2� 1 ��5��9
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipa�and In��r�st; Q�her�harges.Borr�v�rer shall prompt�y pay v�rhen due the pr�nc�pa�of and
<br /> in�erest on�he debt o�red under�he Contract and Iate charges c�r any��her fc�es and charges due under th�C�ntrac�.
<br /> Appli�ab�e Law. A5 1�5�d. in �his Securi�y Ins�rument, �he �erm '°Applicable La�r" shal� mean aI1 con�ro��ing
<br /> app��cab�e federal, sta�e and local sta.tu�es, regu�ations, ordzna�nces �nd adm�nistra�ive rules and orders �that have
<br /> the effect of 1aw}as wel�as al�applicab�e f na�,non-appea�ab�e judicia��pin�ons.
<br /> �harg�5; Liens. B�rrn�ver sha�I pa� a11 �ax�s, assessmen�s, charg�s, f nes and im.pas���ons a��ribu�able to �he
<br /> Propert�r�hich may a�tair�prrori�r Quer this Security�nstrum�n�, and Ieas�ho�d pa�me�.�s or graund ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he request of I�end�r,B�rrawer sha��pr�mpt��r furnish to Lender r�c�ip�s evzdencxng the pa�rments.
<br /> Barrov�er sha�I prampt�y d�scharge any�ie��rhich has pr�ori��over this Secur��y�nstrument ur less Bo�-ra�er: �a}
<br /> agrees �n writing to �h.e paymen� �f the �b�x�a��on secured ��y the lien in a manner �.ccepta�Ie ta I�ender; �b�
<br /> can��s�s in gaod faith the ��en by, or defends against enf�rcement of�the lien in, legal proceeF3�ngs �u��ich in the
<br /> Lender's opi.�nian operate ta pr�vent �he enforcem�nt of�he ��e�; �r �c} �ecures from �h.e haider of the ��en an
<br /> agreement satisfact�ry to Lender su�ordix�.ating the �ien ta thi� Secur�ty In��rumen�. Yf Lender c�eterm�n�s�hat an�r
<br /> part of the Property is subj ect�o a �ien vvhzch may a�tain priority o�er thi� Securit�Instrumen#, Lender may give
<br /> Borrov�er a no�ice �dent�fying the �ien. B�rr�Wer shal� sa�isfy the lien or�ake one �r more of�he ac�i�rns se�forth
<br /> abave vv�thin 1�days of�he giving of not�ce.
<br /> Hazard ar Pr�perty Insurance. SorroWer shal?keep the �mprouements n�vv e�isting ar hereafter erec�ed on�he
<br /> Property znsured agains�loss by f re, hazards i�.c�uded vv�thzn the term"ex�ended�ou�rage" and any o�h�r h�.zards,
<br /> �nclud�.ng fl�ods or fl�odzng, for wh�ch Lender requ�res insurance. Th�s insurance shall be ma�ntair:�ed zn �he
<br /> am�unts and for�he per�ods�ha�Lender re�ui�es. The insurance carrier praviding the insurance shaXX be ch�sen by
<br /> Borrovver subjec� �o Lender's approval �t�vhich shall no� be unreasanab�y �vithheld. If I�orro�ver fai�s to main�ain
<br /> �average described above, Lender ma�r, a� Lender's option, �b�ai� cov�rage �o prot�c� Lex�d�r's righ�s in �he
<br /> Proper�y in accordance u�i�h sectian�i�led�r�tection vf Lend�r's R�gh�s in the Proper�y. �
<br /> Al1 �nsurance p��icies and rene�vals sha11 �e a�c�ptable to Le�nder a�d sh�.11 include a standard mortgage �c�ause.
<br /> �ender shall have�he right t�ho�d�he poli�ies and renewals. �f L�nd�r rec�uires, Borro�ver shal�pr�mpt�y�ive�o
<br /> �ender a11 receipts of paid prem�ums and r�ne�wal no�ices. In 1:he event tif Ioss, Borrotiver shal��ive pro:mpt notice
<br /> to�h�insurance carrzer and Lender.Lender may make proof of'lass if no�rr�ade promptly by Barrart�ver.
<br /> Unless �ender and Borrotiver a�h�rwise agree �n wri�ing, �n��urance praceeds shall be app�ied ta restoration or
<br /> repair af the Proper�y damaged, if, zn Le�der's sole discre�iti��, �he rest�ra�ion or repair is ec�namically f�asible
<br /> and �ender'� secur��y is not lessened. �f, ir�Lender's so�e d�scre�ion, �he r�s�ora��on or repair i� no� econamieall�r
<br /> feasib�e or L�nder's secur��.y v�ould be lessene�,the insurance proc�eds shall be applied to�he stm�s secu;red by�his
<br /> Secur�ty Znstrumen�, whe�her or not then due, vv�th any ex��ess pa�d �o Borrovver. If BQrrower a�and�ns the
<br /> Pr�pert�r, or doe�na�a�.stivez w��hin�he nu�ber of days prescribed b�Applicable Law as se�for�h�n a na�xce from
<br /> Lender to Borrovver that the insuran�e carrier has offered to s���t�e a c�a�m, �hen�ender may c�11ec�the �nsurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use the proceeds �o repai� or restore the Propert� or�o pay sums secured by�h�s Securi�
<br /> �ns�rument,vcrhe�h�r or not then due. The p�riod of time f�r BorroWer�o an���r as set f�rth in�h�no�ice�vil�begin
<br /> v�rhen the nat�ce�s given.
