��s a.nd in any
<br /> ard�r Trustee deterrrllnes, Trustee may �Qs�pone Sa�e a�f �ll or ar�� par�e� of the Propert� by publ�.c
<br /> a�nnu�cement a��he time and p�ace of any prev�iously sch+�du�ed[�a�e.Lender or it� d�s�gnee may purchas�
<br /> th e Prop er�y at any s ale.
<br /> Upan �eceip� �f payment of the pri�e bi��i, 'I'r�ust�e sha�l. d��x�er t� the pur�haser Truste�'s de�d +��nvey�ng
<br /> the Froperty. 'I'h�recita�s i.n the Trust��'s deed shall be pz-ima fa�ie ev�dence of the tru�h af the stat�men�s
<br /> �2��4-2a15 Compliance Systems,�nc.CBE8-BCFA-2015.I2.2.11�2
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Se�u�ity Instrurnent DL2a36 Pa�e 4 af S www.�arnpliancesysterr3s.cvm
<br />