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� <br /> 2� 1 ��544� <br /> c�n�inue ta pay to Lender�he arnount�f the separate�y des�gnated paym�nts �ha�were due wh�n the <br /> insurance coverage�eased�o be in�ffe�t. L�nder wi�I accep�, use and re�ain�hese payments as a <br /> non-refundabie loss reserve in iieu af Mor�gage Insurance. �uch�oss reserve shal�be non-refundable, <br /> no�withs�anding th�fact tha�t�ie Laan is u�timate�y pa�d in fu��, and Lender shall not be required��pa� <br /> B�rrow�r an� �n�erest or�arnings on such�oss reser�e. L.ender�an no lflnger require�oss reser�e payments <br /> if N�or�gage�nsurance co�erag� (in th�amoun�and for the peri�d that Lend�r requires}provid�d by an <br /> insurer seiected b�r I,ender again becomes a�ai�abie, �s ahta�ned, and Lender requ�res separate�y des�gna�ed <br /> payments t�vvard�he premzums for N�flr�gage Insurance. �f Lender requ�r�d Mor�gage �nsurance as a <br /> cond�tion of making�he Loan and Borrow�r was required to�nake separate�y designa�ed paymen�s toward the <br /> prem�ums for Mor�gage Insurance, Barrow�r sha��pay the premiums r�quired to ma�nta�n Mor�gage <br /> Insurance in effec�, or to pro�ide a non--refundabi��oss reser�e, unt�l Lender's requirement for M�r��age <br /> �nsurance ends in a�cordance with any writt�n agreement be�w�en Borrov�rer and Lender pra�id�ng for such <br /> termination ar un�i�termina�ion�s required by App��cab�e Law. No�hing in this 5�ction 1D affects <br /> Borrawer's abiiga�ifln�o pay interest at the ra�e pro�rided in the Note. <br /> Mnr��a���n5��ran�e r�imhur��s �����r��r�n�en�i�� th��p�rcha�es�h�No��� f4r���'���r��Qs��� �t�.�� i.n..��� <br /> �f Borrower does not r�pay the Loan as agreed. Borr�we��s not a part�to �h�Mnr�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mortgage�nsurers e�aluate their tota� r�sk on all such insuranc� in force from��me to t�me, and ma�enter <br /> �nto a�reem�n�s w�th ather par�ies�hat share or modify their r�sk, or redu���osses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and canditions that ar�satisfactory to the mar��a�e�nsurer and the other par�� �or par�ies} to these <br /> agreemen�s. These agreem.ents may require the mor�gage insurer to make payments us�ng any source of funds <br /> that the mor�gage insurer ma�haWe a�ai�ab�e �which may in�lude funds ob�ained fr�m M�rtgage �nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of these agreem�n�s, Lend�r, any purchaser of the N�te, another insurer, an� reinsurer, an�other <br /> entity, or any aff��ia�e of an�of the fore�o�ng, may receive�d�rec�iy or�ndirect�y} amoun�s tha�de�i�e from <br /> �o�-migh�be�hara�t�rized as} a por�ion af Borrower'�pa�men�s for Mortgage�nsurance, in e�change for <br /> sharing ar mod�f�ing�he mort�age insurer's risk, or r�ducing �osses. �f such agre�men�pra�id�s that an <br /> a�filiate of L.ender�akes a share of the�nsur�r's risk in�xchan�e for a share of the premiums paid�o the <br /> insurer, the arrangement �s of`�en term�d "captive reinsuranc�." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agre��nents«���1 no� affec�the axnoun�s �ha�Borrower has agreed�o pay far�Viar�gage <br /> Insurance, or any a�her terms�F�he Loan, Such agreemen�s wxl�not increase the amoun� � <br /> Borrower��vi��ov�ve far ll�ior��age Insurancc, and�hey wil� no�ent���e Borro►��ver ta any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreem.ents w��� not affec�the r�gh�s Barrower has -if any-�with res�ect�o fihe <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the�iomeawners Fro�ect�on Ac�of 1998 or any other law. These righ�s <br /> m.ay �nc�ude the righ� �o receive cer�ain d�sc�asure.�, to request and ob�ain cance��a�ion of the <br /> Mortgage Insurance, �o have�h�Mortgage Insuran�e terminated automa��caliy, andlor to rece�ve <br /> a r�fund af any 1Vlor�gage Insurance premiums��.at w�re un.earned at �he time of such <br /> �ance��a��on ar terminatinn. <br /> '1'[. As��gnment af Misce��anevus Proceeds; Forfe�ture. A1� N��sceiianeous Proc�eds ar�here�y assi�ned�o <br /> and shal�be paid to Le�der. <br /> If the Property is damaged, such Misc�llaneous Proceeds shall he applied�o res��ration or repair�f the <br /> Proper�y, if the restoration or repa�r�s economica�l�feasi��e and Lender's securi��r is n���ess�ned. Dur�ng <br /> su�h repa�r and restora�ion period, L�nder s�a�i have the right to hol�such N��s���Ianeous Pro�eeds un�il <br /> Lender has had an oppor�uni�y to inspect such Pr�perty to ensure�he�rork has been complet�d to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac�Ni�QRM INSTRUMENT �arrn 3fl�8 31�1 <br /> VMP 0 VMPfifNEy{13D2) <br /> Walters Kiuwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�9❑f i 7 <br />