<br /> �Jnless Lender and B�rra�rer otherw�se agree in writing, any appXicatz�n���proceeds to prin�ipai sha�1 nat ex�end
<br /> or pos�pone the due da�e�f the payrn�nts due under the �ontrac�or char�g� �he amount of�he paym�nts. �f under
<br /> �he se�tion��tled Ac�el.�rat��n; Remedies, �he P`roperry�s acquired by Lender, Borrower's r�gh�to any insurance
<br /> po�ic�es and pr��eeds resul�ing from �am�.ge �a �he Property priar�� the acquisi�ifln �ha11 pass �o L�x�c�er �o the
<br /> ex�ent of th�sums secured by this Security�ns�ru�nent�mmediately p�ior�o�he acqu�s���an.
<br /> Preservation, Mazn�enan�e and Prote��xo� �f the Prope�ty; ��rrower's ��an .A.ppli��a�ion; LPas�h�ids.
<br /> Barrovver shall no�des�rny, damage or impair the Propert�r, al�ovv th�Pr�ppz-�y ta deteri�rat�, or cammit vvas�e on
<br /> the Property. Barravver sha�X be in defaul�if any forfe�ture ac��on�r procee�ling,�vhether��v��or crimi�xa�,is begun
<br /> tha� in Len�er's good fa��h judgment Could resu�t in forfei�ur� �f th� Prop�r�y ar athe�-�wise mater�ally impair �he
<br /> lien created by �his Secur�ty Instrumen� or Lender's securi�� in�eres�. B�rro�ver rnay cure such a d�fat�l� and
<br /> reinstate, as pravided zn se�tion��tled Borr�vver's Right to l�eins���e, by causing�he action or pro�eeding�a be
<br /> dzsm�ssed v�ri�h a ru�ing that,�n Lender's ga�d faz�h determina�ifln,pr�clud��f�rfeiture of�he Borrovver`s interest�n
<br /> the Property or other ma�erial ir.�pa�rmen� of the �i�n created �y �his Securi�y Instrumen� or Lenderes s�curity
<br /> in�erest.Borrav�er shal�a�so be in default if B�rr�tiver,during the loa�applicat��n process,gave ma�er�ally false�r
<br /> inaccura�e infarmation or s�a�ements �o L�nder �or fa�Ied to pr�vid� L�nder wi�h any material informa�xan} �n
<br /> connec�ion with the ��an ��idenced by t�e Con�rac�. �f this S€�curity�nstru�•nent�s on a Ieasehoid, Borr�wer sha��
<br /> comp�y Uv�th a��the provis�ans�f tih���ase. �f Ba�r�vver a�quzr�s fee t�t�e�o the Proper�y,the leasehold and th�fee
<br /> t�tle sha11 n�t merge unless Lender agrees���h�merger in wr�ti.ng.
<br /> Prflte��ion �f Lender's Rf.ght5 �n the Prop�r�y. �f Barra��er fai�s ta perfarm the covenan�s and a,greements
<br /> con�ained in this Security Zns�rument, ar�here is a 1ega�pro��eding�hat Ima�signif cantly affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Propex�ty �such as a proceeding in ban�rup�cy, pro�ate, f�r condemna�zon �r farfeiture or �o enfor�e lavvs or
<br /> regula�i�ns}, �en L�nder may do and pay fQr wha�ever is necessarg� �o pratect the va�ue of�he PrQpert�r and
<br /> Lender's righ�s�n the Praperty. L�nder's actzvns rnay inc�ude p.aying a.ny sums secured b�a lzen which has priori�y
<br /> o�er this 5ecurx�y Instrumen�, appeaxing i.n�our�,paying reaso:�able a��orneys'fees and en�er�ng on�he PrQperfiy�o
<br /> rnake repairs.Although Lender may take a���on under this secti.an,Lende�does not have�o d�sc�.
<br /> Any amoun�s dzs�ursed by Lender under �his sec�ion shal� became addi�ianal deb� af B orraw�r secur�d by �h.�s
<br /> Security Instrument. Un�ess Borrawer and L�nder agree to flther �erms �f payment, these amoun�s sha�I bear
<br /> �2044�-2�]5 C�mplian�e Systems,Tnc.CBE8-BCFA-2015.12,2,1112
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