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2� 1 ��544� <br /> All insurance policies required by L.ender and renewal�of such policies shall be subj�ct to Lender`s right�to <br /> disappro�e such po�i�ies, shal� �nc�ude a s�anda�d mor�gage clause, and shall name�nder as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an additional Ioss payee. Lender shall ha�e�he r�ght�o hoid the poiicies and renewa� cer����ates. �f <br /> Lender r�quires, Borrower shall promptly�i�e to Lender all receipts of paid premiums and r�newal not�ces. <br /> �f Borrow�r obtains any f�rm of�nsurance co�verage, n�t�th�rwis�requ�red by Lender, for damage to, or � <br /> destruc�i�n of, the Praper�y, such poiicy sha�l inc�ude a s�andar�m�rtga�e�Iause and shall nam�Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an add�tional lass pa�ee. <br /> �n the event�f�oss, B�rro�ver shall gi�e prompt notice t� the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender ma� <br /> make proof of�oss �f not made promp�ly��Borr�v�er. tlnless Lender and Borrower oth�rwis�agree in <br /> writing, any insurance proceeds, whether�r not the underlyzng insurance tivas requ�red by Lender, shall�e <br /> appl�ed tfl res�orati�n or repa�r of�he Property, if�he restoration or repair is economi�all�f�as�b�e and <br /> Lender's secur��y �s nat�essened, I�uring such repaxr and res�oration period, Lender shall ha�e�he�igh��� <br /> hnld such insuranc�pr�ceeds until Lender has had an oppor�unit�to �nspect such Proper�y to ensure the <br /> work has been cample�ed �o Lender's satisfaction, pro�ided�hat such inspec�ion shail be under�aken <br /> �?r�mj����. �:���iP�'r���r�i�h��r�P prnr..���� fnr t�t�rPP�ir� an� r���nrat�nn ir� a �in�i�:��ymPnt �r i� � ��r�P� nf <br /> progress pa�ments as��e vvark is cnmple�ed. Unl�ss ax�a�reemen� is made in wr�tin��r Applicab�e Law <br /> requires in�eres��o be�a�d on such insurance proc�eds, L�nder sha11 nat be required�o pay Borro�ver any <br /> interest�r earnin�s on su�h pro�eeds. Fe�s for publ�c adjusters, or other�hird par�ies, retain�d b� Borrower <br /> sha�l not be paid �u�of the insurance proceeds and shall be�h�sole o��i�a�ian of Borrflwer, �f the rest�ration <br /> or repair is not econom�ca��y f�as�b�e or Lender's security wou�d be less�ned, the insuranee proc�eds shall be <br /> app��ed t� the sum� secured by th�s Secur�t� �ns�rumen�, v�he�h�r�r n�t �hen due, With th��XC�55, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insuranc�proceeds shal� be applied �n the order pro�v�ded for in 5ection 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons�he Prop�rt�, Lender may fiie, negot�ate and settie any a�ai�ah�e in�uranc�claim and <br /> rela�ed ma�ters. If Barrower does nat respond wi�hin 3�da�s to a notice from Lender�hat the insurance <br /> carr�er has offered to set�le a ciaim, �hen L�nder may ne�otiate and sett�e�he claim. The 30wday period wi11 <br /> begin when�he no��ce is gi�en, �n either evez��, ar if Lender a�quires �he Property under Section 2�or <br /> �ther��vise, Borr���er hereby ass�gns to L�nder�a� B�r�•a��er's r��hts to an� insurance proceeds �n an amoun� <br /> no�t�exceed�he amounts unpa�d under�he Noie or���s Security �nstrum�nt, and �b� any o�h�r of <br /> Borrov��r'� ri�hts �flther than�he right�� any refund of ur�earned prem�ums paid by Borrnwer} under a�l <br /> insurance polici�s co�rering�he Prflpert}�, insofar as such ri�hts are applicab�e�a th��overa��af the . <br /> Propert�. Lender ma}�use the insurance�rac�eds �i�her�o repa�r or res�ore the Property nr to pa� amounts <br /> unpaid under the Note�r this Securi�y �ns�rum�nt, whether or no�then du�. <br /> 6. [3ccupancy. Borravver shall occupy, establish, and use the Pr�perty as Borr��rer's pr�ncipai r�s�dence <br /> w�thin G�days af�er the execu�ion of thx� Securi�y Instrument and shall continue�o occupy the Proper�� as <br /> Barrflwer's princ�pa� res�dence f�r a�lea�t one year after the da�e�f o�cupancy, uniess Lender o�herwise <br /> agrees in vvri��ng, wh��h c�nsent shal�n�t be unr�asonably w��hheld, or unless ex�enuating c�rcums�ances <br /> �x�st whi�h are b�yond Bo�rrflwer's con�rol. <br /> 7. Preservation, �Vlaintenance and Pratect�an of the Prvperty; [nspections. Borrower�ha�I not destr�y, <br /> damage or impa�r�he Proper��, ailow the Proper��to deter�orate�r��mrni�v�aste an�he Pr�per��. Whether <br /> or no�B�rrower is residing in the Prop�r�y, Borrnwer shall main�ain�he Proper�y in order�o pre�ent�he <br /> Property from de�er�orat�ng or decreasing in value due to its candition. [1n�ess i� is determin�d pursuan��o <br /> Sec�ian 5 �ha�r�pa�r ar restora�inn is not econonru�a�Iy feasib�e, Borrower shal.l promp��y r�pair the Proper�� <br /> if damag�d�o a�o�d fur�h�r de�erioration�r damage. If insurance or�ondemnation pro�e�ds are pa�d�n <br /> c�nne�t�on w�th damage��, or the taking flf, the Proper��, Borrow�r sha�� be responsible for repa�r�ng or <br /> res�oring�he Proper�y on�� if Lender has re��ased proceeds far such purposes. Lend�r may disbur5e proceeds . <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingte�ami�y-�anr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRIJMENT Fo�rr�3Q28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP6�NE)�13�2f <br /> Walters Kluwer FinanGia!5er�€ces Page 7 0#17 <br />