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2� 1 ��544� <br /> for the repairs and restarat��n in a s�ng�e payment or in a s�r�es�f pragress payments a� the work is <br /> �ompleted, �f the insurance ar condemnatian pro�eeds are no� suf��c�ent�� repa�r or res�ore the Property, <br /> _ Borrower is n��r����v�d of B�rrower's obli�a�ion for th�camp�et�on of such r�ga�r ar restarat�on, <br /> Lender or its agen�may make reasona�Ie entries upon and inspect�ons of�he Prop�rty. If�t has �reasonable <br /> cause, Lender ma� znspect�he �n�er�or of�he�mprovements on�he Proper�y. L�nder sha�� g�ve Barrow�r <br /> n�tice at�he time af or pr�or to such an �nter�or inspec��on specifyzng such reasanable caus�. <br /> S. Bvr�raw�r's Loan Appl�catinn, Barrower shall be in default if, during the Loan appl�ca�ion process, <br /> Borrower ar any pers�ns or entit�es a�:ting at the direction of Borrower or w�th Borr�wer's knowiedge or <br /> consen�ga�e ma�eriai��r false, m�sleading, or�naccura�e �nfarma��on or statemen�s ta Lender�ar faile�i to <br /> prav�de Lender with mater�a� �nformatzon} �n cannection w�th the Loan. Materiai representations include, bu� <br /> are not�imit�d t�, repres�ntati�ns concerning Borrawer's occupancy�f�he Praperty as Borr�wer's pr�nc�pa� <br /> r�sidence. <br /> 9. Protectivn of Lender's Interest in the Prope�ty and Rights Under this Security �nst�u�ent. If�a} <br /> Barraw�r fails�a perform the co�enants and agreements contained in�his Security Instrument, �b} there �s a <br /> lega�pr�ceeding that might significantly affect L�nder's in�er�st�n the Property andlar rights under th�s <br /> Securit� Ins�rument �su�h as a prnceeding in bankruptGy, probat�, far condemnat�an or forfe�ture, for <br /> enf�r�emen�of a��en which may atta�n pr��r�ty�ver th�s �e�ur��y �nstrum�n�or ta enforce laws or <br /> r�gu�a��ons}, or�c} Borrower has a�and�ned the Pr�pe�.y, �hen Lender ma�da and pay far what�ver is <br /> reasonable or appropriate to pratec� Lend�r's in�erest in the Pr�perty and rights und�r this Security <br /> , Instrum�nt, inc�uding protect�ng andl�r assessing�he value�f�he Property, and s�curing andlor repa�r�nb <br /> the Prap�rty. Lender's act�ons can�nc�ude, bu� are not�imited�o: �a}paying an�r sums s�cured by a lien <br /> � whi�h has prior�ty o�er�h�s S�cur�ty �ns�rument; �b� appear�ng in cour�; and �c} paying reasonab��a�tarne�s' <br /> fees to prote�t ��s in��rest in the Proper�y andlar rights under this Security Ins�rument, �nciuding its s�cured <br /> position in a bankruptcy praceeding. Securing �he Property includes, but is not Iimited t�, en�ering the <br /> Pr�p�rty to make repaxrs, chanb��ocks, rep�ace or hoard up doars and w�n�.aws, dra�n wa��r frorn�pipes, <br /> e�imina��bu��d�ng or�ther Code v���a��ons or dangerflus cond�t�ons, and hav�u�i��ties turned on or aff. <br /> A�th�ugh Lender may take act�on under th�s Se�tion 9, Lender does no�have ta do s� and is not under any <br /> duty or ob�igation��da so. �t is agreed tha� Lender incurs na �iability for nat taking any or all actions <br /> authoriz�d under�his Section 9. <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under this Sec��on 9 shai� become addi�iona� debt o�Borr�wer se�ur��by <br /> th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument. Th�s�amoun�s shal� �ear in�erest at the Note rate from the date af disbursement <br /> and sha�� be payable, with such interest, upan natice from L�n�er t� BorrovW�r r�questing paymen�. <br /> If this Security �nstrurnent is an a�eas�hald, Barrow�r sha�� comp�y w�th al� th�pra��s�ons af�he �ease. �f <br /> Bnrrawer acquzres fee�it�e to the Proper��, t�ae�easeh��d and the fee tit�e shall not merge uniess Lender <br /> agrees �a the merger in wri�ing. <br /> ��. N�vrtgage Insurance. �f Lend�r requir�d N�or�gag��nsurance as a Gondi�ion of ma.�ing the Loan, Borrawer <br /> shal�pay the premzums required to main�a�n�he Mor��a�� �nsuran�e�n�ffec�. �f, far any reasan, t�ae <br /> Mnrt�age�nsurance coverage requzred by Lender c�ases to be avai�ab�e fram the martgage insur�r that <br /> pr��iaus�y pr�vided su�h insurance a�d Bnrr�vver was requ�red��make s�parately designat�d paym�nts <br /> ��vvard the premium� for Mor�gage �nsurance, Borrou�er shall pay �he prem�.ums re�u�red ta ob�ain caverage <br /> substantial�y equ��a�ent�� �he Mortgage�nsurance pre��ous�y in effec�, at a co��substantiaily equivaient to <br /> the c�st ta Borrower af the Mortgage�nsurance pre�iously in effect, from an ait�rnat�mortgage insur�r <br /> �e�ected b� Lender. If substantially equiWaient Mortgage Insurance co�erage is not a�ailab�e, Barrower shal� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing[e Farr�ily-Fanni�Ma�IF�eddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRUM�NT �nrrn 34Z8�Ifl1 <br />• VMP[� VMP6�N��(13�23 <br /> Wv6ters Ktuwer�inancial 5er�ic�s Pa�e 8�f 17 <br />