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2� 1 ��544� <br /> d�s�gnated a subs��tut�na��ce address�y no���e to Lend�r. Barrower sha�i promptl�notif�r L�nder af <br /> Borrower'�chan�e of address. �f Lend�r sp���f�es a pracedure for r�porting Borrower's char�ge of address, <br /> then Borrower shall on�y rep�r� a�hange of address�hrough that�pecified procedur�. <br /> There may be on�y one designa�ed na�ic�address under this Se�urity �nstrument a�any�ne t�me. Any na�i�e <br /> to Lender sha��be�iven by dei��er�ng ��or by mailing it by f�rst class ma�l ta Lender's address stated herein <br /> unl�ss Lender has designa�ed ano�her a�dr��s by no�ice tn Borro�ver. Any not�c� in connection with this <br /> SeCur�ty �nstrum�nt shali no�be de�med tn have b��n given t� L�nd�r unt�� actualiy receiv�d by Lender. �f <br /> any n�t���required by �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt is a�so required under App��cable Law, �he Appl�ca��e Law <br /> requ�rement wil� sa�isfy the correspand�ng requiremen�under�his Security Ins�rument. <br /> 16. �o�erning Lavu, Severab���ty; Rules �f Constru�tian. Thi� Secur�ty �ns�rument shall be g���rned by <br /> federal �a�v and�he Ia�v �f the jurisdi�tion �n wh�ch th�Pr�per�y is ��ca�ed. Ail rights and abl�gations <br /> conta�ned in this Securi�y �n�trumen� ar�subjeet to any requiremen�s and limitations of Appl�cab�e Law. <br /> Applicab�� Law m�ght explic�tly or implicitiy allow the parties to agree by contraCt or��m�ght be siient, but <br /> su�h s��ence shall not be construed as a prohibition against agre�ment by contract. �n�he ev�nt that any � <br /> prov�s�on or clause af this Security Instrument ar the N�t�conf���ts w�th App�icabi�Law, such canflic� sha�� <br /> not affect ather pra�isians of th�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�or�h� Note which can be given effect w�th�ut the <br /> conflicting prflvis�on. <br /> As used �n�h�s Security Instrument: �a} words af the mascu�ine gender sha�� mean and �nclude c�rr�sponding <br /> neuter words ar words of�he fem�nine gender; �b}words �n the s�ngular sha�� mean and inGlude the p�ura� <br /> and vice�ersa; and�c} �he�vord "ma�" g�ves so�e discretion wi�hflut any obliga�i�n tn tak�an� action. <br /> '17. Borrvwer's �npy. Barr�wer�hall be given an�copy of the N�t�and of this Securi�y �nstrument. <br /> '18. Transfer of the Property ar a Beneficia� Interest �n Bo�rvwer. As used in this S�c�ion 1 S, "�nt�rest �n <br /> �he Prap�rty" means any legal or benef�c�a� �n��res� �n the Proper�y, inciuding, but n��lim�ted tfl, thQse <br /> beneficiat interes�s �rans�err�d �n a b�nd for d�ed, �antrac� for deed, instaliment sa�es contrac�ar escrow <br /> agreem�nt, th� �nten�of wh�ch �s�he�ransfer of ti�le by Borrow�r at a future d��e�a a purchaser. <br /> �f all or a��y part af the Propert� or any �ntere�t in the Property is s�id or transferr�d �or if Borr�u�er is nat a <br /> natura�person and a bene�ic�al int�res�in Borraw�r is �a�d ar transferred} �vithout Lender's pr�or tivr�t�en <br /> consent, Lender may r�qu�re �mmed�a�e payment in fui� of a�l sums se�ured by �his Security Ins�rum.ent. <br /> Ho�v��er, �h�s npt�an sha�� not be�xerc��ed by Lender if such ex�rcise is pr�hi�i�ed by App�icabie Law. <br /> �f Lender exercises th�s optian, L�nder sha�� give Bnrrow�r notice af acce�erat�on. The natice shall pro�ide a <br /> per��d o�no� �e�� than 3fl days from th�date the not��� �s given in ac�ardance��ith Sec�i�n 15 tivith�n vvhich <br /> Borro�ver must pa� ai� sums secured by th�s ��cur��y �nstrument. If Borrower fails ta pa� these sums pr�or to <br /> th�expirat�on of th�s per��d, Lender may in�ake any rem�dies permitted by th�s 5ecur�ty �ns�rument r�i�hout <br /> further n�tice or den�and on Barrawer. <br /> '19. B�rr+�v�v�r'� F�����t t� R�ir���a�� A���r A�cc:����atir�r�. �.�B�rr�w�r����e�s �;ert����c;����i��v��, Bt�rrt�w�r <br /> shali have the r�ght�o have enforcemen�of this Security Ins�rum�nt dis�ontinued a� any time pr��r to�h� <br /> earli�st of: �a} �ve days befare sa�e of�he Proper�y pursuan�to any povver�f sale conta�ned �n this Security <br /> �nstrument; �b} such a�her period as Applicab��Law m��ht spec�fy far�he term�natian of Borr�wer's r�ght�a <br /> reins�ate; ar�c}�ntry af a�udgm�nt enfarc�ng this Secur�ty Ins�rument. Th�se��nd�tions are�hat Borrower: <br /> �a}pa�s Lender all sums wh�ch then wou�d be due under th�� Securit� Ins�rum�r�t an� the N��e as �f no <br /> acceleration had occurr�d; ��} cures any defaul�of any other���enants�r agreem�ents; �c} pays all�xpenses <br /> in�urred �n enfarcing�h�s Securi�y Instrurnent, in��uding, but n��limited to, reasonable a��orneys' fees, <br /> proper�y �nspe�tion and va�uat�nn fe�s, and�ther fees �ncurred for the purpo�e af pr�t�cting Lender's �nterest <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-��nni�M��1�reddie Ma�UNIFqRM INSTRUMENT Form 3428 1141 <br /> v�nr�Q �n�iFGt���z t��o�f <br /> Wolters Klt�wer Financial 5�r�ices Page 12 vf 17 <br />