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2� 1 ��544� <br /> sa�isfa�tion, pr��ided that such insp�ct�on shail be unde�aken pramptl�. Lender may pay for the repairs <br /> and r�staration in a s�n�le disburs�men�ar�n a ser�es of progress payments as the v�ork is�ompieted, <br /> Unless an agree�ne�.t �s ma�e �n writ�ng or Appiicab�e Law requ�res �n�erest to be paid on such <br /> Misc�llaneous Proceeds, L�nder s��a�� �.ot be requ�red to pay Borrower an� interest or earnings on such <br /> Misc�l�aneaus Proceeds. �f th�res�orat�an ar repair�s not econam��ai�y feas�ble or Lender's security w�uld <br /> be less�ned, �h�Miscellaneous Proc�eds shaii be appiied ta the sun�s secured�y this Securit� Instrument, <br /> tivhe�h�r�r not then due, ti�ith the ex��ss, if any, paid �o Borrower. Such M�sce��an�ous Proceeds sha�I be <br /> app��ed�n the flrder pro��ded far�n SeGt��n 2. <br /> In the��en�of a tata� taking, destruc�ion, or�oss �n�a�ue af the Proper�y, the Miscellan�ous Praceeds shall <br /> be appl�ed�o the sums seGured by this Securi�� �nstrum.ent, wheth�r or n��th�n due, w�th�he excess, �f any, <br /> paid �a Borrower. <br /> In�he�vent of a part�a� �aking, d�s�ruc��an, or�oss �n�a�ue af the Pr�perty �n which the fair market value af <br /> the Praperty immediately bef�re �h�partza� tak�ng, d�s�ruct�on, �r�oss in va�u��s equa� �o or greater�han the <br /> am�un��f��e sums seGur�d by this �e�ur��y Instrum�nt immedia�eiy before the part�a� �aking, destruct�on, �r <br /> �oss �n va�ue, un�ess Borro�ver and L�n��r o�hervvise agre�in writing, the sums secured by th�s Secur�t�r <br /> Ins�ru,men�sha�l be reduced by the am�unt of�he N��sce�laneaus Prace�ds mult�pli�d by th� f�llowing <br /> fra��ion: �a} the totai amaunt of th�sums se�ured immediatel�before the part�a� tak�ng, d�struct�on, nr lass <br /> �n�va�ue divided b� ��} the fa�r market value of the Praper�y immediately befar�t�e par��a� tak�ng, <br /> destruction, or Ioss in�alue. Any balan�e shall �e paid t�Borrower. <br /> In the e�en�of a partiai taking, destructi�n, or��ss in va�ue of the Pr�per�y in which the fair mark�t value of <br /> the Proper�y immediate�y before the part�a� �aking, destruc�ian, �r��ss in value�s less than �h�amflunt of the <br /> sums secured immediateiy��fore the par�ia� taking, destruct�orz, or ioss in va�ue, un�ess Borr�wer and <br /> Lender other�v�se agree in�vr�tin�, the Mis�ellane�us Proce�ds shali be applied ta t�e sums secured b� thi� <br /> Security Instrumen�tivh��her�r no� the sums are then due. <br /> If the Property is aban.doned�y Barrower, or�f, after not�ce�y Len�.er�o Barrflw�r tha��he�ppo�ing Party <br /> �as d�fined in the nex�s�n�ence} a�fers to ma�� an a�ard �a set��e a c�a�m f�r daxnages, Borrnw�r fails �o <br /> respond to Lender�vithin 3�days af�er the date�he notice is given, Lender is authorized to co��ec� and apply <br /> the�iscellaneous Proceeds e�ther�o r�staratian�r repair of the Property ar to th�sums secur�d by�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument, tivhether or no�then due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" means the�hird party that a�ves Borrower <br /> Mis����aneous Pr�ceeds or�he par�y agains��vhom Borrower has a r�gh�af a��ifln in regard t� IViiscellaneous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrawer shali be �n defau�� zf any action or prnceeding, whether ci�il or crimina�, is begun�ha�, in Len�er's <br /> �ud�ment, cou�d resul� in for�e�tur�of the Property ar ather material impairmen�af Lender's in�eres� in the <br /> Property ar right�under this Secur�ty �nstrument. Borrow�r�an cure such a default and, �f acceleratian has <br /> o�:curred, re�ns�ate as provided in S���i�n 19, by causing the action ar proceed�n��o be dism�ssed w��h a <br /> ruling �h�tr �n�.ender's ju�gm�n�! �rec��des farf�i�ure�f t�e P�����ty Qz at�er�mat�r�a� ��xapa������ Q� <br /> Lenderts interest �n th� Prap�r�y or r�ghts under th�s Se�ur��y �ns�rument. The proceeds of any award or <br /> claixn for damages that are at�ributable to the i�npairmen�af Len�ier's �nterest�n the Prop�r�y ar�her�by <br /> assigned and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> A�� M��ce��aneaus Prace�ds tha� ar�not app��ed tn r�storatinn or repair of the Praperty shail b�applied in th� <br /> arder pravided for in Section 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing1�Farr�ify-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 30�8 11D� <br /> VMP� VMP64NE}{�3p,�} <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial Ser���es Pac�e 1�of�7 <br />