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201605465 <br />real property and be binding upon all parties having any right, title or interest in any of the <br />described lots, or any part thereof, their heirs, successors and assigns, and which shall inure to <br />the benefit of each owner thereof. <br />The Jeff's Lake Homeowner's Association is a nonprofit corporation that will be <br />incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska for the purpose of enforcing the provisions <br />of these covenants. <br />II. <br />DESCRIPTION OF LAND <br />The lands of the Declarant which are hereby submitted to this DECLARATION OF <br />RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS are a fee simple interest <br />in the following: <br />Lot Twenty -Six (26), Lot Twenty -Seven (27), Lot Thirty (30), Lot Thirty -One <br />(31), Lot Thirty -Two (32), Lot Thirty -Three (33), and Lot Thirty -Four (34), <br />Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Four (4), Hall County, Nebraska; <br />Lot One (1), Hidden Lakes Subdivision Number Five (5), Hall County, Nebraska; <br />and <br />Lot One (1), Lot Two (2), and Lot Three (3), Hidden Lake Subdivision Number <br />Seven (7), Hall County, Nebraska. <br />III. <br />RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS <br />A. General Provisions <br />1. In consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived by the Owners of the Lots <br />abutting Jeff's Lake and any purchaser or purchasers, their heirs, devisees, personal <br />representatives, successors, assigns or grantees, the Declarant stipulates and agrees that all of the <br />lands hereinabove identified abutting Jeffs Lake shall be and are subject to the following <br />restrictive covenants, restrictions and conditions provided herein. All restrictive covenants, <br />restrictions and conditions shall run with the land. <br />2. The following definitions shall apply to this DECLARATION OF <br />RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS AND CONDITIONS: <br />(a) "Association" shall mean the homeowners' association to be <br />formed by the Declarant to be known as "Jeff's Lake Homeowners' Associaton" <br />and its successors and assigns. <br />(b) "Owner" shall mean an owner of a Lot as defined hereinbelow at <br />subsection (d). <br />2 <br />