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2� 1 ��544� <br /> requ�red by R�SPA, and Barrovv�r sha�� pay to Lender�he amount ne�essary to make up the de�ciency �r� <br /> a�cordance W�th R�SPA, but �n no more than �2 monthi�r payments. <br /> Upon payn�en� in full af al� sums se�ured by th�� Secur�ty �nstrunz�n�, Lender shall pramptly refund�� <br /> Borr�wer any Funds held b� Lender. <br /> 4. Gharg�s, L��ns. Barro�v�r shaii pay ail �axes, as��ssrnents, charges, �in�s, and �rnp�sit�ons attr�butab���a <br /> th�Property which can atta�n pr�ority aver thzs �e�ur�ty Instrument, Ieasehold pa�ments or gr�und r�n�s on <br /> �h�Property, �f any, and��mmun�ty Assoc�a��on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, �f any. Ta the ext�nt that <br /> these�texns ar�E��raw �t��ms, BorrQvver sha�l pay them�n the manner provided in Sec�ian 3. <br /> Barrawer shali promptly discharge any lien which has pri�rity�v�r th�s ��curity �nstrumen�un��ss <br /> Borr�wer: �a} agre�s in writ�ng �� the payment af the�bligation s��ured by�h��ien�n a manner acc�p�ab�e <br /> tn Len��r, �u�on�y s� �on� as Borr�wer�s perform�ng such agreement; �b} �antests �he Ii�n �n good faith b�, <br /> ar defends against enforcenzent�f�he lien in, lega�praceedings tivhich in Lender's�pinion operate to prevent <br /> the enforcement of�h�Iien while those proceedings are pending, �ut only unti� su�h proceedings ar� <br /> concluded; or�c} secures from the holder of�h�l�en an agreemen�satisfactory to Lender subardinat�n�th� <br /> Iien�o�h�s Secur��y �nstrumen�. �f Lender de�ermines that any par�of�he Praper�y �s subjec��o a�ien which <br /> can a��a�n przority o��r th�s Secur��y �nstrum�n�, Lender may g�ve Borrower a notic�identifying th�Iien. <br /> VL��th�n ��days of th�date on v�hich that notice is g�ven, B�rrower shal� sa�isf� �he lien or�a�Ce ane or more <br /> of the ac�ions set f�rth above in thx� Secti�n 4. <br /> Lender may requ�re Borr�wer�o pay a one-time charge for a real �s�a�e�ax�er�f�ca��an andl�r r�port�ng <br /> s�rvice used by Lender�n cannec��on�v�th�h�s Loan. <br /> 5. Prop�rty �nsu�ance. Borrawer shai� keep�he �mpr��ements now exis�ing or h�reafter erect�d on the <br /> Proper�� insured against loss b� fire, hazards inc�uded��v�thin the term "extended ca�erage," and any o�her <br /> hazards including, bu�not limited to, ear�hquakes and flaods, for�vhich Lender requires �nsurance. Thzs <br /> insurance sha�i be mazn�ai�ed �n �he amoun�s ��nc�ud�ng deduct�b�e�e�e�s} and f�r the p�rzods �hat Lend�r <br /> requ�res. �Ihat L�nder requires pursuant to the prec�d�ng sent�nces can chang��urinb the term of th� Laan. <br /> The insurance�arrier providing the insuran�e shal� �e chosen by Borro�ver subj��t�a Lender's right tQ <br /> d�sappro�e Borrower's�ho��e, vc�h�ch ri�ht shall nat be exercised unreasonab�y. L�nd�r ma� requ�r� <br /> Barrawer to pay, zn canne�t�an w�th thzs Loan, ��ther: �a} a one-time charge f�r��.��d�on�d��ermination, <br /> cer��f�cation and�racking ser���es; �r�b} a one-t�me charge for f�oad zane determinat�on and�erti�'i�ation <br /> serv�c�s and subse�uent charges each time remapp�ngs or sinziiar changes occur vv�ich reasonab�y might <br /> affe��such determinat�on ar e�rtif�cat�on. Barrawer sha�i aisa be respons�bl�for�he pa�ment�f any fees <br /> imposed by the Fed�ral Emergen�y Managemen� Agenc� in connec�ion with the re�iew of any ��ood zone <br /> dete�-minat�on resu�t�n�fram an❑bj ect�on b�r Borrower, . <br /> �f B�rrawer fai�s �o maintain any af the�overa�es descr�bed above, Lend�r may ab�ain insur�nce Gaverag�, <br /> at Lender's op�ion and Borra�er's expense. Lender is under no obl�ga��on to pur�hase any par�icular type flr <br /> ��ui�t o������`���. Th��'��'��`�, �u�h��������sh�.l� �t����'L��.���`, �ut���Y�t�r�gh������'�t��� B�i��'�w��', <br /> Barrower's equi�y �n�he Prop�rty, or�h�contents of the Property, aga�nst any risky ha2ard or�iability and <br /> m�ght provide greater�r�ess�r co�erage than was pre��ously in eff�ct. Borr�w�r ackn��ledges tha�the c�st <br /> of the insuran�e�o�erage so ob�ained might signi�cantly exceed the cast af�nsuranc�that Borraw�r cau�d <br /> ha�e�btaine�. An�amnunts��sbursed by Lender under�h�s Se�t�on 5 shal� b��o�me additi�na� d�b�af <br /> Borrower secured by thi� Secur�t� �nstrument. Th�se amounts shali bear interest at�he N'ate rate from the _ <br /> date of disbursement and�hall b�payable, wi�h such interest, upan not�ce fram Lender ta Borrow�r <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famiiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UN��DRM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3fl28 1101 <br /> VMP a VMPBiNEj 413023 <br /> Wolters Kluwer FinanciaE Ser�icss Page B vf�7 <br />
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